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American Cultural Imperialism

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posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:30 PM
After the US became independent, England gave the US...
...All manner of free trade in cotton, wheat and other goods
...A legal system based on the freedoms and liberties of the Magna Carta
...A common language
...Penicillin and Railroads
...Architecture and an appreciation of art

After the US became independent, the US gave England...
...Tobacco, Heroine and Crack coc aine
...Rendition and the NWO
...Ebonics and Jivetalk
...The electric chair and the nuclear bomb
...The Dukes of Hazzard, WWE and Dancing With The Stars

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by sceptredisle

And someone to blame for all of their own shortcomings.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 01:09 PM
The list of positive American contributions to the world and Great Britain is too long for me to post here. If you choose only to see the negative aspects of the relationship, that says more about you than it does about America. Wikipedia has an extensive list of American discoveries and inventions. You might want to check it out. I for one think one of American's most precious gifts to Great Britain is the option of whether they want to learn German.
edit on 10/31/2011 by GeistMelange because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 01:25 PM
This is most one sided dribble about the relationship between the US and the UK since independence I have seen in a while. The US gave UK a helping hand with consumer goods, money, Elvis (most important) and much more things I can't think of now. The UK gave the US the Rothschild family, The Beatles (again most important), free trade and a common language. The relationship has its good and bad points, and neither is better than the other particularly.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 01:32 PM
I Think it was Mike Skinner of "The Streets" who most recently said that the US and UK are, "...two nations divided by a common language..."

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 01:47 PM
Andrew Jackson, leading US Army regulars, riflemen from Kentucky and Tennessee, Choctaw Indians, Baratarian pirates, and Louisiana militia consisting of Americans, Creole French, Acadians, and Free People of Color, dotted the "i" and crossed the "t" in the final signature of our initial breakup by killing 2000 British regulars and kicking Britain out of the US for good in 1815.
So you forgot one line. We gave you lots and lots of musket balls, bullets, squirell shot,cannonballs, and grapeshot. Which you readily accepted.

Hey, we let you keep Canada.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by sceptredisle

Umm Who bailed England out of sure defeat in WW2?
Pretty sure the Germans would`ve developed the bomb before the US
We speak Spanglish now over hear didnt you get the memo?

The smarmy Europeans have been drawn out of the wood work ;to weigh in: I.e. " you Americans are all "rambos"; are just stupid;tacky and tasteless (... no"style" using that particular machine.(?)).
"We" are therefore "superior ": neener-neener"... You enjoy that justification...(whatever it does for you);we are snickering over here.
Quote from 46ACE

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by radosta

All to true.
Must have not factored that into their anti-us rant.

edit on 31-10-2011 by StratosFear because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:58 PM
After George Washington booted the British out, he amassed more troops to fight and kill Americans than he ever did to fight the British.

In the end we ended up just like England. Except the British have better healthcare, cheaper college, roofs over their heads, and they can drink a pint every day after work without someone labeling them an alcoholic.

The common man in America would have been better off under England. Only America's Royal Families have benefited over the centuries. They've got more money than the Queen of England.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by StratosFear
reply to post by sceptredisle

Umm Who bailed England out of sure defeat in WW2?
Pretty sure the Germans would`ve developed the bomb before the US
We speak Spanglish now over hear didnt you get the memo?

The smarmy Europeans have been drawn out of the wood work ;to weigh in: I.e. " you Americans are all "rambos"; are just stupid;tacky and tasteless (... no"style" using that particular machine.(?)).
"We" are therefore "superior ": neener-neener"... You enjoy that justification...(whatever it does for you);we are snickering over here.
Quote from 46ACE

Who bailed England (It's Britain not England) out of sure defeat in WW2

The Russians actually

Pretty sure the Germans would have developed the bomb before the US

As it was The British that first split the atom i think we had a good idea how things worked

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by radosta
Andrew Jackson, leading US Army regulars, riflemen from Kentucky and Tennessee, Choctaw Indians, Baratarian pirates, and Louisiana militia consisting of Americans, Creole French, Acadians, and Free People of Color, dotted the "i" and crossed the "t" in the final signature of our initial breakup by killing 2000 British regulars and kicking Britain out of the US for good in 1815.
So you forgot one line. We gave you lots and lots of musket balls, bullets, squirell shot,cannonballs, and grapeshot. Which you readily accepted.

Hey, we let you keep Canada.

We let you keep Canada.

Thats a novel way of letting us keep Canada, by the British chasing you out of it

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by alldaylong

How exactly did the Soviets bail England,Britain, the UK whatever, bail the British out?
If it wasnt for American convoys bringing war materials via the Lend-Lease to the UK and Russia the Germans would have invaded the British Isles and then went on to fight the Russians. The American industrial might pulled you out from under the German bombs and you repay the world by cursing us with the Beetles.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by StratosFear

While I do find threads like this a joke and see no need to insult Americans.. I really would like to ask how you think Germany was going to invade?

The US and UK spent a long time working on plans and kit to invade the continent, we built special craft, we created things like Pluto etc.. without which we (as in US, UK, Commonwealth et al) would not have got across that little bit of sea even tho we had air and naval superiority.

But somehow some think the Germans can do it the other way without any of that, no specialised kit, no naval or air superiority, while expecting Germany to somehow turn what was a land army into the marine style the US and UK use and all the while walking over a 1000 years worth of defences with ease.

In some ways that assumption insults all the service personnel including American personnel who embarked and died on DDay since it assumes the Germans could do with ease what cost us dearly.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by StratosFear
reply to post by alldaylong

How exactly did the Soviets bail England,Britain, the UK whatever, bail the British out?
If it wasnt for American convoys bringing war materials via the Lend-Lease to the UK and Russia the Germans would have invaded the British Isles and then went on to fight the Russians. The American industrial might pulled you out from under the German bombs and you repay the world by cursing us with the Beetles.

The Germans DID try and invade Britain. There where repelled by the RAF at The Battle Of Britain (You may have heard of it)
In his frustration the mad man Hitler turned East against Russia. By bringing Russia into the war on the side of the Allies, that what lost Hitler the war.
I do wish you Americans do your research into the REAL facts and not go along with the rubbish you are taught in the US education system.

As for The BEATLES (Not Beetles) go and tell that to the millions of people around the world who worshipped them (and still do)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by sceptredisle
After the US became independent, England gave the US...
...All manner of free trade in cotton, wheat and other goods
...A legal system based on the freedoms and liberties of the Magna Carta
...A common language
...Penicillin and Railroads
...Architecture and an appreciation of art

After the US became independent, the US gave England...
...Tobacco, Heroine and Crack coc aine
...Rendition and the NWO
...Ebonics and Jivetalk
...The electric chair and the nuclear bomb
...The Dukes of Hazzard, WWE and Dancing With The Stars

So you are totally negating all of the positive things America has given the world?


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