posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 01:49 PM
Well, what to say. I'm a CoD fan going back to the original. I'm also a Battlefield fan going back to 1942 (ignoring bad company).
This was exactly what I expected in a CoD title. Intense and fast single player (one sitting to complete, seriously) in which you feel like Bruce
Willis in Die Hard or some other action hero as you are just mowing people down like crazy.
Short isn't even the right word, but it ties up the story and gives you a good finish at the end.
This should have been a 30$ map pack bundle. Sorry, dated graphics, same engine, same bugs, not much new besides a few new online modes.
The spec ops and survival are fun, I prefer them over the other spec ops in the older titles, and survival is a nice change from the standard zombie
I just can't see how this game is getting such high scores, it really doesn't deserve that high of a score for me. I can't speak for the online
modes yet, but I'll probably grab the ps3 copy after x-mas.
So far for me, going from single player CoD and single + online BF3, I'll be spending my time in BF3.
CoD is all about "lone wolf" gameplay, even on the team based modes, it's about ME ME ME screw my team look at my Kill to Death ratio!!! Air
strike FTW!!!!11!.
where as BF3 is tactical team based, even on death match. Just can't complete. Then you add in the vehicles and map sizes, yeah, I don't care if
it's limited to 24 people on the consoles, it can handle it fine. CoD MW2 had issues online with a handful of players, I can online imagine online
with 64.
And I have fully ranked up in MAG which has modes with 256 players, so I know all about too many players and extreme lag.