posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 02:55 PM
Lately on ATS I have noticed that most who says the Link is broken, added wrong, doesn't work, ETC... I have never been to one that doesn't. So, I
feel that I am the only one that has the magical power to open them?
I am wondering if some of the ATS users are properly installing the correct and usable programs and software on their computers. I am just saying
because I see too many wasted reply posts, " your link doesn't work, broken, etc." I want to solutions, that when I search for the truth I am not
scrolling through 30 post to the OP that it "does not work."
Anyone else feeling me? I am getting ready to post a few new threads about things in Alaska, but maybe after posting this I may learn a few tricks to
linking correctly. Anyone with Hints, shortcuts, or out-in-the-open ways of doing it..
Yes, yes. I know that there are ATS MOD's that have directions to the ways to link, but bringing it up again may help out more ATS'ers, just trying to
help. I'm just human, I make mistakes too!
BTW MOD's, if this is in the wrong forum, please correct me or move, thank you..
Much love
edit on 6-11-2011 by AK907ICECOLD because: Added for MOD's help, possibly, thank you.