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Chapter Zero [D&G]

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posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 03:28 PM
Once upon Istori, in the Imperium ov Averna, lived a young girl who was Princess Mary Dragora. Born ov the Ruby and Emerald Houses Mary was bestowed with the gifts ov beauty, happiness and love. Her hair was black and filled with the stars ov the Creatrix. Her skin was ov the purest snow and her eyes radiated the clear blue oceans ov depth and mystery. Her voice sang with sweetness and harmony that was enchanting. Today was a special day for Mary for it was her birthday. She sat in front ov her bedroom dresser, dressed in a purple dress and shoes, combing her hair in the mirror with one hand and holding close to her a cuddly black kitten with the other hand. Mary had named her kitten Nox, after her mother’s maiden name, it was given to Mary after breakfast had commenced and was the first ov thirteen gifts she was to receive on this day, for today Mary had reached the age ov thirteen. Since she was born she was schooled in the old ways ov the Old Ones who possessed great wisdom and knowledge befitting a future Queen ov Averna. Mary knew that on this day it was custom to receive thirteen gifts, one for each year she had lived, she also knew that a celebration and banquet would be prepared for her.

“I wonder what the other gifts are going to be.” hissed Mary “Non I suppose which could be as magickal and as chaotic as you.” She said, letting go ov Nox who began spinning and crawling across the room.
After she had combed her hair Mary opened a drawer in the dresser which was filled with jewels to adorn herself with. She decided that she would wear a silver ring and a diamond necklace. In another drawer she took out a green ribbon and tied it around her neck. Looking in the mirror she studied herself making sure she looked her best then stood up and left her bedroom and headed out into the hall.

Now it should be known to the reader that this child’s mythos has been scribed in deep ages by the Old Ones. The set rituals ov the Luna taught by magi to the Dragora’s are designed to prepare the princess for the receiving ov the thirteen trials which must be passed between sunrise and sunset over a passing ov thirteen moons.

“Harrow be, Miss D” howled Smoggle who was carrying broken hearts into the abyss.

Ignoring the creature Mary continued along the hall towards the stairs when a thought occurred to her and she stopped. Without turning around so Smoggle could not see the cruel smile that crept upon her vulpine features.


Broken hearts were scattered as Smoggle trembled violently as Mary skipped down the stairs.

Outside in the huge garden sol blanketed the realm with joyful warmth. Averna was filled with strange nature and inhabited by wicked goblins living in its shadows who waited to capture the unwary and stupid. Mary knew all about goblins and their dangers but she was not afraid like the others. Her dreams had been filled with the sacrifice ov lux for many years and she had secretly been studying the dark arts ov the magi since she was ten years old. She would use the power ov evil to win the trials and once she was made queen she would shape the realm to her desires. The It had taught her many wicked and forbidden articles ov occult which at first made her mind spin but that passed with time. In the meantime she had acted the sweet girl that was expected ov her.

A voice whispered in her dreams 'Say the magick words, It sneered, and to you I appear'. Mary raised her arms and called upon the power instilled within her.


The blue sky began to darken and shadows expanded in excitement as Averna faded from view and the ground shook apart as a gigantic monolith filled with unknown hues rose before her higher and higher until it was all she could see. From deep within It stirred and screamed with rage, trapped despite all its powers.

And as it spoke to her of weird enchanments causing cockle shells and bells to chime dismily which grew louder and louder still until it filled the air with its screaming cacophony and suddenly it was quiet again and once more she stood alone in the huge garden, the monolith no where to be seen.

Just then Smoggle came from inside and caustiously approached the young princess and motioned that the first trial awaited her, Smoggle could not speak at all for Mary had cut out its tongue for a cruel joke. Mary walked by and scracthed Smoggles eye as she passed causing it to ooze.

The Banquet Hall was laid out in fine splendour with sparkle decore and exotic food filling the dining table from edge to edge. Servants frantic with final preparations paid no attention to Mary as she walked the length of the table examining the food. She picked out a a fabulous piece of fruit and chomped it with her pointed teeth and savoured the sickly sweetness of it juices before replacing the half eaten fruit back into the bowl and watched it begin to rot which spread amongst the other fruit. Walking away satisfied she returned to her bedroom and after removing a secret panel in the wall and taking out a secret journal she began writing down what the monlith's voice had told her, but this was no ordinary script she penned but illegal and dangerous words and symbols from a language used only by the most powerful demons. In the distance a village bell began to chime the hour and Mary knew that the first trial would begin very soon.
edit on 9-11-2011 by Tindalos2013 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by Tindalos2013

This is a very very good story so far.

A very late submission as I think you would have done very well in this doom and gloom contest.

Looking forward to the rest of the story just the same!!

S&F !

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: Tindalos2013

Wow great stories!

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