posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 12:35 PM
Told people at a 1996 UFO conference that stars in the sky were actually giant UFOs hovering in space above the planet. Said this was reason
stars shifted position in sky!...
This is sometimes a plausible explanation, for "light" UFO (orbs etc.). A boat navigator I know saw lights moving in a square position a few
km high, they moved faster than sound.... but with no sound, and it did the light on/off in massive square shape a few times and for more than 1
minute.... In the middle of the pacific ocean, he had a witness on board, thousands of km from any city or civilization.
He saw it twice, stars
on/off with fast moving speed, in his lifetime. He is of course highly trustable, interestingly himself prefers not to research the ufo
Whether these videos are true or not (note that the black spere in the first video, is pretty convincing!),
it does not matter: UFOs are real and Aliens too.
There is plenty of evidence if you look at videos from all over the place, and well researched
books like 'Alien agenda' by Jim Marrs, with 300+ references....
It takes time to learn these things since they are hidden from MSM but it is a rewarding search with interesting insights about our history, and the
current situation. But for sure, some UFOs and some Aliens reports are 100% real.