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Snakebite on my Third-eye

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posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 08:29 AM
Another thread just reminded me of this dream I had some years ago, and I always forgot I wanted to post about it somewhere and get some interpretations. Any opinions are welcome.

My dream: I was walking in nature when I came to a river and sat on a rock. Out of nowhere I was attacked by a snake (possibly brown-colored, but I remember it was plain-looking, like a rat snake, not like a venomous snake) that slithered up from nowhere apparently, and quite aggressively, so I grabbed the snake around the midsection and tried to hold it away from me, but it instantly reared up and bit me in the center of my forehead (yes, where my third-eye would be). It was painless, like a thud (facepalm!), and I woke up instantly, in surprise more than fear.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 08:34 AM
Sex Dream.
2nd line.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by Balkan

I would suggest going to, and searching for "snake", "forehead", etc., y'know, the major themes.

But off-hand, it seems symbolic. The serpent is the symbol for wisdom in much of the world (both modern and ancient), the act of striking (maybe trying to open) your third eye area is a sign you're either on the right track, or need to dig a little deeper in your quest for spiritual knowledge. Just my $0.02!!

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 09:05 AM
I have had two separate dreams within the past few months that were very vivid. Both dreams were with snakes everywhere, and both dreams ended with the same big red snake jumping into my face. Woke me up instantly. I tried searching what it could mean. Possibly Kundalini? I don't have a fear of snakes. I can't remember ever dreaming of snakes before these two dreams.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by starsyren

I'll try that site. Thanks.

I did search quite a bit for anyone else being bit by a snake in the forehead/third eye, but never found anything. I've researched the kundalini awakening stuff over the years, but I came to the conclusion the risk wasn't worth the reward, especially in my case.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 03:11 PM
Im one of the persons that is probably playing around in the rabbit hole a bit to much but it's kinda fun downhere when you know you are protected. I don't know anything about dreams because I can never remember any anymore. The last time I woke up from sleep in the middle I wasn't dreaming at all but mentaly talking like I was awake trying to follow a thread of thoughts to their conclusion. Even if I wanna try lucid dreaming I am not bale to.

If you wanna play around with chi you can try listening to and the 6 other videos. Before I was always going to bed and listening at them for an hour before sleep in headphone. The are very effective for me geeting my other chakras open except the Crown that was already completly opened before I used them. If you are like me you are gonna feel the vibritaion resonate whitin you and feel something moving the top of your head. Namaste.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by Balkan

It seems to me that you where bet by the new world order, and the fangs of that snake penetrating your third eye, could represent an implant! (The New World currency!) Beware of snakes because they are cunning serpents that like to bite brown eyes, (I meant third eye!)

edit on 14-11-2011 by estimatedprophet because: bold

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 12:44 AM
What tips would you give to a beginner.

posted on Apr, 9 2019 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: Balkan

Oh! That was scary. I had a kinda same dream but I was near my swimming pool and out of nowhere this snake tried to bite me. Well, a snake bite can mean that there is some one poisonous in your life that will try to harm you. This is a really useful Guide.
edit on 9-4-2019 by iampeterson because: Nothing

posted on May, 23 2019 @ 07:51 AM
hi everyone. i had a similar dream and came across this thread while trying to find answers about my dream. I dreamt a brown snake as well similar to a ratsnake but instead of biting me in the middle of my forehead, the snake looked like it was emerging from the middle of my forehead (where my third eye is).
I'm not sure what this dream means and i know its a weird and rather disturbing dream lol. But I wasn't afraid of felt nothing .Any one who knows what this dream symbolizes, please inform me.And please don't judge me I dream alot of weird stuff recently.
Thank you.

posted on May, 23 2019 @ 08:22 AM


Not sure why it such a common dream, iv had a friend had something similar. Said he dreamt a snake bit his arm, and woke up right after and told me his same arm had pain in it.

I'd say it quite possible that it may be symbolic in a sense, snakes are widely revered, feared/respected across the globe. I know Judaism has the Bronze Serpent story where during the said exodus the Israelites got bitten poisoned and he erect a pole/cross with a serpent on it, and looking at it would heal the venom supposedly.

Kundalini is symbolized with serpent imagery and it theology. Like the base being a coiled snake and that it must be aroused to uncoil itself from to reach the brain from the spine.

Also the constellation Ophicuhus is drawn as a man handling a snake, much like the above dream. The Hindu god like mount known as Garuda is somewhat similar in a sense.

I also believe that snakes could be symnonous or even symbolic to the concept of Gravity in some cultures.

That or it could be a phobia of sorts, reinforced by cultural believes like Christianity an Islam and how it demonized snakes.

Not that I hate them or demonize then myself, but I do respect the animal enough to leave them well enough alone.
edit on 23-5-2019 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

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