posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 08:20 AM
Things like love, feelings, sexual and sensual approaches are common in our existential world. Everyone of us feels, more or less, everyone of us love
or believes in love, and I`m sure everyone of us thought of the thing above at least once. If not, those persons are not humans, I`d say.
Perhaps because I`m more than inclined to meditate made me think of these things rather often, and I always thought of solutions, ideas, something to
bring light in my life. I always thought of soulmates, of that ideal love that can overcome everything, that love and that trust in somebody that
could defeat everything else on this world. I can`t say I believe or I don`t believe in that sort of love, neither I can say it will be happening once
to me. All I can say is this.. I created this theory that brings love and soulmates together with faith, and the concept of the soul, as seen in
christian and in other religions. The existence of an ethereal `soething` in our body that can live onwards after we, or the material body, dies.
Religion said that GOD, no matter what god, gave the human it`s spirit, it`s soul. But now... the population of the world went on growing, from a
couple of tens` of millions to the 6 billions today. Where did the souls for such great number of bodies came from ? I say that the souls were at the
beginning limited in numbers. During time, these existing souls divided, and kept dividing. The soul of a man divided and entered in another man, but
also in a woman. Now... this idea explains the feeling of `deja-vu`, but also explains re-incarnation.
Because we have deja-vu`s from our soul`s past lives and past material bodies, or maybe we just experience what the other half of our soul
experiences, now or in another era. Re-incarnation... is just the history of one soul`s evolutions.
Now... Where does all the soul-mate idea appear ? When two material bodies , carrying pieces of the same divided soul across time, come together
there`s the feeling of the soulmate. It`s not even about soulmates, but about one soul, coming together again. People have that feeling of `TWO
BECOMING ONE`. It`s obvious.. My theory explains, this way, even homosexuality. Same soul, in two bodies belonging to the same sex...