posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by Amenti
Wow.. all it does is explain normal things with a fictional view.
A lot of fluff in the bible. Like all things, it`s easier to be diffuse if you want the masses of people to believe it.
It`s the same principle as the horoscope. If you generalize it enough and put enough fluff around it, then people will see themselves in the text or
find meaning in it. It also -in that way- works as a self-fulfilling prophecy.
If God descends from heaven or the end is upon us I will be happy to come to terms with my self and how I have not lived in belief of the bible.
Until then I will live my life upon the basis of moral, kindness and love, as these are the things I have found to cherish, makes my life complete and
makes ME feel good about my self. Like everyone else I am not perfect, but as I get older, my intelligence and understanding of people and the world
grows - especially my understanding about how I want my legacy and final days to be.
edit on 8-11-2011 by br0ker because: spelling