posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by ShadowAngel85
I appreciate the response. Alas, I am not whining. You see, I am of an age considered to old to rock, have too many commitments to chase this dream.
In fact, I'm not even trying to sell myself. This music was made simply for the reason I love making music. I've been bashed, called third rate
music, told how horrible it is, but I continue to make because I do enjoy it. And believe it or not, I actually have a fair number of fans who
continue to enjoy what I do.
Regardless... I don''t even mind the negativity, as proof I push forward. Took a gamble to see if anyone on ATS would enjoy and learned that the
ones who responded aren't receptive... Oh well, the great gift of life keeps giving, my kids rock out to me... and that alone is worth more than
Peace, be well my friends...