posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 11:35 PM
I was inspired to write this after the little Inception "elephants" thing, when Arthur tells Mr. Saito (in the beginning of the film, in the
helicopter) to "not think about elephants." Mr. Saito naturally, is unable to help his imagination from thinking about elephants. Hopefully if this
works, everyone's imagination will get the better of them.
I am writing this post in order for us, as conspiracy theorists (and conspiracy truthers, since we've been right before) to spread a message to our
fellow humans. I believe most people out in the world right now are sensible creatures but are prone to rash decision-making and somewhat poor
judgement, especially when we gather in mobs and crowds. I would like to see my fellow citizens across the country, and the world to start questioning
the nature of their reality. That is why I am proposing this Project "STOP QUESTIONING THE TRUTH." I hope that reverse psychology will work on
everyone who accepts what the mainstream media tell them. As conspiracy truthers, let's adopt a tactical mindset of raising the awareness of our
brethren by telling them to stop questioning their reality. Why the reverse psychology? I think it will work a lot easier than trying to convince them
of certain conspiracies such as fake moon landings and who really shot JFK. Let's go on the offensive. Let's put some doubt in their head. Here are
some starting points to reflect on:
- Everything the mainstream media reports on is always true, 100% of the time. They have no reason to lie to us.
- The governments and transnational corporations of the world only want the best for their people and customers. They don't care about disregarding
citizen's health/wellbeing for power and profit.
- "Elected" officials and other people in positions of power have no interest in maintaining the status quo. They will gladly share or give up their
- The government always has good intentions when they "classify" things so the citizens they serve don't end up hurting themselves. Governments don't
want to gain power by keeping secrets from people.
- Power DOES NOT corrupt and absolute power DOES NOT corrupt absolutely.
and finally:
- There are no conspiracies. Accept what other people tell you. Don't question anyone or anything. It's not worth being labeled a "conspiracy
theorist" by the same people who insist on putting labels on everyone. Governments, businesses and other organizations have no reason to lie.
Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.edit on 11/9/2011 by
semperfortis because: (no reason given)