posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 01:10 PM
Indigenous people and their cultures are more often than not the most abused, maligned, and ill-treated people on this planet.
The very definition implies their obvious displacement, often lacking any truly moral justification.
This fact was so well known and clearly salient to the "authorities" responsible for their subjugation, destruction, or genocide, that each group
has been institutionally lied about, and systematically dis-empowered.
I think, and I may be naive for this, that there are a few such peoples who have found a means to cope with their situation.... I will not offer the
pretense of daring to criticize the choices they have made. But in the end, the fate of those people we like to think of as "poor oppressed
minorities" pales in comparison to the grizzly travesty of injustice aboriginal people endured by way of the influx of "enlightened'
There is strong evidence that the institutional and systemic repression and abuse continues to this day... by those who many claim to be "good"
"honest" and "kind" people.