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Originally posted by eXia7
My mother suffered with this, along with many other problems.. It seems the only solution was to just feed her prescription drugs. I remember her being sick most of my life, and I remember fibromyalgia being one of her main problems.. Luckily, she doesn't have to deal with these problems anymore.
My suggestion to you would be to find as many alternatives as you can for pain management. I can tell you, prescription drugs are horrible, and they cause more problems than they fix. Hopefully you don't have this problem.
Originally posted by LittleBirdSaid
reply to post by watcher3339
You may be on to something Watcher. Especially concerning the mercury. It is known that some people are not able to process mercury out of their bodies, this is a genetic issue. I got sick from the Anthrax vaccine, and it is rumored the DOD knew there was a genetic component to those of us getting ill. Not saying it was mercury in the vaccine - but saying there are genetic components.
I want to bring up the Herpes Virus folks - there a many types of Herpes - to include Chicken pox - they are beginning to believe these viruses create a sort of opening for other issues. They now agree some cancers are viral. What this all means is it is possible that these illnesses are caused by something we have not recognized as of yet. Viruses are an example. The new retro virus XMRV is pretty hotly debated in the world of Chronic Fatigue these days. Lymes disease is caused by bacteria - Many diseases that were thought at one time to "be all in your head" - have become curable non issues once the true cause was identified. When was the last time you heard people talking about ulcers? When I was growing up it was assumed that those too were all in your head . . . now we know better.
Originally posted by TheLieWeLive
reply to post by Vamp333
If it is Fibromyalgia you may need a hot tub if you don't already own one. Soaking in hot water should help lots.
Good luck.
Originally posted by Char-Lee
reply to post by Vamp333
It sounds just like my Lyme disease. Look it up and check. I have had good results with astragalus and colloidal silver
It kept the pain down for years.
You know something interesting I read was that many of the unknown diseases and also many known are actually caused by parasites and they are only now starting to realize that the little critters are killing many many people... heart attacks and kidney disease, you name it and they feel many may have surrcumed to parasites.
Originally posted by Rhino5
Fibromyalgia is just another name for hypochondria. All the pain is in your head and the doctor (instead of telling you the truth) will take advantage of you by telling you should have check ups, buy pain killers, etc.
Originally posted by AutomaticSlim
Look also at acupuncture, chiropractic, massage (odd as it sounds since it hurts to be touched, some evidence shows it to be helpful)
Originally posted by wtbengineer
reply to post by Vamp333
My wife has had the disease for a few years now and your symptoms sound like hers. And to Rhino5, I think that was your name, the doctor can do tests to confirm autoimmune disease, which fibromyalgia is, so it is not hypochondria. I think the medication my wife was taking that helped was Cymbalta. She says it helps a lot.