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Time to Throw the Bums Out: (OWS has over-stayed their "welcome")

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posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by hapablab

Originally posted by nightstalker78
reply to post by hapablab

Not according to the 'ows' protesters.They're the only oneswho have rights now,didn't you know? Even if that means trampling on others' rights.

edit on 3-11-2011 by nightstalker78 because: (no reason given)

It makes my stomach turn, I'm all for the right to assemble and protest but when you act like you are entitled to do what ever you want, that's when it becomes disgusting, I have been watching the live streams every day, and not just NYC also Oakland and yesterday there was about 300 people moshing to music, blocking news media, AND they climbed up on the local news van and started jumping on it, it's becoming a free for all for anarchists who actually like to call themselves anarchists and make fools of themselves with no purpose other then being idiots.
How is that protesting? how is that occupying, all I seen was 300 dirty kids blaring loud music having an impromptu concert.

Totally agree.When this thing started it may have a point or some type of direction.But now the majority of it has become exactly what you just said.Of course,most people here don't want to believe that.They'll tell you that these are are hard working people who are standing up for the rest of us! In no way shape or form do these people represent me.Bunch of bs if you ask me.But what do I know.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:25 AM
I think people should keep in mind that every protester you see, represents thousands of people that feel the same way that you don't.
I know that I'm aware and awake to the fact that all politicians are corrupt, half of Obama's cabinet came straight out of Goldman Sachs, if I know this I'm sure they do too.
Just because some of you have a slave mentality don't think everyone else out there does.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:31 AM
With no real goal whats the point other than to party. I understood when they started but whats the point have fun with other peoples money?

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:47 AM
Having looked at the article and some of what all is going on, there are a few things that can be stated:

The OWS is starting to hurt businesses, and not the big business, rather the smaller ones that are struggling to make ends meet. It came and protested, have had run ins with the police, and are being used as political tools for other major groups, such as Unions.
The park that they are encamped in is not public property and have used pressure to remain there to get their way. They are there for the long haul, and the city government has had enough, as we would be led to believe.

However, there is more to the story than meets the eye, and that is something that we should be aware of.
While peaceful protesting is acceptable in the US, violence, and near riots are not. Nor is it acceptable if the facts as they are reported about the public indecency, defecating in public, sex, supposed drug use, or any other action that just would get a person thrown in jail. Littering and making a general mess is never acceptable and ultimately, this is going to have to stop on the part of the protestors. Winter is coming, and the temps will drop, those in the park are putting themselves in harms way, by remaining there.

So what is the mayor to do, or the city council, for that matter, if there is a clear danger for the protestors, or it is affecting the business of the city? They have to take action and make a stand to clear the protestors out. But as it was stated, there is another side to the story, not mentioned in the article.

Elections are coming up, and next year is an election year, combined with that the Mayoral races will start in 2012, and the current mayor is up for re-election, he is comfortable in his seat. He has to gather donations to be able to campaign to keep his seat and ultimately will have to do something to appease those who will back him, thus he is starting to feel political pressure from those who would donate money to his campaign. That is what this is about, not concern for the protestors, but concerns about him getting reelected and keep sitting in that seat.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by jibeho

I knew there was more to the Park Board than we have been told.

A direct connection to Obama. no kidding...

Good posting Sir.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 01:57 PM
Bloomberg made more statements today that the OWS protestors are crossing the lines and now infringing on others rights (the people that actually live and work there). Continuing to say they are making things unhealthy.

Bingo. that will be the "call". The whole area became unhealthy etc.

Just a matter of time. Saturday's weather seems like it will be in favor of any police action.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by jlv70
I think people should keep in mind that every protester you see, represents thousands of people that feel the same way that you don't.

Ridiculous. Same could be said that the millions of people you don't see,don't care about Ows. They don't represent me.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by nightstalker78
then surely you could let as many as possible in your house? Let them 'protest' during the day then they can crash at your place at night.Instead of interfering all damn day and night with honest hard working citizens.

I will contact my landlord and find out the max capacity is. It cant physically fit more than 5 though. If you need a place to crash, you are more than welcome. U2U me.

Occupy Cluckers 1 Bedroom $#!* Hole!!!

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by anon72

>"No one should have to put up with the incessant noise, filth and downright dangerous conditions...the drumming and tambourines..."
>the drumming and the tambourines
>drumming and tambourines


clearly the people that reside and work in the lower Manhattan area have endured more than they should have had to.

Yes, by God they have. Why, those drums and tambourines would be dreadful to put up with. Hopefully lower Manhattan will do the right thing by having drums and tambourines outlawed, and anyone caught possessing the hippie-music-equipment should be charged with terrorism.

edit on 11/3/2011 by dalan. because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by dalan.

Well, it's a start I guess. Anything can be turned into a deadly weapon-it could be argued.

And, by the time the whole area is ripped to shreds and it determined how much it will cost IF it even gets repaired, the OWS court cases will come up. They are demanding jury trials etc. They won't find many friends on those juries I am afraid.

Again, they have out stayed their welcome and purpose..... in the citizens who live and work in that area. It appears.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 05:11 PM
When the really bad weather starts....the majority will go home....until then.....I say let them stay as long as they long as they are respectful and law abiding.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 05:37 PM
Yea another lets bash ows protester yea...

Ok lets rehash we got, there nazys, commies, hippies, disease spreaders, vandals, vagrants, drug dealers, rapist, thieves, right wing, left wing, people who do there number 1 and 2 anywhere, i heard on cars but still didint get a picture for proof, there lazy, scandalous, evil doers, associated with evil men in power, im sure i forgot some...

Can we have a nice discusion, everybody has there right to an opinion, but by calling people names cause you dont like them, well that just proves theres an agenda somewhere.

Thank you all for sharing how we all fell at least we can still call each other names will world we know is dying off

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by anon72

The yelling and screaming. The public urination and defecation. The drugs. The lewdness. The criminals and their crimes. It’s all got to end.

For a moment there I thought you were referring to the Houses of Parliament.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by thejlxc

So the businesses and residents don't have a right to be there? Maybe the protestors should show some common decency and go home willingly. They have made their point...they are now just being annoying.

What is ok? Know for defending your own property, The owners have every right to shoot the protesters to protect ;their property of which the sweat their blood. I will defend them every step of the way They have earned that right!
I do not think a hard working American's business should be involved. Let's start with evrey Government agency first

Do not let the Government pit yourself against your own people. We lose automatically with that notion.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by cluckerspud
They should remain there because they have the right. Until they break any rules or laws I see no reason for them to leave. Maybe the businesses should move.

Job hunting. There's a reason for them to leave.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by jlv70
I think people should keep in mind that every protester you see, represents thousands of people that feel the same way that you don't.
I know that I'm aware and awake to the fact that all politicians are corrupt, half of Obama's cabinet came straight out of Goldman Sachs, if I know this I'm sure they do too.
Just because some of you have a slave mentality don't think everyone else out there does.

Statistically. One person represents the mindset of on average 300 people.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by anon72

As much as I would love to argue your thread, I find I really can't anymore. OWS has overstayed it's welcome in most places because this isn't what OWS started as. It didn't start as Homeless Shelters, Soup Kitchens, Half-Way houses and criminal safe havens all rolled into one. It started as a protest movement, and certainly not one looking to incite riots or start a civil war.

So much has changed, and it's turned so quickly. I have to agree with the OP here. The decent and well intentioned people still out there in camps need to think hard about getting out before this all goes badly. I have a bad feeling it may, on the 5th or 11th (The big OWS rally dates) and I just hope none of the good people get hurt.

On the other hand, if nothing out of the normal (For OWS anyway) happens by the 11th, I think the anti-climax and reality of winter as something more than academic will pretty much take the wind out of those who are already seeing changes they didn't sign up for.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

How is what I said ridiculous? What I said was true.
Look at where this thread is sourced from, The New York Post, another fine example of fair and balanced journalism from the good folks at Murdoch's Newscorp.

edit on 3-11-2011 by jlv70 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by jlv70

If millions "felt" the same way,millions would be protesting....That was my point,and you don't need a biased media to understand that.......

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

Originally posted by cluckerspud
They should remain there because they have the right. Until they break any rules or laws I see no reason for them to leave. Maybe the businesses should move.

So the businesses and residents don't have a right to be there? Maybe the protestors should show some common decency and go home willingly. They have made their point...they are now just being annoying.

And the protestors have the right to assemble...not the right to set up a tent city wherever they want. Not to mention the fact that the park is privately owned.

If you support them that much...invite them to your house to set up their tents in your yard...don't ask others to do it for you.

Do you even know what a protest means? Do you think the OWS are doing it for giggles?

No - they are there to BE awkward, to be a nuisance and to show how much common decency is lacking in the world. Why don't YOU let them stay in your yard and set an example?

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