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Why would you oppose a one world governement?

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posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 10:44 AM
You can have a one world government, but the form of that government would have to be very different than anything we have now. Humans function best in small groups of less than 200 people. We would need to organize into small towns. Each with it's own rules/laws. Then group those towns according to the laws they make. You then create a body that is responsible for trade between towns and also for administering justice to the leaders of towns that run afoul of basic standards of governance. You scale up the bodies until you can make sure items from one side of the world get to the other and trade is fair. The entire world could be run this way. The only borders would be to towns. People could apply to live in any town they wish and with majority approval of the residents. You'd have to have something to offer the new town you want to live in. That way you could find a place where your beliefs matched the beliefs of the local government and be happy. That way people like me could find a place that they feel comfortable in and not be forced by threat of imprisonment to live contrary to what feels natural.

Government like this is centuries away. But it is the perfect form. Eventually this is what we will have. It is very much like what Israel had before they wanted a king. It will return one day. I would be willing to fight to bring it about. Anyone?

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by muse7

A one world in harmony ....on planet Earth. It will never happen. Why? Because of evil people. People who are born evil...who choose to be evil....and whose lifestyle of money, power, greed and destruction are a normal way of life to them. These people will always be...and because of that...planet earth will never be a Eutopia living in a one world government.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:01 AM
it's not the idea of a one world government that I so strongly oppose. If that government existed so that I truly had liberty and freedom. If it existed in a way that allowed me to make my own choices (without restrictions and coercion); if it didn't forcibly take my money (in the form of taxes) only to spend it on programs/policies that I don't even agree with; if I could do, think, and say whatever I wanted without fear of punishment, vilification, or intrusion; if we were held responsible for our own respective life-situations. If there were no double standards or attempts to legislate fairness or morality; if there were no bailouts (for ANYONE--insanely rich banks, or lazy people); and if the government ONLY intervened when we were failing to let others freely live as they see fit... I'd be all for it.

But that isn't what we'd get with a one world government is it? We'd get MORE laws, MORE restrictions, MORE wealth redistribution, MORE taxes, MORE people telling us how to live our own lives, and a hell of a lot less freedom.

That's the only reason I oppose a one-world government... and it's the same reason I oppose virtually all forms of government...

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by muse7

You are living in a dream my friend. You imagine a world where people are intelligent and have everyone else' best interests at heart. What will actually happen is all the terrible things that happen now, except that it will be on a larger scale. Wars will become "Peacekeeping actions". Famine will be "food redistribution". Racism will be ANYTHING you say to ANYONE else regardless of context. Last but not least, Terrorists will be YOU.

All that and the rich will be richer, and the poor will be poorer. Enjoy your NWO!

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by caladonea
reply to post by muse7

A one world in harmony ....on planet Earth. It will never happen. Why? Because of evil people. People who are born evil...who choose to be evil....and whose lifestyle of money, power, greed and destruction are a normal way of life to them. These people will always be...and because of that...planet earth will never be a Eutopia living in a one world government.

I can understand how one may believe this, but I do think the thought is's why:

If the loopholes are removed that allow government manipulation to exist then with evil entities existing or not the system would work. The issue is our systems as they stand are too easily manipulated. If government worked as efficiently as it should (and potentially could) they system should be able to stand even with the most ignorant elected offical running it.

Its not that we could not live in harmony, its just we must childproof the system before moving on to the next level!

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by muse7
I actually wouldn't mind a one world government

We would have to create special rehabilitation camps to make people realize that a world that is united is better, religion and values would also be taken care of at those camps
edit on 10/30/2011 by muse7 because: (no reason given)
WOW you did'nt waste any time letting out who you really are "special rehab camps to MAKE people realize"...............zighail comrade,sorry but what if "the people" don't want to be brainwshed??

Wait!! this's a joke .................right?

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by MiloNickels
But that isn't what we'd get with a one world government is it? We'd get MORE laws, MORE restrictions, MORE wealth redistribution, MORE taxes, MORE people telling us how to live our own lives, and a hell of a lot less freedom.
It's weird how people want some form of one world, but think it will be oppressive. It's also weird how people think wealth is important. Do people actually fear "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need"? That's pretty much what we have set up in the US. However, abilities are wasted on useless jobs. We also take care of our disabled despite what the libertarians want.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by muse7

lol. do you also have a bridge to sell?

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:27 AM
As it's been mentioned here in this thread, the EU has not been working out so swiftly. The main issue they have is that the wealthy nations resent supporting the poorer ones; and the poorer ones are reluctant or unable to 'pay up'- to the same degree that the wealthy nations contribute with. The wealthy nations pay, and do not see it benefiting them. The poor EU nations are seen as expecting free benefits without having to pay into the system accordingly.

The point/goal of a NWO would be the distribution of wealth- on a worldwide basis. Granted, this evil is already happening to a large degree with corporate globalization and 'trade agreements'.... At least right now, there is no one government overseeing it all. Communism has proven to be a bright flash in the minds of men, but in practice a dismal failure. I wish that ppl would learn from history and not try to recreate it- with all it's consequential woes and misery.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by muse7
Wouldn't that be better than living in countries, divided by lines in the sand and fighting like school children in playgrounds?

*waits to be called a globalist 37th degree mason rothschild*

Might be a pipe dream on my part, but I had been thinking about this for a while and I think it would take some time to get used to living in such a world, but wouldn't that be the ideal world to live in? Everyone being together without countries separating us and preventing us from reaching our potential as a species, instead we like to brand ourselves white, black, brown, hispanic, etc those things just keep us from reaching our true potential.

So you rather live in a world fully controlled by a one group of people openly?
What in the world makes you think that these oligarchs will be just, fair and will let us "reach our true potential"?
Maybe you think they will treat every race and class equally, based on what? Do you think the people who are willing to commit genocide to reach their goal of global domination will pat you on the back when they're in control?
What about cultural identity? You're willing to give that up too?
What if someone doesn't like the system, where will be his or her's sanctuary? They can't go anywhere since the whole world is under their control.
When you're talking about living under a one world government, you tend to forget what kind of people want to take the steering wheel. Them psychopaths will remain psychopaths even if they reached their goal.
What about Eugenics? The fact that they think only the people with a certain bloodline/DNA are the only ones worthy of living.
Maybe you actually believe in "democracy"..Which is laughable.
The only kind of people who'd like to control the world are tyrants and psychopaths...No fair individual or group would desire world domination.
But in the end of the day, most people never ask WHY. Why do they want the whole world under their control.
After they get their New world order...what's next?
There is a much deeper purpose behind their desire of controlling the world.
And don't worry about someone calling you a "globalist 37th degree mason rothschild". Given that they are psychopathic maniacs, They are certainly not that stupid and gullible.
Enjoy your New world order. Just don't cry for help when they kick your little door down, and take you to some concentration camp to find out if you're worthy enough of living.
P.S: I heard they like gullible sheep like you, so you might have a little advantage here.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:30 AM

The world marveled at what the founding fathers of the United States created when they drafted our constitution. The world cringes in despair when they see what has become of our nation.

Woah, no it did not. No offence, but that's rather ridiculous self-importance.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by muse7

Unity in variety, with the human being, as an individual, fully self expressed and self realized, is the only keystone in the royal arch across which one and all may one day pass into everlasting freedom (with eternal vigilence).

To have future human beings born only to serve the global state..?

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

So you think the NWO is NOT heathen scum? that's very telling...

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

And what people don't realize about Masons... is that we hate authority. Just come to a Lodge and listen to the gripes about the Grand Lodge let alone an all powerful World Government.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by muse7

Though this does sound beautiful like a John Lennon song, I really doubt that that can be least for now. A central government is more likely to be a central dictatorship disguised as a liberal "rights for everybody" system where anything you own can be taken away whenever "they" feel it is necessary. You will constantly be told what to do "for the good of all". Security would all encompassing to the point of no freedom and privacy. Of course, all of the first world "Democracies" are already headed there. Too many slippery slopes, too many policies driven by fear, too many individuals will take advantage of a "super government" position. The problems of conflicts of interest between elected officials and corporates would be multiplied.

We as a species first need to learn to unite as respect our own diversity without political force. Yes political, borders, do make artificial divisions, but I can't help but feel there are those wringing there hands together anxiously waiting for an opportunity to "unite" the world. This super government would be too juicy as job security for a select group to pass up.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by muse7

Personally I think we are all from the same place, earth, but having a one world government isn't a good idea. One group of people shouldn't have all that power , I think there would still be wars but it would be only a way of eradicating people that don't want to be part of the NWO. They would be made out to be some form of terrorist country. Their rights would be what the new government say it should be and thay like it or face the consequences. Being part of a free world means havimg the right to be different and go against the 'norm' if it doesn't feel right. Being different is what makes us what we are and there is alot of good that goes on in this world. Just take alook around, it's self evident that we can co exist in peace if the powers that be really want. One world government would be to deny freedom of thought and personality/opinion. Being different is good. Having different good. NWO's intentions are not good.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:43 AM
A one world goverment sounds good on paper just like comunissim does. In practice people are greedy, selfish and racist every where in the world.

The only way a one world goverment could exsist is to eliminate greed. If greed could be removed from the world I beleive it would be a far better place even without an NWO.

In saying that its pretty much never going to happen. Not only that what do you do when every one in the third world countires moves enmasse to the devolped word?

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by caladonea
reply to post by muse7

A one world in harmony ....on planet Earth. It will never happen. Why? Because of evil people. People who are born evil...who choose to be evil....and whose lifestyle of money, power, greed and destruction are a normal way of life to them. These people will always be...and because of that...planet earth will never be a Eutopia living in a one world government.

Only if you define self interested human nature that biologically resides in every human being as "evil".
A one world government could be nothing but "evil" as every other human establishment is. It would just be "evil" exponentially applied and extremely destructive to the freedom and dignity of every human on the planet.

A globally connected and free society would not include a one world government. And any chance of it happening would require folks to acknowledge that cute fluffy fantasy scenarios are not possible nor are they desirable. A global democracy is one of the least free, horrific scenarios one could imagine. What right do people from Sri Lanka, Germany, or Congo have in telling me how to live my life when my culture, beliefs, values differ greatly from theirs? I have no desire to tell them how to live or organize their societies either.

I find it odd that people who often argue for cultural diversity and cultural relativity also support a vision of one world society where their own values are tyrannically applied to everyone else.
One world government? Call me evil, but that is something worth fighting and dying in trying to put a stop to it.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by MarkJS

As it's been mentioned here in this thread, the EU has not been working out so swiftly. The main issue they have is that the wealthy nations resent supporting the poorer ones; and the poorer ones are reluctant or unable to 'pay up'- to the same degree that the wealthy nations contribute with. The wealthy nations pay, and do not see it benefiting them. The poor EU nations are seen as expecting free benefits without having to pay into the system accordingly.

The point/goal of a NWO would be the distribution of wealth- on a worldwide basis. Granted, this evil is already happening to a large degree with corporate globalization and 'trade agreements'.... At least right now, there is no one government overseeing it all. Communism has proven to be a bright flash in the minds of men, but in practice a dismal failure. I wish that ppl would learn from history and not try to recreate it- with all it's consequential woes and misery.

Dovetailing along...

Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.

Man loves control, especially if they can get away with it. The one world government would seem to allow this to happen.... absolute control. This in a sense, is what the last book of the bible- Revelation is all about: Man trying to control man, and God stepping in repeatedly to show that this cannot occur. God will not allow the pride of man to oversee the entire globe. Alex the Great, Hitler, Mussoluni, Stalin, tried... none of them were successful in that respect. This also happened way back in Genesis, with Tower of Babel. Unfortunately, man did not learn from that lesson either:

Genesis 11
The Tower of Babel
1 Now the whole earth had one language and one speech. 2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. 3 Then they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar. 4 And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.”
5 But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. 6 And the LORD said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. 7 Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” 8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. 9 Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of all the earth; and from there the LORD scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.

edit on 31/10/2011 by MarkJS because: (no reason given)

edit on 31/10/2011 by MarkJS because: color for link changed

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:59 AM
Why oppose? Because I don't want to be governed.

I don't want to be led.

I want to be free.

Another government? No thanks.
edit on 31-10-2011 by 64kram because: spelling

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