posted on May, 23 2019 @ 08:22 AM
Not sure why it such a common dream, iv had a friend had something similar. Said he dreamt a snake bit his arm, and woke up right after and told me
his same arm had pain in it.
I'd say it quite possible that it may be symbolic in a sense, snakes are widely revered, feared/respected across the globe. I know Judaism has the
Bronze Serpent story where during the said exodus the Israelites got bitten poisoned and he erect a pole/cross with a serpent on it, and looking at it
would heal the venom supposedly.
Kundalini is symbolized with serpent imagery and it theology. Like the base being a coiled snake and that it must be aroused to uncoil itself from to
reach the brain from the spine.
Also the constellation Ophicuhus is drawn as a man handling a snake, much like the above dream. The Hindu god like mount known as Garuda is somewhat
similar in a sense.
I also believe that snakes could be symnonous or even symbolic to the concept of Gravity in some cultures.
That or it could be a phobia of sorts, reinforced by cultural believes like Christianity an Islam and how it demonized snakes.
Not that I hate them or demonize then myself, but I do respect the animal enough to leave them well enough alone.
edit on 23-5-2019 by Specimen
because: (no reason given)