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My fellow "doomers" I salute you

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posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by wonhunlo

Which one is Pops Nibiru? The one coming from the South, or the one behind the sun?

I always mix my Nibirus up, dagnabbit.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 12:58 PM
Don't give up on the doom. The Dow is down 300 points with the banks getting hammered. Italian 10-year bonds topped 7 today...("game over" point). Italian bankers declared a liquidity crisis. The Greek Opposition Party is up in arms wanting elections AGAIN (which would trigger default and the CDSs coming into play).

It is ON for the doomers today. Lots of contagion going around.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by theovermensch

Are you that really done? lol

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 03:53 PM
With time the planet will get the cleansing it needs. I will admit the constant tease of doom and gloom does make it hard. My EAS failed to work so now I wont even know when it is coming.

I think it would take too much to compile every single wretched thing that looks like the end in one weekly or even monthly news letter. There is just too much stuff however, there can be a way to select top topics the wonderful msm avoids.

I wonder if we will ever know what percentage of the EAS failed, or why do a mock Mars trip when it is decades out, or why hunt for the Goldilocks planet if ours is just right. TPTB truly think we are unintelligent creatures unable to detect BS or they really are just that stupid.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by sinthia
Never lose heart being a doomer.
As a Christian, it is worth pointing out that in the end scoffers will come, and will wonder where is the 'end' that we keep on about. Perhaps this is due to the amount of false doom scenarios?

11/11/11 is intriguing, but as no one knows the day or the hour, it won't be the end, neither will 21/12/2012. In fact it's time to get excited on days with no predictions at all.

9th sep 2009 passed without incident
8th aug 2008 passed without incident
7th july 2007 passed without incident
6th jun 2006 passed without incident and no anti christ in sight.
etc etc etc

notice a pattern, coincident numbers in dates having absolutely no significance whatsoever.

now 11/11/11/ will have some things happening for the simple fact that at 11:11 (europe time) the world will be silent.....well the respectful half will!

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 04:41 PM
Don`t worry, your doom day will definetly come..... sooner or later

Now that the suuuuper sun spot will be facing earth, why not choose a massive solar storm on the 11/11/11 as the next doom event to speculate on ?

edit on 9-11-2011 by AQ6666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 04:51 PM
I for one, welcome our flaming meteor overlord(s).

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 05:10 PM
Unfortunately doom is a part of life. It depends on your outlook - you can enjoy the doom and gloom every once in a while, as long as you remember to live and enjoy life too! If the end is near, what can you do about it? Not much....

Now as for the pending 12/21/12 end date, I say a zombie apocalypse....especially considering the 'labs' have been able to find the 'rage' gene (or whatever).

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 06:02 PM
He who laughs last in this scenario probably does so in an extreme amount of agony so I guess it's gonna be a depressingly moot point when the world goes completely wonky.

I, personally, do feel like the skies are gonna be full of signs both awesome and terrible at the same time someday. When? I dunno...but it's coming!

In the meantime you never know which one of these heavenly pebbles are gonna be one that "lights" up and kicks off some Apocalypse, Go Doomers! Woo-Hoo!.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by casinoed

Doomers monthly.

Good Lord man I love that. Very nice to see a decent thread come from a rookie .
doomers certainly are a class of Gladiator that is all their own.

This place is a blast.

edit on 9-11-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 06:37 PM
"Nibiru Final Update"

It's coming....DOOOOOOOM!

Largest earthquake ever recorded in Oklahoma occurs right when we enter Nibiru's "hypothetical" range of influence.
coincidence? or OMEN OF DOOOOOOOOOOM!?!?!

edit on 9-11-2011 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by Ghost375

Great stuff Ghost ! You're a natural.

I casino reason why you shouldn't be a doomer.

edit on 9-11-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 06:49 PM
Doom was so much better when it was just a ground-breaking FPS in all its pixelated goodness. Shooting the snorting imps and what not is sort of like posting in an Armageddon thread on ATS, except it was a lot easier.

Well the 11th of the 11th is tomorrow for my country, so i'd better start working on Doom 5D

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by bekod

Doomers Unite!

Nothing must distract us from our doomsday fixation!
Nothing must stray us from thoughts of world destruction and pessimism!
Nothing must take our attention from the impending threats to humanity!

Mmm, Fries you say?
Fries with Ketchup?

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 06:58 PM
we have the one world order to come

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 08:01 PM
According to the book i read the Holy Bible. Doom only comes to those that want it, if you don't want it all you have to do is call on the name of the Lord (Jesus Christ, Yeshua ha Meshiach or Yahshua) and you shall be saved from doom.

Confess your sins, ask Christ to forgive you and then believe that he died on the cross for your sins and rose from the dead on the 3rd day and ascended to heaven and sits at the right hand of the father and you have your salvation.

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten Son, that whosever should believe in him, shall not perish but have eternal life.

Believe it and you shall recieve it, it is that simple.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 08:42 PM
Well while I found the OP rather amusing
....I cant help but think WHY DO YOU WANT DOOM??!! lol

True, at least a few times a day I hear of happenings in the world that make me sick to my stomach and uncontrollaby depressed for a few hours...but I can honestly say the only thing that enables me to shake that feeling for a while and enjoy moments of my life, is by thinking positive.

I HOPE, WISH, WILL, and KNOW that it will not always be this way. (Including false predictions of the world ending)

I believe in seeing the bigger picture. I have many beliefs and theories that influence me.

The conclusion I have drawn from my own personal beliefs is that,

We are the human race, we are the most advanced lifeform (to our knowledge) on this planet, a planet we know has been around for billions of years, has undergone many geological and evolutional changes. We have grown in intelligence and technological advancements in a very short period of time. The truth is, that this new stage of human kind has took us all by surprise, and we are not currently wise or experienced enough to handle these new advancements.

Its also true that there are only a handfull of humans that are currently steering/Influencing this evolution, and there is much evidence to say they are not working toward human kinds best interests.

I also believe that we do not yet fully understand the universes around us, and they are many many things that we never thought possible that are actually a reality. A reality we have been brainwashed not to see or believe. We do not yet know that we are all connected, that order always comes from chaos, that we are not alone in this universe and in that aspect we are really really primitive.

We have much to learn, we are all part of the cosmos, things like a meer positive thought can go a long way, will things to happen and they will. If you are a good/positive influence, and everyone is a positive influence.....then everything can only be good

Rambled then, but I hope you got the jist...stop willing us all to die!! lol

p.s : If im wrong and the end of the world is nigh, I say the solar flares get us

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 09:26 PM
This Planet is already dead, this is no life, its a torture chamber...
Soon, a lot of Souls will leave this Planet. Lets back to the place where we came from.
peace to the whole world. may God forgive us.
dont forget LOVE IS LIFE and LIFE IS LOVE

edit on 9-11-2011 by Anunaki2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by Sinny

Phew who would have thought it would be so much work to edit a newsletter? Turn your back five minutes and there's a whole load of replies.

Don't think I am not committed, it's just that I have a lot of other things to do. Standing around on street corners with my "End Is Nigh" sandwich board demands time and dedication. And to unwind, there is a knitting forum I like to visit where I castigate the other members for "Always banging on about Yarn. It's Yarn this and Yarn that with you lot," I tell them. But still they go on about it.

Actually that's not true. And by that I mean none of it. Not a word I have written in this post so far has been true. I have been sleeping. But there is a salient point to what I am saying. ATS is as natural a place for doomers to go - as natural as a knitting forum is for people to talk about wool. I have to turn your question around Sinny,


And ask if you DON'T want doom, why do YOU come to ATS? Please don't misinterpret me. I say you are very welcome here and wouldn't wish you to leave. But for a site with such obvious appeal to doomers, anyone coming here with 'doom aversion' is rather like visiting a knitting forum if you hate the feel of wool against the skin, urghh all prickly and itchy and nasty

Being a doomer is something that is hard wired. It is no different to the colour of your hair or eyes. It is a part of who you are. I have always believed that the world as we know it will end in my lifetime. I still believe it and I will continue to believe it even as I sit there eating pureed food in a retirement home. Nobody here will ever be able to shake me from that conviction.

And it doesn't make me morose. If you met me, you would never know that I feel this way. I enjoy life, I run my own business, I keep horses and try to give them the best life they can have. But I am not fooled by the arbitrariness of it all. For me, being a doomer, or rather having a fascination with Eschatology, is simply more enjoyable than sitting watching reality TV, or playing video games, or going to the movies every night, or going clubbing or any of the other things that people fill their lives with. Perversely it makes me appreciate nature, and the world and the universe, even more. Because I recognise its temporariness and I want to savour it while it is still here and before it is gone. 'Diamond' Joe Quimby said it best:

"For decimating our pigeon population and making Springfield a less oppressive place to while away our worthless lives, I present you with this scented candle."

For me, 'non-doomers' are the ones who are whiling away their lives, frequently occupying themselves with trivia. Reproducing simply in order to make themselves feel like they have made an important contribution, while unwittingly forcing yet another lost miserable soul to wander the earth for three score years and ten without the faintest clue about what they are doing here or why. Doom is better.

But that's just me. There is an old Irish proverb (possibly confined to just my family) and it goes like this:

"Each to their own (said the old lady as she kissed the cat)."

Make of that what you will.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 10:02 AM
Why It's Still Cool To Want Doom:

1) You might as well get use to the idea of you and your loved ones dying, because it's probably the only thing you can count on.

2) It is exciting to think that the world will end in your lifetime.

3) Just because you semi-privately lust for the doom of human civilization, it doesn't mean you can't live a positive, happy and productive life.

4) Everyone knows humans haven't exactly racked up a lot of karma while on earth, and it's time for us to pay.

5) Once you fully embrace that doom is quite imminent, you are free to do anything because you are no longer frightened of life.
edit on 10-11-2011 by cointelprotroll because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-11-2011 by cointelprotroll because: (no reason given)

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