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Smear Job From The Right? (Scott Olsen)

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posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 07:25 PM
The report that the injured vet Scott Olsen created this site is pure speculation and lacks any proof. To me, that smacks of a smear campaign. A real journalist would have at least verified this was the same person, or at least given Scott Olsen a chance to confirm or deny it was him. It might be possible for active duty marine stationed in Iraq to register a domain name, or he had someone do it in his name - then again, there are a lot of Scott Olsens out there.

When you create a domain name you can give any name and address at all for the whois record, and this person chose to use the name Scott Olsen. So if it's our injured vet, he obviously wasn't trying to hide, and if asked he'll probably thruthfully state if it was him. It's a total non-issue, what strike me as funny is how the right-wing media is a having a field day over this - aren't these tea-party supporters supposed to be defenders of freedom of speech? Guess not.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by seabag

When you’re in a group that is breaking the law then you are guilty by association.

Let's accept this nonsensical remark as true just long enough to round up every police officer in the nation and have them thrown in jail and brought to trial. The murdered Kelly Thomas will do to claim guilt by association, and let's have every police officer arrested for murder.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Uhm...excuse me...THEN ARREST THE ONES THAT WERE THROWING BOTTLES AT THE POLICE INSTEAD OF ACTING LIKE A BUNCH OF PUSSIES AND CLAIMING THAT SOME CRIMINAL FEW GIVES GANG MEMBER THUGS/PREDATORS IN BLUE THE RIGHT TO BULLY EVERYONE. The Constitution for the State of California gave the police who took an oath of office to protect and defend that Constitution fair warning to act lawfully or SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES. What don't you understand about that my oh too slow on the uptake and failing student?

The police have been removing the agitators one by one since this thing started. The video below was filmed hours before the crackdown. I see police trying to do what you asked, removing the agitators, and getting pelted for their efforts. After this they clearly told the people to leave and many refused, so the protesters got want they wanted…and ass whoppin’.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by seabag

The police have been removing the agitators one by one since this thing started. The video below was filmed hours before the crackdown. I see police trying to do what you asked, removing the agitators, and getting pelted for their efforts. After this they clearly told the people to leave and many refused, so the protesters got want they wanted…and ass whoppin’.

If this were true, that the police were removing agitators one by one, then there would not have been any need to show up in full riot gear. The police were not working with the protestors, they showed up to whoop some ass, this is what they did, and here you are a churlish little cheerleader for thuggery.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by seabag

The police have been removing the agitators one by one since this thing started. The video below was filmed hours before the crackdown. I see police trying to do what you asked, removing the agitators, and getting pelted for their efforts. After this they clearly told the people to leave and many refused, so the protesters got want they wanted…and ass whoppin’.

If this were true, that the police were removing agitators one by one, then there would not have been any need to show up in full riot gear. The police were not working with the protestors, they showed up to whoop some ass, this is what they did, and here you are a churlish little cheerleader for thuggery.

I haven’t read any of your previous posts to see what your angle is but you’re clearly 100% liberal OWS supporter. I know many cops and every one of them is a great person with a great family background. Every one of them, and all of their police buddies I know, are great people. You don’t like cops! You are so concerned about your agenda that you will overlook hundreds of thousands of good people because they happen to be cops and they are impeding your agenda. I feel sorry for you, dude! Your anger is misguided and I hope you find the right enemy so you can use your talents to go after the right people some day.

By the way, I am a U.S. MARINE and I don’t agree with this guy that was down there and got hurt. I feel bad that he was injured! I wish it hadn’t happened to him! I would graciously give his family support during this tough time because he is a brother! But he is paying the price for the bad decision he made. Police officers are not the enemy. Police officers are citizens, like us, who are getting screwed by the people in power. When you act violently in a civilized society you will be crushed by the people who are sworn to protect the rest of us, and I’d gladly fight by their side in doing so.

We understand how it is here in Texas. As a matter of fact, the Occupy Dallas movement marched in support of the police a few days ago. These fools in New York, Oakland, etc should get a clue who the real enemies are and direct their efforts in the right direction.

Occupy Dallas Marches to Support Police

Occupy Dallas marched through downtown Thursday to support the Dallas Police Department officers who arrested nearly two dozen of the protesters Monday.

Nearly two dozen Occupy Dallas demonstrators were arrested and charged with criminal trespass after blocking the entrance to a downtown Chase bank branch Monday.

Thursday's march from the group's camp at City Hall to police headquarters and back was peaceful. Around two-dozen demonstrators chanted slogans of support for police at headquarters, then stood beside the officers assigned to watch the march.

Occupy Dallas said they were showing support for police and protesting budget cuts to the department.
"The policemen put their lives on the line for us every day, and they're getting paid a fifth of what the politicians that sit in office that are corrupt," protester Jared Schiffner said.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by seabag

I haven’t read any of your previous posts to see what your angle is but you’re clearly 100% liberal OWS supporter.

How much more foolish are you going to insist on being? You haven't read any of my other posts because you want to believe what you want to believe, and if you were a police officer I have no doubt that you could not be bothered to do any investigation at all, and just rely on your stupid "guilt by association" rhetoric to justify thuggery! Don't bother to take the time to read my other posts, genius. Keep making a fool of yourself.

I know many cops and every one of them is a great person with a great family background. Every one of them, and all of their police buddies I know, are great people. You don’t like cops!

I don't like criminals and dressing up in a government issued uniform and badge does nothing to alleviate any criminal action by a thug.

You are so concerned about your agenda that you will overlook hundreds of thousands of good people because they happen to be cops and they are impeding your agenda.

My agenda is, as it has always been, the fierce and unwavering defense of human rights and the rule of law. If this is not the agenda of your police officer buddies with their families and children, then just what the hell is their agenda? John Gotti had a family to, smart guy. John Gotti had plenty of friends and family members to attest to what a great guy he was.

I feel sorry for you, dude! Your anger is misguided and I hope you find the right enemy so you can use your talents to go after the right people some day.

Your unsolicited pity goes wasted. Your sycophantic praise of tyranny say's more about you than I ever wanted to know.

By the way, I am a U.S. MARINE and I don’t agree with this guy that was down there and got hurt. I feel bad that he was injured! I wish it hadn’t happened to him! I would graciously give his family support during this tough time because he is a brother!

"Blah blah blah please don't hate me because I am a sniveling little toady to abuse of power blah blah blah I'm a marine too so I get to have some undue respect paid me because of this blah blah blah."

Police officers are not the enemy. Police officers are citizens, like us, who are getting screwed by the people in power.

Police officers are increasingly the enemy! If police officers would simply obey the rule of law, and honor the oath of office they took, they wouldn't be getting "screwed by the people in power". The people in power would be screwed instead, but noooooooo police want it both ways. They want the respect of the people they clearly have no regard for, while they continue to do the bidding of the people they claim are screwing them. It is pretty stupid to pull down your pants, bend over and wait to get screwed and then cry foul because you got screwed.

When you act violently in a civilized society you will be crushed by the people who are sworn to protect the rest of us, and I’d gladly fight by their side in doing so.

Yep. I have no doubt. I have long read in this site how the military would stand with the people, but I have always known better. Some will, and some will not. You, by your own admission, will not.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 08:57 PM
The source article in the OP has been updated. With the following

Update #2: A person with access to historical access to the Whois data has a copy of that registration with old timestamps. It appears it was authentic at that time. Therefore, case closed on the original point since it appears that the historical record shown was at that time accurate, although how it came to be in Google's cache on 22 October.... well, that's a good (and remaining) question now isn't it since it was not valid for more than a year prior at that point.... I questioned whether this was the case originally (thus the question mark) as there were legitimate explanations - and it appears there is one. So there you have it.


posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Police officers are increasingly the enemy! If police officers would simply obey the rule of law, and honor the oath of office they took, they wouldn't be getting "screwed by the people in power". The people in power would be screwed instead, but noooooooo police want it both ways. They want the respect of the people they clearly have no regard for, while they continue to do the bidding of the people they claim are screwing them. It is pretty stupid to pull down your pants, bend over and wait to get screwed and then cry foul because you got screwed.

My posts have shown that the protesters initiated the violence in Oakland and the police were justified in their use of force. You clearly showed your ass in all of your posts. You, and people like you, are the problem with these protests. You think everyone who doesn’t agree with you is an idiot and you do everything you can to dismiss them and impose your will on them. Nice try in Oakland, but it didn’t work and it isn’t working in this post. You’re sick with socialism-envy! Anyone who doesn’t understand the rule of law and the way to behave in a civilized manner needs an ass whoopin’. These guys got one and you need one!

edit on 29-10-2011 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by seabag

No offense dude, but you totally got schooled. No one agrees with you...

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:31 PM


posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:01 PM


posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:05 PM


posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:30 PM

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:31 PM


posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:36 PM

Discuss this in a civil manner, remaining on topic and stop the name calling

Your post will be removed and you will be post banned.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 12:40 AM

The police showed up in full riot gear ready for a fight.

There is no way i would show up in anything less if i was a cop.
There was a well known anarchist group there from the bay area that is well known to start trouble.

Do you really think that all the cops there were in riot gear.
Its very common practice for all police departments to put undercover officers in the crowd with hidden radios or body wires to spot and point out the leaders or trouble makers.

The cops likely knew there was going to be trouble long before they got there from the undercover officers.

This has been a game by both sides every time something like this happens.

And the cops in the bay area are experts as they have been playing this type games since the antiwar era of the 1960-70s.
And this was before many on the other side were even born.

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