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Hello, a little shy

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posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 02:15 PM
Having discovered this forum by accident, I'm looking forward to doing a lot of reading. I have experienced many slightly abnormal things since childhood, and occurring now more frequently, or perhaps my perception of these things has changed.

I have always been interested in information and interpretations of both the inner and outer worlds, but as of yet haven’t come to any conclusions on my own. I hesitate to subscribe to any beliefs not come upon by personal experience, but my own thinking is only multiplying options in dizzying array. Despite my shy feelings about putting any of these things into words, I feel that it’s necessary to at least attempt to understand these things to the best of my ability. Any opinion, if honest, will sit comfortably with me and though I remain skeptical I am seeking to open my mind farther.

Greetings to everyone, nice to meet you.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by wakingtereza

Hello and welcome to ATS.

You are sure to find some like minds here. Enjoy.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by wakingtereza

Welcome to ATS...and I love your avatar

Don't worry about being shy.. I think thats a nice characteristic.. but please feel free to express yourself.

I really hope you find some interesting stuff to expand your mind on the subjects you are interested in...and I look forward to reading what you want to share with us.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by wakingtereza

Hi Nice to meet you im Gonzo and welcome to the wonderful world of ATS,

A place where people either agree with you or Loathe everything you say

Have fun

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by wakingtereza is good to meet you! Welcome to ATS! Keeping an open mind and a constant willingness to learn...and decide for yourself...what is right for healthy. I look forward to your words.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 02:32 PM
I’m sincerely hoping to not be controversial. I don’t have my mind made up on anything, most things that are conventionally unrecognized as valid are at least worth examining. I’m here to read more about the human experience in order to gain more from mine.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 02:32 PM
Welcome to ATS, look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 02:33 PM
Greetings! You sound a lot like me. Have fun and remember to wear your seatbelt.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 02:41 PM
Welcome aboard, there are many thing we don't know about this world. I understand where your coming from. I have had experiences and I have seen things that would baffle the ordinary mind. We all have unique experiences throughout our lives and we all seek answers to the questions that bug us.

once again, welcome aboard

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by wakingtereza

Hi there, wakingtereza, and welcome to ATS. If you take a look at my username and avatar, you'll understand why I was attracted to your thread.

I felt the same way as you and have now been an active member for many months. There is some truly amazing information to be learned here - it just takes a little practice sniffing out the hyperbole from the substantive. You'll find lots of really great, empathetic and knowledgeable people on this site who are nonjudgemental and well versed in a wide array of topics. With that said, you'll also come upon some cretins every once in a while who might try to bait you, but don't take it personally and just ignore them and move on.

I would recommend that you take your time, look around and chime in whenever you're comfortable doing so. Glad to have you as a member and I'll look forward to seeing you around the forums!


posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 02:51 PM
Yoir shyness wil soon disapear here!! Welcome

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by wakingtereza

Hi! Welcome child tell me your story and I'll tell you a lie.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 03:06 PM
It may be worth noting here that my primary interest lies in consciousness and what here falls under the paranormal, though I am hesitant to even say that my experiences are not a trick of my own mind. Every so often in my life I have had a certain clarity about these things, but it seems to fade upon full realization beyond a point of retrieval.

However, I am interested in the entire gamut of information held in these forums, including those that may not seem credible. Perhaps I am not credible either. I'm hoping to decide that in the near future.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 09:05 PM
Welcome aboard. You wouldn't happen to be from Orange County, would you? I have a niece that lives nearby.

Enjoy the ride.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 09:13 PM
hello and welcome

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 09:21 PM
Welcome to ATS! Come on in. Don't be shy. You will find lots of subjects that will peak your interests here.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by wakingtereza

it's good to see that you have an open mind and want it to be like that, but i warn you that ATS may very well turn you into a much greater skeptic than what you thought you could be(in my opion this has a negative conotation to it because being overly skeptical is obviously not a good thing) so i guess my advice would be, remain vigilant and choose wisely the threads and debates you get yourself into. Hope you learn here at ATS most of all because this is a GREAT resource of information more powerful than many are aware. Also watch out for a TON of bull@#itters on here, they'll specifically try to rile you up so that you miss the point......keep that in mind.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 08:42 AM
Thank you, wise advice. I suppose the message is to be discerning.

It may be worth mentioning that I have been involved with online webboards and forums several times, though not one this specialized or large. I am familiar with the general etiquette and atmosphere.

edit on 11/11/2011 by wakingtereza because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 10:45 AM
May you find what you seek. Welcome to ATS.
See you on the Boards!!.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by Druid42

No, central texas here.

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