posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 12:45 PM
great post!!
I would add Meditation as one of the greatest forms of healing as well. Incredible way to silence the mind and observe our feelings and emotions
without reacting to them. Of course its the reaction that causes the majority of the stress. We cannot live a stress free life, it is impossible. But
what is possible is the way we change our relationship to stress, that can be, as it has been for me, one of the most amazing gifts I have ever
received. Meditation has truly changed my life.
I have also recently completed my Level I Reiki training and find it to be an incredible gift as well. It is very simple -
"What we think, We create"
and being that 90% or more of our thoughts in the day are negative we create negativity, fear, anxiety and stress and this effects the energy around
our body. When this goes unchecked it than manifests as physical symptoms. It really is that simple...
To those that are skeptical, I challenge you to prove yourselves right...or prove us wrong....whichever you prefer. If you have not tried any of these
modes of healing yourself, I recommend you do, it will most likely change your mind..and indirectly change your life, just be open to it.