posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by Shar_Chi
I agree. Time and time again I say mining is evil. I've just graduated from a uni science degree, and the only jobs out there for me to apply for are
mining related jobs. Do I sell my soul to the devil or suffer financial strain? I would rather live frugally than work for a mining company.
Back on topic, after watching the show, it is apparent that the coal seam gas mining is not the problem per se (although who knows what damage that
does in itself), but its the ports and processing facilities being approved and built x 6 from Cape York to Gladstone for coal and csg. It's about
the exponential increase in harbour traffic and sea lanes, the increase in potential shipping disasters and threat to marine wild life. It's about
inefficient water testing and the Gladstone fishing industry going under because of inexplainable diseases in the fish, dugongs, sharks and turtles.
The world heritage area starts at the low water mark. So these huge developments (one being 8km long) are within these areas. There are threatened and
vulnerable species at risk from these developments.
The State and Federal governments have both approved these processing plants and port facilities citing an increase in jobs and wealth from exports.
There can be no guarantee that destruction won't occur, no matter how stringent the guidelines for development. They are putting whole ecosystems at
higher risk.
As one guy interviewed said, why, if it has to be, can't they have one or two areas, why 6 spread right along the Queensland coast? Again it's all
about the almighty dollar. It may create jobs, but will Queenslanders, or Australians for that matter get them? Do the benefits out weigh the
potential loss of a species or high mortality rate of several species?
We are a clever country with people who invent wonderful things, then sell the rights to overseas interests because there is no support in this
country for innovation. Australians, if given the opportunity, I'm sure could find economic and environmental energy solutions for our country and
India, China or who ever.