Its funny. When I first joined ATS, I finally felt like I had come to a place where there were a lot of people like me that thought there was
something seriously wrong with the world. Like lots of people on here, I came to learn about just how blatantly corrupt society has become, and how,
in a way, we are completely stunting our own growth as a species. Our focus needs to shift from such an individual perspective to a global
perspective. I'm not saying don't be self dependent, that's not at all what I"m saying. What am I'm saying is realize that you are bigger than
yourself. Right now, in my opinion, one human is no bigger or smaller than the rest of the human race. Not because of his/her job, the way he/she
speaks, his/her religion, what he/she decides to do in the privacy of their house. Not because they disagree with me, and are there for
inferior/superior to me in any way. But because we are all in this together. That's right. You, me, those of differing political sides, those of
different religions, those who have sex with people you wouldn't, your neighbor, the bankers, the politicians, the jihadists, the whites, the blacks,
the reds, the yellows, the browns, the young the old, the couples in love, and the loners inside, etc. We are all on this magnificent journey of life,
and if we could only get by the perceived differences in our mind and learn that its okay to disagree. Disagreement can benefit as much as an
agreement but in a more unique way. If you want a disagreement to be positive, instead of duking out the side you're on till you're red faced and out
of breath, try and come to a consensus. Take the best of both. If you can't, or you just need some time to think out, a little cooperation couldn't
hurt. This is leads me to OWS.
I know there are quite a few people on ATS that are against the protest, and I can see why. However, I find that most of the people on ats try and
continuously paint the whole movement with one brush. You can if you want, but I would suggest taking a second look at the motto of this site. When I
went to Occupy Toronto on the first day, I was thoroughly shocked. A lot more people had turned out than I had expected. They always say this is a
leftist, marxist, communist, rapist. And I do understand that these should raise some flags, but at the same time is it not possible that these people
who happen to be on the other side of the political spectrum than you happened to have been screwed over just as much as anyone else out there
protesting the very real problems that have barely started. The reason why I think most people don't want to join OWS is cause they're too comfortable
where they are. The problems haven't hit them yet, therefore there is no problem. They're calling the protester's lazy, but they're the ones sitting
back and enjoying the "freedom". If the people on this site spent as much time at the protests trying to help as they did bashing it, it would be
easier to achieve something. Everyone's saying what will it achieve, what will it achieve? Nothing if you just sit behind a computer criticizing it
If anything, in my eyes, OWS represents a chance for humanity to unite, not in the NWO way, but in a unified, faimly like way. Don't you find it funny
that you and all those dirty drum beating hippies, leftist, marxist, communist, rapist, naive punks share a common enemy? Don't you find it funny that
no one has been arrested for the '08 recession, yet if it had been committed by you or I, the feds woulda been busting down you're down the second
they found out? If all you're going to do is focus on the negative aspects of the protest, that's all your going to see. And it's sad, cause you're
missing some of the most beautiful displays of human connectivity.
PS, standing in OWS was almost like being physically at ATS. Its nice to see someone else who knows about the blatant corruption face to face than
over a forum don't you think?
edit on 7-11-2011 by SpreadLoveNotHate because: Hit Enter too early