reply to post by rigel4
Israel has right now two choices to make. They either continue down this Nazi path to the inevitable conclusion, which in my opinion will be a general
war in the middle east, possibly global, or they get rid of this Nazi arrogant man, and his cronies.They then need to do some real soul searching and
reach out not just to the Palestinians, but their Arab neighbours in general.
could this be why they are upgrading their second strike ability (nuclear armed subs) and converting their intercontinental delivery systems to
transcontinental delivery systems?
could it be that the writing is on the wall, and they have already made their decision as to the "Palestinian Problem"? could it be possible that
Israel sees it's stranglehold on world policy, specifically in the US government, slipping to the point that they might actually lose support?
They've already stated at if push came to shove, they'd take us all with them. with this new move over to transcontinental nuclear missiles, the
world can no longer sit idly by pretending Israel doesn't have nukes. They do. And, if allowed, they will have the ability to launch a nuclear
attack anywhere on earth. Arguably with subs they already do, but this would mean their conventional delivery systems could also hit US in North
Who exactly does Israel assume to be their enemy? If it's the Arab nations, they do not need the ability to fire a nuclear missile from Tel Aviv
into Washington. But, if as I suspect, all of us are perceived enemies eventually, this move makes sense.
Israels leaders know what they have done and are doing is wrong. They know that the more the world learns of the reality of the situation, the less
support they will have internationally. This is clearly the case right now. Maybe they are already planning for the time when they have to come
after us.
If any other nation was treating an occupied segment of the population the way the Israelis treat the Palestinians, there would be massive support for
an intervention/invasion. But this is Israel, and we are not allowed to criticism their actions or question their motives lest we be labeled
The US invaded Iraq looking for weapons of mass destruction. Saddam didn't have any, and even if he did, he lacked the ability to strike the US.
Iran does not have the ability to strike the US, but the war drums are beating.
Just ask yourself what the US response would be if one of those arab nations decided to build transcontinental delivery systems for their clandestine
nuclear weapons program as a "defensive" measure.
What exactly do you think would happen?
Yet I'm supposed to support Israel? While they build the weapons ability to hit me in my home country, I'm supposed to support them while they
punish the Palestinians for doing exactly what the Jews did to create Israel in the first place?
If Israels enemies and would be attackers are the Arab nations, that just so happen to occupy land Israel wants, why do they need the ability to fire
a nuke from Europe to North America?
Any Israeli-firsters want to explain? I'm going to be forced to assume it's related to Obama the secret socialist muslim and his evil master plan
of bringing every muslim on earth to america to destroy it from within.