posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 03:01 AM
Against modern weaponry numbers dont mean a damn thing..
IF they decide to take the kid gloves off some examples for you to think about.
A. 1 attack helicopter can cover an area the size of a football pitch in under 30 seconds killing everyone in that area - thats just with the minigun
not using rockets.
B. If they still use puff (ac130 aircraft with miniguns and / or artillery mounted) puff is even more devastating.
C. tactical nukes bye bye crowds.
Thats only a few of what youd be up against should you be silly enough to think numbers make a difference.. Guaranteed they have no qualms about using
them should the situation arise.. Go ahead join a mob be a martyr or think, plan then take action and maybe survive to tell your grandchildren about
The price of heroes is cheap a bullet through the head.
Thats the cold reality folks its not like one of your hollywood drama's in the real world...
edit on 30/10/11 by Expat888 because: