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Absolutely Amazing video! "It's Time To Wake Up - We Are All One" Must See

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posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 09:45 PM
It didn't show up but some1 help please help's named this on Youtube
Former KGB Agent Explains the Brainwashing of America 1980's

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by unworldly
That video--and the message it's trying to put forth--is, quite frankly, bull#. Try telling psychologically scarred, hurting, abused, neglected, or otherwise outcast, rejected people that "we are all one!" and see how much they'll agree with you. It isn't at all impossible for a person to grasp this concept of oneness if she or he isn't particularly unique in the first place. Try, however, to tell someone who knows all too well the pain of being different that "we are all one." You won't get a lot of agreement.

You are confusing truth with your personal opinions. Current reigning explanation for the beginning of existence includes the idea that all matter in the universe (which is expanding outwards from a point in space, at a faster rate every second) once occupied exactly the same spot. At that time the current "laws" of the universe did not exist. Every 'thing' was the same thing. We are still the same thing that existed at the proposed beginning of everything. The matter of the universe is recycled constantly. The water inside of each of us is the same water that dinosaurs consumed millions of years ago. We really are all one. Beliefs are still opinions however true or not they may be.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by D1ss1dent

Unfortunately, you talk for yourself. I never said that we are not all connected. What I'm saying is that somewhere in the video, they're saying: "Our reality is just an illusion." and that is pure bull#. I never said a word about oneness.

It could be entirely true that our reality is just an illusion. It can't be proven true or untrue from either side, we just don't know. If everything we know or ever will know is just an illusion, then the illusion is real to us.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 01:34 AM
Props the the Braveheart music when Jim Carrey starts talking. Made my night

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by unworldly

Thank you for saying this. I have a hard time with this increasingly-popular trend of believing we all share a 'hive mind'. In addition to the poor neglected souls, what about the great ones who worked hard to set themselves above the rest? Do the souls who spent their material existence lying, cheating, lazing, corrupting and harming deserve to share in that achievement?

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 05:16 AM
Ya know... on further thinking, I'm fed up of this moral presumption by certain people in the spiritual movement. Several posters in this thread have stated, rather condescendingly (and arrogantly) that “one day you’ll ‘get it’ like I do, and realize we’re all one”. I’m not dismissing the idea at all, but it is just another spiritual theory among many. It is not gospel, it’s just currently quite a fashionable idea.

Actually, to be honest, I’m pretty fed up with this whole ‘peace, love & light’ stuff which many ATS posters seem to be signing every post with. That’s not to say I don’t value peace, love and light. But true righteousness and enlightenment sometimes requires violence, hate and darkness. For a start, you can’t know peace, love and light without knowing violence, hate and darkness. Many of you are probably reading this getting ready to hit the POST REPLY button to call me ‘unenlightened’. But come back to me if you ever have the misfortune of catching an intruder trying to rape your daughter. Tell me how peaceful and loving you were in that moment. Or perhaps you find yourself one day confronting a member of the Rothschild family who decides to let you in on everything they and their forefathers have been responsible for. Tell me just how much you ‘loved’ them in that moment.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by Cythraul

What if? What if? What if?
All those 'what ifs' make you fearful. Let's think of the worst thing that could happen and then we can hate and blame and fear. If you like to hate and blame then carry on listening to your mind making up stories of fear.
What's wrong with right now unless you 'think' about it.
The mind is full of horror stories.

Now is the substance and container of everything.
Now is one and you will never beable to separate yourself from now.
You and now are one.
What's wrong with right now-unless you make up a story of pain and misery?
edit on 14-11-2011 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

You seem to be suggesting that rape, murder, oppression and malevolence don't exist.

Proof that you and I are very, very different souls.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by Cythraul

It doesn't surprise me that a person like yourself exist. I can see how you would feel and understand that logic but truth of the matter is it does not change the point that many here have been repeating. It's all part of a whole, even with those remarks you made they're are lessons to be learned. So yes your right and wrong, I would rather learn my lessons in the light understanding that I will have to deal with the dark.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Mosthated718bx
reply to post by Cythraul

It doesn't surprise me that a person like yourself exist.

And what sort of person is that? Remember - just because you personally believe something, does not make it truth. Some people find your ideas about Universal Oneness discomforting in the same way others find Christianity discomforting. Do not presume to think that everyone will cry with joy at the 'truth' you are sharing. I'm not saying I'm one of those people, but then again I do find the notion that I am one-and-the-same soul as Tony Blair deeply offensive.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by Cythraul
Ya know... on further thinking, I'm fed up of this moral presumption by certain people in the spiritual movement. Several posters in this thread have stated, rather condescendingly (and arrogantly) that “one day you’ll ‘get it’ like I do, and realize we’re all one”. I’m not dismissing the idea at all, but it is just another spiritual theory among many. It is not gospel, it’s just currently quite a fashionable idea.

Actually, to be honest, I’m pretty fed up with this whole ‘peace, love & light’ stuff which many ATS posters seem to be signing every post with. That’s not to say I don’t value peace, love and light. But true righteousness and enlightenment sometimes requires violence, hate and darkness. For a start, you can’t know peace, love and light without knowing violence, hate and darkness. Many of you are probably reading this getting ready to hit the POST REPLY button to call me ‘unenlightened’. But come back to me if you ever have the misfortune of catching an intruder trying to rape your daughter. Tell me how peaceful and loving you were in that moment. Or perhaps you find yourself one day confronting a member of the Rothschild family who decides to let you in on everything they and their forefathers have been responsible for. Tell me just how much you ‘loved’ them in that moment.

It's hard to fall victim to peace, light, and Love, but in the event you need some background... A comparable to this realm (similar function) is that of flat screen TV or computer monitor. You're a product of frame rate. This is "Now." You should understand the connection to source with a parsing of consciousness.

Secondly, rapists on top of Rothschild, Warburg, Davidson, Lehman, Bush, Goldman, Morgan, Rockefeller, etc., etc., are essentially dead zones. They're egos that require being cast off. An 80-100 year lifetime in this World is a drop in the bucket. A record of deeds holds considerably more weight than I imagine these individuals grasp.

In summary, it gets worked out rather easily... All you have to do is get on board.
edit on 14-11-2011 by Americanist because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Cythraul

For the record, my intention was not to pass judgment on you and your views. And yes I can see your point in regards to different groups of ideology being taken back by different approaches of beliefs. I merely try to state that whether you subscribe to Christian view or any view for that matter the end game in my view is growth, the road to how you get there is ultimately up to self.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by Americanist
Secondly, rapists on top of Rothschild, Warburg, Davidson, Lehman, Bush, Goldman, Morgan, Rockefeller, etc., etc., are essentially dead zones. They're egos that require being cast off. An 80-100 year lifetime in this World is a drop in the bucket. A record of deeds holds considerably more weight than I imagine these individuals grasp.

I get your point, but my personal belief is that the evil expressed by these men is so great that it must be drawn from a source beyond their current mortal selves. I don't believe they are capable of suddenly turning 'good' in their next life, rather - they would require several lifetimes to shake off the evil present in their higher self to be capable of a positive incarnation on Earth... besides which, what's all this talk of "record of deeds"? That implies that the same human consciousness reincarnates as a consistent spiritual entity. How can that be possible if our consciousness is pooled outside of human existence?

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by Cythraul

I don't think anyone has been condescending or arrogant in this thread. I think that this belief (and that's all it is) is experiential for a lot of people. I'll not be convinced by any religious dogma because I have experienced something else directly. It is a joy for me....but each to their own.

The great and the good, the bad and the's all experience.

I enjoy the analogy of the ants in a dish with a lid on it which has five separate holes. Someone sticks their fingers and thumb in the holes....the ants look up and see five separate objects.....they don't see the hand, the arm, shoulders, head of the single being invading their world

edit on 15-11-2011 by christina-66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by Cythraul

Horrible things happen to good people. But a weak person lets that effect them. Its horrible ur daughter was nearly raped. But you are no better if you start spreading hate. Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:14 PM
Very moving and thought provokig video OP, Thanks for that.

It would be nice if one day humanity reached a point of understanding where we all thought along the lines of unity as the video leans toward.

I think many of us are starting to wake up to that idea.. of interconnectedness and all being one humanity.
Also i think that many other people struggle with accepting the idea and thus fight to preserve their world views.

I think it is about showing empathy toward these people and understanding that we too came from this place of ignorance and fear. That's not to belittle any one person or to come across condescending, that isnt the intention. I am simply pointing out that many of us are spiritually evolving faster than others. I think rather than fight those that are struggeling with the idea of unity it would actually be better to hear them out, let them have their say and then explain your point of view to them. Show them that your ideology encompasses their interests as equally as your own. That they are in your picture as much as you yourself are. That there is no idividuality, no difference and that we are all infact one.

When enough of humanity awaken to this idea then and only then can we start thinking about bringing peace back this beautiful earth which sustains us.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by newcovenant
I humbly have to agree with your point of view. I saw the light, and the light won

Well darn, cant make this a one liner so Ill just say there is a truth to the "Guiding Light from above"

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 02:00 AM
Just a reminder
With some popcorn,and a pinch of salt..

edit on 21-8-2012 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by Lightbringer38

The video is well produced and has plenty of notable names that make plenty of very definitive statements concerning "oneness", but there are some real gaps in the progressive chains of inference that result in serious misinterpretations of basic reality tenets. Here's one example.

John Hagelin (starts at 6:20) gets into a piece about oneness at the quantum level, and while he's right about all material existence reducing to a common basis, he jumps to calling that basis "intelligence", as if it's a toss-off term that can simply be inserted within his sentence without any evidence of its appropriateness as descriptive of what it is that actually sits at the very substructural foundation of material reality. And it's not as if such a claim is a minor assertion. It's not. In fact, this is the very same claim that religionists make concerning the substructure of reality - that it is the intellectual expression of a conscious creator. Only Hagelin is refraining from using words like "holy" and "God" as he quietly reaffirms the exact sort of unproven, faithbased assertions that one might initially believe that - as a physicist - he aims to clear up with a scientific argument of some sort.

I often wonder if modern physics will actually survive as a serious branch of science. To be honest, it doesn't look good. The push to mate theoretical physics and spiritualism isn't doing either discipline any favors, but it's really killing the credibility of the former.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by Oxygenation
Very moving and thought provokig video OP, Thanks for that.

It would be nice if one day humanity reached a point of understanding where we all thought along the lines of unity as the video leans toward.

I think many of us are starting to wake up to that idea.. of interconnectedness and all being one humanity.
Also i think that many other people struggle with accepting the idea and thus fight to preserve their world views.

I think it is about showing empathy toward these people and understanding that we too came from this place of ignorance and fear. That's not to belittle any one person or to come across condescending, that isnt the intention. I am simply pointing out that many of us are spiritually evolving faster than others. I think rather than fight those that are struggeling with the idea of unity it would actually be better to hear them out, let them have their say and then explain your point of view to them. Show them that your ideology encompasses their interests as equally as your own. That they are in your picture as much as you yourself are. That there is no idividuality, no difference and that we are all infact one.

When enough of humanity awaken to this idea then and only then can we start thinking about bringing peace back this beautiful earth which sustains us.

Check this out sometime when you feel like getting a better understanding about why you remain standing if someone next to you stumbles.

Holon Theory

There is unity at the base, but there is necessary delineation at all levels above the base. Without this very clear and concrete understanding of reality, you'll never make actual sense of what it is that you've embraced as an ideology. Your assertions will lack any level of applicability to what clearly exists around you and within you. You'll just be another pile of words that never resonate within the viscera of those who hear you but are unable to actually internalize what it is that you're saying.

A beautiful philosophy is worthless unless it can be immediately integrated into the reality view of the person who is being exposed to it. If a person has to work to "become deserving" of a philosophical enlightenment, then there's no chance that this philosophy will actually change more than a very select handful of people who were already predisposed to embracing it (or something very similar to it) before being exposed to it. And that means that the philosophy is a failure, and by all measures of what philosophy is supposed to accomplish - the lifting of cultural vision on a large scale.

Until this is realized and taken into consideration, there will continue to be tiny pockets of you guys resenting (or pitying) everyone around you for their willful ignorance. And nothing will actually lift this culture's gaze from money and competition and tits and bellybuttons and whatever else it is that really reaches in and grabs hold of people at the visceral level. Failing to connect isn't transcending the herd. It's just failing to connect.
edit on 8/21/2012 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

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