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so here's the plan...

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posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:52 AM
i want to begin the organizing of a civilian space program, it is time for those of us who wish to live outside the constraints of society to do so by the very technological means that have left us so broken and betrayed.

minorities of past once oppressed flocked to lands beyond the horizon, now the horizon has lifted and lays on the galactic plain and so the oppressed must journey out to the new beyonds in the stars, not touched, not stained by humanity. it is necessary, we must build and then we must climb.


posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:55 AM
Can I be in charge of the propulsion system? I've got a high school diploma as certification.
edit on 31-10-2011 by atoptreetops because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:55 AM
you gots the money?

count me in

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by atoptreetops
Can I be in charge of the propulsion system? I've got a high school diploma as certification.
edit on 31-10-2011 by atoptreetops because: (no reason given)

All Hail the Propulsion Czar!

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:57 AM
i call dibbs on the inflight booze sales, who doesnt want to get thier buzz on in space.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by raj9721

Great... I'm with ya, now whats step 2 of your plan?

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:10 PM
Unless you are the owner of NASA, this won't go anywhere.
I won't begin to tell you all the difficulties.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:15 PM
This has already been done. There is currently a breakaway civilization on other worlds, housing millions of humans who were hand picked for their intelligence, and commitment to the survival of the human species outside of the constraints of prejudice, intolerance, and close-mindedness. A collective drive of scientific pursuit of sorts.

There are agents here, on earth, whose sole purpose is to prevent technologies from being developed that would allow a secondary counter civilization to threaten theirs.

The only question is, how can you secure a spot in this brave new world?

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:15 PM
You must remember to add a hydroponics dept. for food/oxygen production. This will be an added blessing as there would be no archaic 'earth' laws to prohibit what may or may not be grown in said hydroponic garden. In this way we would carry our cancer cures with us.

In an almost routine survey of the literature on Podophyllum peltatum, Jonathan L. Hartwell discovered that twenty years before he had identified the chemical agents in podophyllin responsible for the anticancer activity of the resin obtained from the rhizome of the mayapple, it had been reported that the Penobscots of Maine had used this plant to treat cancer. Then, he found that a hundred years earlier, the resin had been recommended as a cancer treatment in the early American materia medica and that it was used by physicians in Mississippi in 1897.

(source for quote)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:18 PM
Is this like some kind of Star Trek thing???

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by raj9721

And again, this has what to do with "predictions and prophecies"? This board is not for you to just spout any nonsensical thought that pops into your head. Hows your world ending OWS h1n1 fleas plague prediction panning out so far? At least that thread was a "prediction" although ludicrous and with no evidence, this is just... idk what it is but it's not a "prediction or prophecy" stop posting random stuff wherever you feel like. These forums are labeled by topic for a reason.
edit on 31-10-2011 by darkest4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 03:33 PM
Would you consider Bigelow Aerospace to be a civilian space program ?

If you do get your space program off the ground. I would love to be an astronaut.

edit on 31-10-2011 by rom12345 because: (no reason given)


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