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Why would you oppose a one world governement?

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posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by deanx
What about cultural identity? You're willing to give that up too?
Are you talking about primitive the ceremonies and garb? What's wrong if they become melded or lost? A party will always be a party no matter what we're wearing.

Originally posted by deanx
What if someone doesn't like the system, where will be his or her's sanctuary?
If they don't want to participate in the socialist part of utopia, they can always trade trinkets to the rest of us.

Originally posted by deanxWhen you're talking about living under a one world government, you tend to forget what kind of people want to take the steering wheel. Them psychopaths will remain psychopaths even if they reached their goal.
What about Eugenics? The fact that they think only the people with a certain bloodline/DNA are the only ones worthy of living....The only kind of people who'd like to control the world are tyrants and psychopaths...No fair individual or group would desire world domination.
But in the end of the day, most people never ask WHY. Why do they want the whole world under their control.
Really, is that how you see me?

Originally posted by deanx
Maybe you actually believe in "democracy"..Which is laughable.
OK, now I see where you're coming from.

Originally posted by deanx
After they get their New world order...what's next?
Vote for me, and all your wildest dreams will come true

Originally posted by deanx
Enjoy your New world order. Just don't cry for help when they kick your little door down, and take you to some concentration camp to find out if you're worthy enough of living.
Wow, what did I ever do to you?

Originally posted by deanx
P.S: I heard they like gullible sheep like you
You seem like you'd make a kind and gentle coordinator.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by AzureSky

An nwo controlled by the populace as opposed to the wealthy elite

There are more people in India and China. Would you want their combined vote to overrule yours 100% of the time? Would they ever look out for your best interests?

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:11 PM
Who on earth would want a bloated behemoth of ineptitude and bureaucracy like a One World Government?

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by muse7
Wouldn't that be better than living in countries, divided by lines in the sand and fighting like school children in playgrounds?

*waits to be called a globalist 37th degree mason rothschild*

Might be a pipe dream on my part, but I had been thinking about this for a while and I think it would take some time to get used to living in such a world, but wouldn't that be the ideal world to live in? Everyone being together without countries separating us and preventing us from reaching our potential as a species, instead we like to brand ourselves white, black, brown, hispanic, etc those things just keep us from reaching our true potential.

The problem with a one world government is that you didn't know that it was already a one world government and that whoever is in charge was just trying to make a smooth transition by having everyone nuke themselves into oblivion first. Once you take that into account, then a one world government doesn't sound like such a good idea, since the government was seriously flawed from the start.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:23 PM
i would love, more than anything, for this world to be a 'one world community'.. but a one world government just opens it up so fewer people have more power, and corruptions already pretty rife, like that it would be a million times worse.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:28 PM
Well if it was like the Federation in Star Trek I'm all for it :-)

Seriously though, a one world government is a good idea, however peoples, selfishness, paranoia and general suspicion of anything different would prevent it from succeeding, there is always someone who believes they are 'special' and should be separate from the rest of us, there is always someone who thinks their rights are being violated in someway.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by AzureSky
An nwo controlled by the populace as opposed to the wealthy elite,

I oppose the wealthy elite controlling the rest of us, and i oppose the means by which they would 'force' everyone to believe 'or else'

What a silly; " naieve" comment: ALL govts are controlled by the "elite" that's how the"elite" get That way.

NO one put into position of "authority" is immune from being corrupted by money and power. In fact those chosen( or "self identified") for such positions often are chosen because of their desire for control over others or money. (ease of manipulation by application of the "right" things; money; sex; "power")

power corrupts
"absolute power corrupts absolutely"!'

Whether downtown mainst.;
Washington d.c
or from a trendy stylish European chamber in "the Hague".

It's just a longer(wetter) walk to go and burn down the capital building to make your displeasure known.
I guarantee you no european socialist feels about your region or country the way you do. Why Liberia needs freshwater(?) line up the super tankers to drain lake superior( or lake baikal)!
edit on 31-10-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:31 PM
That will be great! Then we can have a single world currency, and no one will be able to buy or sell unless they get a mark showing their allegance to the supreme world man/god leader. Anyone that refuses this mark will be beheaded, that will encourage everyone to get on board. (I think I read this somewhere, and if I recall, it doesn't turn out to well for Earth's inhabitants )

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:33 PM
For Americans it is simple.

We call it the constitution.

The vermin countries of the world can join all they want

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by LifeIsPeculiar
reply to post by AzureSky

An nwo controlled by the populace as opposed to the wealthy elite

There are more people in India and China. Would you want their combined vote to overrule yours 100% of the time? Would they ever look out for your best interests?

Actually they are not even close to half the world population so they couldn't overrule anything but why would they if it was in the best interest of humanity. Would they be any worse than politicians?

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by popsmayhem

Cute. It seems that the US is the one pushing the hardest for it.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by allenidaho
I've always agreed with the "Spaceship Earth" school of thought. Forget about the whole NWO paranoia for a moment. Throw away your preconceived political notions and consider this.

Imagine the Earth as a ship. A living, breathing vessel hurling us around the solar system. And we are a crew of 6 billion and growing.

As this ship's crew, it should be our duty to utilize and manage our limited resources the best we can. And most importantly, it is imperative that we work together toward the greater good. To ensure our survival. To better our way of life. And to keep the ship running the best we can.

This is the only ship we've got. If we are to remain a crew divided, we are doomed.

Being united by tyranny would be hell on earth! Hitler united Germany. Stalin United Russia. The problem with world government is that those who would govern have an agenda to unite the world by force and use force to keep people in compliance. Any time you have to force people and free will is taken away unity is false and doomed to failure. When humanity is ready to treat each other with respect and love there will be no need for world government we will all cooperate with each other voluntarily that is the only true and lasting world unity we can have.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:42 PM
When I see how remote local and national governments are from the 'man in the street' just think how really remote a world government would be, national governments have a hard time getting anything right, what chance would an overblown, overpaid, world government have?

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:45 PM
A one world government would be awful, it would leave people with no power and neglect countries and local towns folk. People are far too different for it to work. It would be anti-Democratic to the nth degree.

Also the idea that a one world government would bring peace is completely fallacy. Your argument deserves no more a response than that.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by muse7

As long as one man feels superior over another it will never be fair and balanced. Until someone comes up with the answer of how to get rid of the evil nature of man, one world anything won't work. What a wonderful world it would be if the simple Golden Rule was lived by everyone...but it is not! As long as man can kill his own kind over an idea, thought or just because you are different, forget it. It will take powers outside this world to change everyone. The evil nature has no problem killing, rapping, stealing, enslaving and hurting anyone even their own kind. Good nature is passive giving, caring, loving, selfless and who will stomp on who just because of the nature of such. Don't give the human race that much credit that when faced with good they will choose it. Until the evil man is scared out of his mind and depends on the good man to save him, nothing will change.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by silvercrow
I'll tell you why I'm against NWO/One Government:

I do believe in the People of Earth united for a better world,

You just contradicted yourself

We don't need government, we need exactly the opposite: that they let us live our own lives.

yeah right... I can just see that working. I mean sure, lets get rid of government and all the greedy crooks will just leave us alone and let us live our own lives...

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:50 PM
I strongly support a One World government, and welcome it with open arms

This is needed to advance to a Type I civilization.

A One World Government (NWO) can't come quick enough for me.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by muse7
Wouldn't that be better than living in countries, divided by lines in the sand and fighting like school children in playgrounds?

*waits to be called a globalist 37th degree mason rothschild*

Might be a pipe dream on my part, but I had been thinking about this for a while and I think it would take some time to get used to living in such a world, but wouldn't that be the ideal world to live in? Everyone being together without countries separating us and preventing us from reaching our potential as a species, instead we like to brand ourselves white, black, brown, hispanic, etc those things just keep us from reaching our true potential.

reinvent human beings and it would be a nice dream- in the real world, utter disaster

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:54 PM
A one world government ... sounds like a utopian existance, as some star trek like government takes the torch from the individual nations of which the world is made.

However, the reason that I would oppose it , is the same reason I oppose my own government, and any government which seeks to apply its rules unevenly.

No matter what nation you live in, there is corruption in government. Let me tell you , that this is NOT an unavoidable scenario. It is NOT a cancer which cannot be excised from the flesh of man. But it IS something which is supported heavily by individual politicians, old boys networks, masonry, call it what you like. The powerful look after thier own.

Now, with it firmly understood that our individual nations are riddled with filth, do you REALLY think that as we are right now , we could install a planetary government which would be able to resist that corruption? I put it to you that there is no way in the world we could build a government free enough of corruption, to rule the world equally, fairly , and to the benifit of mankind as a species.

Another thing is this. Ideally , no man should have dominion over another. Ideally all men must have equal rights to change thier lot for the better, AND equal opertunity to do so, regardless of personal wealth, creed colour, or faith.In a centralised world government, all the power to change would be removed from the people who need that power to get by.

I would also point out that we as a people on a planet, are so divided by our beliefs , and our guilt, and our fear, and our hatred , that no organisation, no matter how well intentioned, could possibly make a benificial contribution to the lot of the average man, without crapping on someone elses doorstep.

It couldnt work as we are now. Maybe in a few hundred years, when we have halfway destroyed ourselves as a species , maybe then it might work.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:54 PM
A one world government ... sounds like a utopian existance, as some star trek like government takes the torch from the individual nations of which the world is made.

However, the reason that I would oppose it , is the same reason I oppose my own government, and any government which seeks to apply its rules unevenly.

No matter what nation you live in, there is corruption in government. Let me tell you , that this is NOT an unavoidable scenario. It is NOT a cancer which cannot be excised from the flesh of man. But it IS something which is supported heavily by individual politicians, old boys networks, masonry, call it what you like. The powerful look after thier own.

Now, with it firmly understood that our individual nations are riddled with filth, do you REALLY think that as we are right now , we could install a planetary government which would be able to resist that corruption? I put it to you that there is no way in the world we could build a government free enough of corruption, to rule the world equally, fairly , and to the benifit of mankind as a species.

Another thing is this. Ideally , no man should have dominion over another. Ideally all men must have equal rights to change thier lot for the better, AND equal opertunity to do so, regardless of personal wealth, creed colour, or faith.In a centralised world government, all the power to change would be removed from the people who need that power to get by.

I would also point out that we as a people on a planet, are so divided by our beliefs , and our guilt, and our fear, and our hatred , that no organisation, no matter how well intentioned, could possibly make a benificial contribution to the lot of the average man, without crapping on someone elses doorstep.

It couldnt work as we are now. Maybe in a few hundred years, when we have halfway destroyed ourselves as a species , maybe then it might work.

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