Since Jon Stewart and have been reporting on it, I thought I might weigh in on this. That the Powers that be in this country and the
mainstream media, that parrot the elitist message in two "opposite" currents, do not want Ron Paul to be seen to the American people as the only
acceptable GOP candidate.
Let's start at the beginning. At the beginning, names we heard were Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, Bachmann, and we were teased with the potential
of Sarah Palin coming in the race. Then, when the serious campaigning started, Rick Perry, the globalist stooge from Texas, who promised for the last
few years that he would not enter the race for presidency, threw his hat in the ring. It should be noted that investigators of the ultra-elite
Bildergerg Group had said back in 2007, that Rick Perry had attended the groups meeting in Instanbul, Turkey, and that he may have been tapped for the
So, a top tier started to emerge...
And by all main stream estimates, one could conclude that it was Romney, Perry, and Bachmann.
Then the dominoes started to fall...
The problem with the corporate/establishment top three is that they have to talk AND open their mouths. Rick Perry opened his mouth and on GOP
debate after GOP debate, came off as the buffoon that he is SO much so that his campaign managers have decided that they will hen-pick all of the
debates he will attend. Translation: He is a moron, and if he is given unscripted air time, the American people will become aware of it.
I'll mention Michele Bachmann briefly, like her presidential hopes. Michele Bachmann gets her American history wrong, flubs facts, and in the
Iowa Straw Poll that she "did something in", it came out that she had actually paid people to attend, and then vote for her. I will site that for
those that might not have heard of this...
Yes, it is the examiner, but Politico has also mentioned that. So, anyways, Michele Bachmann's troubles also go so far as her New Hamphshire
staffers resigning en masse.
Well, the mainstream/corporate paid-for media news can't, and will not admit that Ron Paul is the best GOP candidate. They can't/won't tell
you that Ron Paul has the best chances of winning the presidency if pitted directly against the Democratic contender, and that he wins straw poll
after straw poll. I wonder what the presidential debate would look like if it was "Ole' Wall Street"-himself Obama versus, "Ole' Individual
Freedom"-himself Ron Paul.
So what did they do next? They brought out the Godfather, Mr. Herman Cain. The guy who was a board sitting member of one of the topmost Federal
Reserves in the country. We now have a new top tier. Romney and Cain.
But wait, what's this? Herman Cain has not one, not two, but three women coming forward alleging sexual harrassment? This has and will kill Herman
Cains chances.
Let me make one point on Mitt Romney. Firstly, he's a Mormon. I don't hate religion, but the Mormon religion is based on a book that is a
racist book, a fraudulent book, and a joke. Antiquity is the only thing that authorizes the Book of Mormon; 19th century antiquity. Secondly, Mitt
Romney is doing good because he doesn't open his mouth. You don't know what he REALLY stands for. Bill Clinton's campaign manager James Carville
called him "a windsock". It's a great strategy for a Republican in the era of the RINO and NEO-CON. The majority of the countries intelligentsia
are social liberals. If a Republican wants to get as far as possible in this day, he needs to not say much, and not stand for much until the
primaries. That is Mitt Romney's strategy. Because once he opens his mouth, his ship is sank. Oh, his other strategy is perfect hair.
I mentioned a few days ago, that amid the ever growing fervor around the sexual harrassment allegations of Herman Cain, that the
mainstream/corporate media would try to fill that second place hole with another loser candidate. Sure enough, who makes a public appearance in the
last lap? Yup, the Neo-Con globalist flunky himself, Newt Gingrich. Newt and Cain are/were going to have a "one-on-one" debate. What? To see
which one is the biggest loser? Give me a break.
But the pool is growing smaller. Who can the globalist-run media throw at us next? Who will they resurrect from the Halls of Obscurity? I'm
happy that the best and the only one left that the globalists could stomach is Newt Gingrich. He is a clown and entirely unelectable. Will it be
Santorum? Will Donald Trump be the new top tier? Maybe Sarah Palin will finally "get serious".
Look, all but Ron Paul are garbage can, wastes of space. But how long and to what lengths will the global elite keep us from him?