posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 08:24 AM
Hello all. I am a newbie, recent transplant from Colorado to Joplin, MO. Interestingly, I moved to Joplin exactly one year before the devastating
tornado, May 22,2010 and discovered ATS as I struggled to find out information on what was happening with the tornado. I consider myself a patriot and
a survivalist and believe Joplin to be a great place to be in these troubled times. Feeling out of place in Colorado I knew I wanted to live somewhere
where conservative principles and community were appreciated and I found that in Joplin. Not thrilled about that tornado however! Although I have
been perusing alternative sites for years, I find ATS to be far and away the best and have finally decided to stop lurking and join in. This is a
great site for sure!