posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 04:20 PM
Originally posted by Chukkles
So whats the general concensus between mature gamers here on ATS?
I never played a SR game.
Is it just a bit of mild entertainment or some really worth sinking your teeth and time into?
Is it jsut stupid stories or are they quite complex adult stories?
Are there any completely mindblowing features???
Worth your time and definitely complex.
I didn't like the first Saints at first because I thought it was a GTA clone but then after the disappointment of GTA; SA and GTA IV, I gave Saints 1
and 2 another shot and loved them.
The third Saints game is pretty silly because the developers decided that instead of working up towards gaining money and items, this time they'd
start off with the 3rd Street Saints as international celebrities with plenty of money so you can do crazy things as well as taking the humour and
such from the first two and ramping it up with the addition of making it OTT as a counter balance to the GTA series getting way too serious.
I'm hesitant to say anything about the first two storylines in case you don't wanna have it spoiled but I've had SRTT on pre-order for months. Since
Duke Nukem Forever's release, this game and WWE '12 were the two games I anticipated the most for the rest of the year.
Oh and anyone know the celeb voices this time?
Obviously Daniel Dae Kim reprises his role as Johnny Gat (can't have a Saints game without him) and Hulk Hogan voices the wrestler that hels you out
but any word on other big names?
Forgot who replaced Eliza Dushku as Shaundi for this game but I definitely remember that I'd never heard of her before.
edit on 9/11/2011 by
curious7 because: (no reason given)