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Iran's nuclear activity under scrutiny as evidence of weapons threat emerges

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posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:58 AM
Iran's nuclear activity under scrutiny as evidence of weapons threat emerges

A report by the UN's nuclear watchdog due to be circulated around the world next week will provide fresh evidence of a possible Iranian nuclear weapons programme, bringing the Middle East a step closer to a devastating new conflict, say diplomats.

The report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is the latest of a series of quarterly bulletins on Iran's activities, but this one will contain an unprecedented level of detail on research and experiments carried out in Iran in recent years, which western officials allege could only be for the design and development of a nuclear warhead. "This will be a game-changer in the Iranian nuclear dossier," a western official predicted. "It is going to be hard for even Moscow or Beijing to downplay its significance."

The key passage of the "safeguards report" will be a summary of all the evidence collected over the years by UN weapons inspectors, including a substantial amount of hitherto unpublished data pointing to work in the past seven years.

Western officials say Iranian work up to 2003 involved research and engineering, including the production of some prototype components of a warhead. From 2004, alarmed by the invasion of neighbouring Iraq, those officials say Iranian technicians pursued only design work and computer modelling to reduce the chances of being detected.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:59 AM
Apparently the conspiracy minded people may have called this one right.

Apparently the game is afoot...

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 11:03 AM
why build one when you can buy one ????? same with Libya, and Syria, but Syria would have 2 the one the bought and the one Libya bought, Iran might have 3.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by bekod
why build one when you can buy one ????? same with Libya, and Syria, but Syria would have 2 the one the bought and the one Libya bought, Iran might have 3.

Buying a nuke on the open market would undoubtedly bring a swiftr military strike. The goal of some of these countries is to develop a nuclear weapon in secret.

That way they can have their bomb and eat it to.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 11:09 AM
This makes me so F-ing mad. When are these world leaders going to grow up. Stop playing with fire because everyones going to get hurt. Put all that f-ing money into something useful... but damn it's probably all part of the elite psychopaths plan. Makes me so pissed. Have to agree with you that the conspiracy theorists look like they were right on track. Isreal keeps making threats and testing their new missiles. I don't blame iran if they just want to be able to defend them selves.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra
but in order how to make it you have to see one , its not like you can go to wally world and buy, one nor the rent it center and rent one.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 11:18 AM
Time for Russia to do something and stop the jevrej war machine in their tracks.Death to the zhids and yankistanis.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 11:26 AM
Time and time again we have seen similar reports over the years warning us of this...and guess what! Yep, Iran STILL haven't built any nuclear warheads and blown any small nations off the map!

These reports always seem to contain the same old regurgitated and long discredited information, masses of speculation and assumptions but nothing in the way of any actual proof of any kind.

In any court of law, this case would be thrown out every time for the complete lack of evidence.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 11:55 AM
More of the same...Blah blah bla. They seem to be in cahoots if you ask me. Dont trust any of em.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 12:15 PM
How To Make War:

Step 1 - Create mass patriotism: Ensure citizens are waving flags and shouting "We're number one!"
Step 2 - Create propaganda: The enemy is bad, very very bad
Step 3 - Create false flag: Blow something up, this will reinforce steps 1 & 2
Step 4 - Create more propaganda: Not only is the enemy very bad, they're a threat, just look what they did !
Step 5 - Create a barrier: Place soldiers around enemy territory, for "peacekeeping" reasons, of course
Step 6 - Create an enemy head honcho: Kill him to show your prowess
Step 7 - Create more propaganda: The enemy has weapons of mass destruction, oh noes !
Step 8 - Create another false flag: You get to blow something else up
Step 9 - Advertise for more soldiers: The citizens will line up at your door ready to kick some butt
Step 10 - Declare war: Congratulations, you did it !

Note: Not all steps need to be taken in that exact order and some steps may even be skipped depending on how gullible patriotic your citizens are, but be sure to feel out their mindset before taking each step along the way... you must have the support of your chattel or else you'll have a riot on your hands ! Lots of patriotism = lots of money to spend... your citizens will oblige your need to spend all of their money on making weapons and "defense" systems... who needs a home to live in when they've got plenty of protection from the terrorists, right ?!

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by Xcathdra

Here we go...the Nobel Peace Prize winner and his goons are going to back an Israel attack on Iran...for those of us born after WWII we're going to see a nuclear fallout with our own eyes...not good guys....

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