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Is America following the path of Nazi Germany?

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posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 02:54 PM
This is about the most controversial topic you can probably discuss, other than zionism, but this is a very important issue, IMO. Let's look at the trends my country is following that are similar to those of 1930's Germany.

1. The country has it's confidence and morale shaken by war/terrorism (WW1 and 9-11)
2. Economic catastrophe ensues, making the people upset and helpless feeling
3. A conservative "patriotic" leader arises, speaking boldly of patriotism and renewal of the people
4. This leader is given/takes near dictatorial powers by the government
5. The leader takes the country on a war spree of "freedom on the march" (Liebensraum [not sure of spelling] war on terror)
6. Inspires/enforces patriotism, nationalism, conformity and militarism in their own people (Nazis, Neocons and Hawks)
7. The leader monitors his own people and imprisons any who he deems to be against the state (concentration camps and secret police, warrantless wiretapping, rendition and indefinite detention)
8. The countries eventually become seen as dangerous/enemies by the rest of the world.

Hopefully the endings will be different, but so far they are remarkable similar, which should scare any American who cares about their country, or morality.

edit on 30-10-2011 by CB328 because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-10-2011 by CB328 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by CB328

I don't think so. But if the Anschluss into Canada begins anytime soon, I am moving to Inuvik to hunt polar bears and learn Eskimo cooking routines. Most Americans don't know where the border is, much less the Arctic circle.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by CB328

I too feel as you do about the sickening way our country is following the path of Nazi Germany. We even have the SS (TSA) on the streets asking for everyones papers.
Only this time around the fuhrer (House of Rothschild (we can't blame only Obama because he's just a rothschild lapdog)) isnt targeting Jews for extinction like Hitler did, he's targeting ALL peoples that makes below a certain amount of income yearly(the non-elites). Are you on his "financial purification list"?

Heres some interesting reading on the house of Rothschild and its members.

S+F for you OP

edit on 10/30/2011 by Shaade because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/30/2011 by Shaade because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 03:01 PM
I really hope america does not go down that same path. If the people support the leader's actions then yes it can happen. Many people supported Hitler so when Hitler did what he did he basically said I gave you what you asked for.
This time if there is a holocaust I think it will be the poor and anyone the public feels is dragging them down. This why I contitually get disgusted when people put down the poor or blame them because when a set of people is blamed then suddenly they are seen as less than human.
If the economy implodes the people will look for someone to crucify. The politicans are already trying to make it look like the poors fault by blaming programs like medicare/medicaid. They went to divert everyone's attention away from the real people who at fault the elite and government.
I don't think this next holocoust will be against one race but will be against those who "live off the american's" tax dollar. We all pay taxes but most people only see it as "their" money.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by CB328

I have to say no. There's not enough right wingers in america to become like Nazi Germany, but a lesser civil war is still a possibility albeit remote.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Jazzyguy
reply to post by CB328

I have to say no. There's not enough right wingers in america to become like Nazi Germany, but a lesser civil war is still a possibility albeit remote.

But there seem to be a whole lot of extreme Left wingers who want to see a Nazi style USA. And are actively pushing for the creation of it through the OWS movement.

I give those idiots a BIG

edit on 30-10-2011 by TDawgRex because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 03:14 PM
Here is a better question.

Is America following the path of all authoritarian regimes?

But there are always differences between every single separate individual regime.
Nazi Germany, the USSR, the British Empire, Rome, Golden Horde, Persia, China, what have you.

Let's cut through all the crap:
History reflects the struggle of individual humans against authoritarian oppression and control. And history shows that the 'authorities' have a tendency to be inept at administration and needlessly brutal. The more centralized power an authority has, the higher the risk of abuse and it allows a higher intensity of that abuse.

Thousands of years of the same thing done in a billion different ways.
Freedom vs Slavery.
That battle is alive and well today.
We are at the pinnacle of it culmination presently.
The front lines of this perpetual war are everywhere around you and within you.

Are you responsible enough and worthy to guide your own destiny?
Or do you need to be controlled for your own good?

This is what it's really about.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by Jazzyguy
reply to post by CB328

I have to say no. There's not enough right wingers in america to become like Nazi Germany, but a lesser civil war is still a possibility albeit remote.

Arguably there was a bigger left-wing presence in Germany than there was right-wing. Hence why left-wing parties got bigger votes than the Nazi party etc.
edit on 30-10-2011 by Tea4One because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 03:28 PM
Zionism is like any other fallacious belief system.
Religions, ideologies, etc.

It is totally imaginary, and no one individual human is required to believe or disbelieve, or even think about it.

There is no such thing as Zionists, Democrats, Republicans, Christians, Muslims, Hippies, or whatever else you can invent in your mind. They are all concepts and creations of the human being.

Those who pick one singular system of thought and rely exclusively upon it will experience negative repercussions at some point, that is inevitable.

This explains why things are so messed up right now actually, people are compelled to invest in an identity and will do whatever they can, no matter how foolish or detrimental to themselves and others, to support and push their misconceptions upon others forcefully through some way or another.

So Zionism isn't even real. Only people are real. And everyone has slightly different DNA codes, self-interests, mental dispositions, etc.

This describes a situation where people rely upon abstractions and cliches to guide their existence, and from a psychological and rational perspective this behavior appears no different than common insanity or irrationality.

It is not a sustainable system because it requires constant rectification of it's inadequacies, and due to logistical reality that cannot always be accomplished successfully.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 03:32 PM
Nazi is a well known right wing party, that's an undisputable historical fact. To say otherwise is an attempt to whitewash history. Nevertheless, it's the same thing with the left wing, there's not enough left wingers to turn america into a communist country. Like I said, a lesser civil war is more plausible, but even that I don't see it happening right now.

This whole OWS thing will blow over going winter. It's tough to protest in the cold like that.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 03:36 PM
When I read things like that it reminds me how little people seem to know about history. The answer is no. Even in the 30s with the great depression and nationlism at an all time high the US chose a very different path than Germany.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 03:38 PM
I think that the global elite who funded Hitler, and support the "silent dictatorship"/police state current whenever possible, are doing it slowly.

I was certainly suprised after Bush DIDN'T suspend elections after 8 years.

But, the global elite are too clever for that.

If they had run it with Bush, they wouldn't have gotten many behind him. What I mean, is his ideology, and those in his constituency are becoming the minority.

His constituency was defined by a virolent form of Christian entitlement, as well as a red-blooded form of American individualism (i.e. stubborn personal independence, never taking a hand-out, owning guns and loving guns, liking violent movies with Arnold Schwarzenegger (sic)).

But as I said, his constituency, at the time, was not the majority of the country. It made up the sparsely populated rural regions of the midwest and southeast, but it wasn't the majority.

So, he wasn't the right puppet to become the next dictator. How could he be a useful tool instead? He could pass as many laws as possible shifting the balance of power from (ideally) the three branches, to the one, thereby setting th LEGAL precedent that anyone of his successors could pick up and become a "dictator" with.

Will it be Obama "The Betrayer"? I don't think so. I don't think, regardless of him being in obvious collusion with the bankers and Wall Street puppet masters, that he personally has the right amount of insanity to play Nero.

I think that the next election will be interesting.

No one wants to vote for Obama again. But what is our alternative? Will it be constitutional, small government, great liberty Ron Paul? Or will it be a chuckle headed former Federal Reserve chairman, "Mr. 9-9-9?" I don't know. All I know, is that the legal precedents are being put into place, most are already there.

You should read Naomi Wolf's "End of America." Or watch her presentation on Youtube. She explains exactly what you are saying, and she sites a lot of historical precedent.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 03:47 PM
That is an interesting question. A more accurate question would be "are we following the path of the Wiemar Republic?" Let's examine that for a moment.

WG:Government deficit in 1914 was 1.5 billion, about -16% of the total budget.
US: Government (unaudited) surplus in 2001 was $128 billion, about +7% of the total budget.
WG:Government deficit in 1918 near war's end was over 15 billion, about -34% of the total budget.
US: Government (unaudited) deficit in 2004 was $412 billion, about -21% of the total budget.
WG: Bank interest rate - 5% in 1914
US: Home mortgage rate varies between 5.5-7% in 2004
WG: German stock market average at 126 1914 - 1918
US: Dow Jones stock average - about 10,500 2001 - 2004

WG 1919-1921:
Bank interest rate - still 5%
German stock market at 97 in January 1919, 166 in January 1920, 278 in January 1921 and 731 in December 1921.
The general price level has doubled since 1914.
Most of the rest of the world allows their money supplies to contract as a "war withdrawal" effect, and goes into recession or depression (general prices fell 16% in the U.S. in 1921). Germany keeps creating or printing money, and the government deficits continue to increase.
Newspapers and many financial folk are very confused by the continual price increases. Its blamed somewhat on the Versailles Treaty and France but mostly on speculators and "foreigners" inside Germany (an ominous sign and similarity to what's ahead with Hitler and the Holocaust, etc.).
In other countries, its blamed on the German government deficit. But the real problem is that too much money is being created by the German banks.
Government has currency controls, one couldn't buy foreign currency to help protect one's assets.
Many foreign companies have large foreign currency gains, due to the falling value of the mark.
August 1920, Germany starts to buy significant amounts of foreign currency.
Ocober 1920, Germany's national debt - 287,800 million marks (Britain's was about 8,000 million pounds).
The mark varies between 152 and 1040 to the British pound during 1920, ending at about 750.
By February 1921, the stock market had dropped about 50% but was still above December 1920 values.
Since 1913, bread prices had risen 13x, meat 17x, sugar & milk & pork about 25x and butter about 33x - officially.
Unemployment in 1921 - 3%

US 2005:
Home mortgage rate averages 5.5-6%
Dow Jones stock average - about 10,000
Home prices, health insurance, energy and many other costs have roughly doubled or more in the previous 4-6 years.
As of mid/late 2005, there are strong indications that the world economy has topped and is slowing down.
Newspapers and many financial folk are very confused by the continual price increases. It 'must be' greedy businessmen, housing speculators, mid eastern oil owners trying to stick it to the U.S., interest rates have been raised too much by the Fed, war spending is too high, terrorism, etc.
In other countries and per the International Monetary Fund and others, its blamed on the U.S. government deficit. But the real problem is that too much money is being created by the Federal Reserve Central Bank and other banks or financial institutions.
Some currency controls do exist as of mid 2005. All money transfers above $10,000 are required to be reported to the government and there are many other requirements in the Patriot Act.
Many foreign companies have foreign currency gains, due to the falling value of the dollar and hedging operations.

WG 1922
Bank interest rate still 5% as it was in 1914
Bank interest rate rises to 7% in August, 12% in November.
German stock market at 743 in January and rose to 8981 in December.
From 1914-1922, the stock market rose about 89x (from about 100 to 8900), the dollar rose 1525x and coal rose 1250x.
March 1922, 1400 marks per British pound.
The general price level over doubles in the first five months.
Average cost of living in April was increasing at about 50% per month.
On June 24, 1922, right-wing fanatics assassinated Walter Rathenauer, the moderate foreign minister who was in favor of adhering to the Treaty of Versailles, and also assured the population that Germany was not 'printing' too much money. From here on, inflation and social unrest, etc. really took off. Within a week, the mark was at 2200 per pound.
Confidence in the mark is waning, the German people begin to demand foreign currency such as US dollars for trade and tend to not use marks.
Speculation is rampant, whether a stock boy or housewife or weathly persons.
Many foreign companies have large foreign currency gains, due to the falling value of the mark.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 03:52 PM
I ran out of room above, post continued.

US 2006-2009
October 2005 - Home mortgage rate averages 6% & slightly increasing as of early 2006.
April 2006 - Prime rate has moved from 5.5% to 7.75% in the last year.
April 2006 - The S&P 500 has moved from below 1200 to over 1300 in the last 6 months.
From 1982-2006, the stock market rose about 15x.
The general price level, once the lies are taken into account, has gone up 50% in about the last 6 years.
June 2007 - Issues with dollar confidence start to show with lessening purchase of US Treasuries by Foreign Central Banks, who have also been dropping their reserves in dollars since 2002. Possible derivatives dangeers showing with Bear Stearns, which could affect dollar confidence significantly.
Speculation is quite significant.
Some foreign companies have significant foreign currency gains, due to the falling value of the dollar.

While we have not quite reached the levels of Wiemar Germany, you can easily see that we are walking that road.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by franklin555

I concur with your assessment. I said somewhere in ATS that people definitely should look out for Ron Paul's VP. Anyway, Barack is a little bit strange though, looks to me even Soros doesn't seem to have full control over him. So who is he really working for?

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 04:26 PM
The American version of Expansionist Corporatism we have re-branded and we call it "Manifest Destiny" which is the basis of the belief in "American Exceptionalism" both of these for the underlying tendency of the America Republic expanding into an American Empire.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 04:40 PM
Yes, Ive said it on several threads.

The comparisons are clear, the flag waving zealots will deny it but then last century lots of people in Germany thought being nazis were a good thing.

Ironically the flag waving cheerleaders are allowing the downfall of their own country rather than doing something to prevent it. Sadly the world must hope the US implodes before they doom us to WW3.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by CB328


If you can loosely apply a few concepts and twist logic.

In reality, no. Not by a long shot.3

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by CB328

its not like Nazi Germany had:

1. checkpoints
2. fought terrorists/ism
3. people had to produce papers
4. referred to "homeland"
5. fed people flouride
6. attacked multiple countries at once
7. censorship/suppression of info contrary to the "OS"

um wait..

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 07:19 PM

even Soros doesn't seem to have full control over him. So who is he really working for?

himself?? Mabye he has his own ideas of what's best for the country? He sems to be 1/2 bank servant 1/2 idealistic democratic.

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