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NWO or Unity???

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posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 11:29 AM
I'm starting to think that NWO conspiricy theories could be the most influential dis-info to hit The People of Earth. I'm only presenting a theory and I'm not sure if I'm "down" with it yet. In my opinion, one of our current goals as The Human Race, is to come together as one. Think of the technological, scientific, and even spiritual breakthroughs we could have, if every nation and tribe put aside their differences for the Greater Good.

Now, what if, and this a BIG what if, the wealthy Elite put together a ton of propagada to ensure people that their attempting to start a corrupt New World Order, and even took certain steps to provoke the idea. Thus, creating...

Now it's been proven many times before, that dividing a group is a very effective strategy to change the direction of their motives, and maintain current rule.
Another tactful stradegy used throughout history is to instill fear into the mass, in order to push them into a certain direction.

Now the theory I'm presenting is far-fetched, but crazy enough to work. Just look at the way we view the possibility of a New World Order. By the way, where did this term come from?

During the 20th century, many statesmen, such as Woodrow Wilson and Winston Churchill, used the term "new world order" to refer to a new period of history evidencing a dramatic change in world political thought and the balance of power after World War I and World War II.

The term may have started as a positive movement, but it quickly got turned around somewhere. The conspiracy theory started somewhere.The fear of such an organisation becoming true has instilled in our minds that ,as nations, if we unify as one, we'll be doomed. Are we gonna let this fear stop us from unifying as The Human Race? Or is there a real evil out there, that's waiting to unify and enslave us all?

IDK, but i thought I'd share this crazy thought with all yall. Maybe were looking at this situation the wrong way.......

.......the way they intended us to take it

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 11:41 AM
United we stand... divided we fall... but I still do not want to sacrifice my rights for the corporations that buy and sell this once great nation every day.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 11:48 AM
I think its inevitable, with the way technology is going , that we will move towards a global society or a New World Order.
History has taught that country's and boarders change over time, Germany wasn't always Germany, the USA wasn't always the USA, so these things will change whether we like it or not...its natural.
We should make sure it works in favour for the masses and not the few.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 11:51 AM
"Unity" = NWO.
No thanks to either.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by radosta
"Unity" = NWO.
No thanks to either.

LOL! wtf

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 12:29 PM
My opinion:

The NWO exists and it doesn't. It is, has been, will be and will not.

The thing is, everyone has an idea what the oh-so-sinister is, but those ideas differ. So, no one is right, but because it is unprovable, everyone is wrong.

People look for a tangible group to be the face of the NWO. Is it the Bilderbergs? International Socialists? Wall Street? Freemasons? Illuminati? G-8? Wu Tang Clan?

I look at it from the abstract. The NWO simply is Globalism. "It" is in control already, in that economic globalism has superseded ant regional political or social power. In a sense, we lost, but losing is only because we are looking to win against something more tangible than actually is.

On Unity. Global order is the next step, and a necessary step, in our evolution as a species. We must unite politically in order to regain control over the global economy...because those who rule it, rule us.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by madhatr137

On Unity. Global order is the next step, and a necessary step, in our evolution as a species. We must unite politically in order to regain control over the global economy...because those who rule it, rule us.

Politically unity will be hard to achieve, here in the UK people treat political parties like football teams, they stay loyal to them for life, even when they know, deep down, they don't have they're voters interests at heart.

However, this new generation, seems to be more informed about how world really works, compared to my generation...and they don't seem to be standing for it, judging by the occupy movement.
So hopefully, they're still chance for us as a species, to move onwards and upwards.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by DBCooper71

It will be hard...but it will happen. It is gonna be a very rough journey to get there, though, if you ask me. I think economic Globalism is going to continue to further weaken national sovereignty tillmwe get to a point where nations are, basically, corporate subsidiaries. We are going to have a new era of Feudalism(neofeudalism; corporate based), then probably corporate-based space colonisation...THEN global political union...Then planets become what nations are now.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 01:10 PM
I want a new world order and unity but I also want a try democracy so let the people decide everything on the net and let us get rid of all the politicians. If we get a true democracy the corparations can't buy us off since the cannot afford the bribe. It is the only way I have thought out that removes corruption from the system. Also keep the decisions as local as possible. Let there be a mix of things that all the world agree on and some that a few agree on and let the solution be a bit dynamic so that people can decide on what mold they want to fit. If you don't fit into a place for instance because you are very religous and you are brought up in an ateist enviroment then you might wanna move to a place that fits you better because you won't be the majority there. It could be a system that lets us all be different while at the same time being tolerant of the differances of the peoples. Namaste

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by madhatr137

Well if you look at the way banks, and corporation's, collect politicians like people collect stamps, some Nations are already corporate subsidiaries, but pretend to be a democracy. Although I believe people are starting to wake up to the fact, that they're vote doesn't really mean anything.

Plus you could be right about corporate based space colonisation, they are already venturing into space tourism.

So who knows, maybe in the future, what you've predicted could come true....if we don't screw it all up before then.

BTW I like the thought of visiting a different planet for my holidays.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by DBCooper71

I am right. I saw it in a vision., not really.

I just look at the cycle of history...
Individuals join tribes.
Tribes make villages.
Villages become cities.
Cities become kingdoms.
Kingdoms become empires/nations.

What would be the next rational step after nations? Either society collapses upon itself, or nations join together into something larger.

Our problem was, nations couldn't do the responsible thing and come together politically. Couple that with the shifting of the dominant economic ideology from something that was, relatively, utilitarian in many facets Keynesian) to an economic ideology much more libertarian and egocentric (monetarism/Reaganomic); you have the emergence of Globalism, which robs nations of their political sovereignty which becomes vested in the controllers of the capital. they've won already, I think, that's what our economic crises are all about...the final usurpation.

The transition will be painful, but it won't last forever and what may come after could be great.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by madhatr137
reply to post by DBCooper71

I am right. I saw it in a vision., not really.

I just look at the cycle of history...
Individuals join tribes.
Tribes make villages.
Villages become cities.
Cities become kingdoms.
Kingdoms become empires/nations.

What would be the next rational step after nations? Either society collapses upon itself, or nations join together into something larger.

Our problem was, nations couldn't do the responsible thing and come together politically. Couple that with the shifting of the dominant economic ideology from something that was, relatively, utilitarian in many facets Keynesian) to an economic ideology much more libertarian and egocentric (monetarism/Reaganomic); you have the emergence of Globalism, which robs nations of their political sovereignty which becomes vested in the controllers of the capital. they've won already, I think, that's what our economic crises are all about...the final usurpation.

The transition will be painful, but it won't last forever and what may come after could be great.

The capital only means something if we agree it does. The day we tell them we won't work for money or use money will be the day when all the numbers and paper will be useless. Money have never been the truth of success and never will. Karma can be a bitch to the people who don't get it. What a person/community/society sows it will reap. Namaste

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by apushforenlightment

I don't disagree with you in principle or philosophically, but the thing I can't figure out, and have grown tired of trying to figure out, is how we get there from here, realistically? And the only way I see we could get there would be after, sadly, either surviving through some sort of cataclysm that sets us back to a far more primitive state OR progressing forward through advanced globalisation, which is probably not going to be pleasant in our lifetimes.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by madhatr137
reply to post by apushforenlightment

I don't disagree with you in principle or philosophically, but the thing I can't figure out, and have grown tired of trying to figure out, is how we get there from here, realistically? And the only way I see we could get there would be after, sadly, either surviving through some sort of cataclysm that sets us back to a far more primitive state OR progressing forward through advanced globalisation, which is probably not going to be pleasant in our lifetimes.

That the problem isn't it. How do we get rid of the old to be able to make the new because right now the old is in the way? I don't have an answer and I am also searching for it. But I belive something have been set in motion on a higher level that is now affecting ous on a global scale. I think we are in for a hell of a ride and we are getting cranky that the change have not come yeet. The bigger the change the better because the we will not end up at the same point when we have bandaided the system. The days for small adjustments to the current system is over. It's flawed and will never work. Back to the drawingboard for a redesign. Namaste

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 02:38 PM
I have occasionally thought along this line too.
It’s not uncommon for people, or groups, that disagree to come together in allegiance in a fight against a common enemy. In past this has often been war tactics. Is capitalistic elites using this to keep their power in tact? Could the elite go against the Unity One groups by developing a NWO fear and thereby maintain their own power and separate control status?

On the other hand, I haven’t as of yet read a good Unity-One (United Nations?) analysis explaining how the world would operate as a ONE world system, or the steps needed to bring that to pass in any kind of result that was successful. It’s all a nebulous airy-fairy concept.

I did however read a fascinating account of many of the Hindu Shiva guru’s being proponents for Unity and One as described by also nebulous eastern ONE concepts. Upon further investigation I read of a Shiva guru who claimed to be the incarnation of Shiva and he also embraced the idea of ONE. Came to find out that his idea of ONE was to destroy the government in grand Shiva style and set up rule as God whereby he would be the ONE dictator of the world and the population who wasn’t destroyed would have to come to him and through him as their guru. So much for hindu ONE-world concepts which desire is to bring the world back to the original religion they claim is the Sanat Dharma (which is just another fascist dictatorship in my opinion.)
In connection with your query about the NWO …….

I wonder where the Occupy group fits into this, if at all? Initially I thought Occupy had some good ideas, but it appears to have gone into the laughable stage. Not sure if that is also another way of bringing attention to the NWO while completely smearing it and ensuring that the elite maintain their separate power.

If the governments could truly come together and set up a fair ONE world system which was well laid out for all the world I would go for it. I’m a socialist at heart. I’m quite sure the capitalist opportunists who are driven by separate and personal success and acquisition of endless things won’t like it. Equally, there are many people who do not want to see a healthy world and I recognize them immediately when they fight against allowing all people to have access to healthcare without having to pay an arm and a leg in insurance policies to get it. These types would likely oppose a unified equality solution.

Regardless, the gap between the haves and the have-nots is increasing more and more in North America and how that connects to the Nwo or Unity groups, or if it does connect at all, is a question worth researching. Not sure exactly how we will get to the real truth though. On the other hand, perhaps the gap will drive the ‘have-nots’ to accept a unification concept as opposed to the current system which is causing social and financial distress. Maybe the NWO is all a ruse from the Unity group to get people to conform through extreme financial lack. (think home foreclosure, unemployed, those who lack money for health insurance etc) Or, maybe the NWO is a ruse from the elite corporations who own and don’t want to conform; trying to get people to fight against a unity for fear of it being bad – as in bad for them who may lose elite control under the guise of capitalistic dreams.

Pardon my ramblings, as you can see, I’ve thought of this too.

edit on 14-11-2011 by gypsy heart because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-11-2011 by gypsy heart because: grammar and sentence structure

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:15 AM
I happened upon a link today (attached below) and wondered if it has anything to do with your topic of concern regarding the NWO as a dis-info propaganda avenue.

PROJECTCAMELOT INTERVIEW WITH ANTHONY SANCHEZ RE DULCE & PROJECT LEONID... this groundbreaking interview covers Anthony's investigation on the Archuleta Mesa where he contacted a nerve agent that has caused facial paralysis and then links to Project Leonid a top secret SKYNET ALA TERMINATOR type project where a grid of nano-satellites using AI ... self replicating and repairing... are poised for a 2012 landing scenario from a "progenitor" race of beings and how the Chinese are being positioned to rule the world...

Kerry Cassidy
November 4, 2011

The first 25 minutes Sanchez goes on and on about a reaction he sustained during his Dulce visit, but at about 25 minutes in, Sanchez talks about a satellite type of base set up for a race of beings who it is ‘leaked’ will invade the earth between 2012 to 2015. The sound quality is very poor and static, making it quite challenging to hear.


What I wonder is if the nwo along with a unity info is a distraction for some of the more active and analytical questioning types (like those engaging in conspiracy boards) creating a decoy to allow this habitation to transpire. The New Age type of practitioners, and there are myriad, who have numerous approaches to unification from spiritual approaches (from galactic federation to Christianity cleansing end times to achieve the New Jerusalem type of earth) as well as the UN who has a unification approach from a more political approach might also be a distraction?

If that’s the case it certainly has worked because we’re now into almost the end of November 2011, 1 ½ months until 2012 scheduled habitation according to Sanchez and others from Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot. (mind you, I’m also not entirely sure how much I trust project Camelot, so there’s that as well.)

Sanchez claims that china has been slated for world power control for 30 years.

One of many questions is, if the race is so advanced why wouldn’t they be able to control this leak?

I thought I might throw this into the debate as I am interested if this might be a viable solution to your question.
Of course, one has to believe in, or entertain the possibility that there are aliens.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by gypsy heart

One of many questions is, if the race is so advanced why wouldn’t they be able to control this leak?

I think that is the question that gets me the most.
If these forces, aliens, NWO, Masons/Illuminati, whatever are so powerful, influential, sinister, etc., logic would denote that "they" probably have a contingency plan to counter just about any effort against them, or maybe the "actions against them" are actually actions FOR them.

For me, the difficulty in such conspiracy is that leads down a very dark and nihilistic path of nothing really mattering because every action has the potential to be an action against oneself.

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