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In the past I acted on my desire to be with men, but I found the woman i thought i could supress my desires and live a happy normal life.
running from [this] for quite sometime and push[ing] it away
And don't give up on prayer. God will love you no matter what your sexual orientation.
Leviticus 18:22 22 uThou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Romans 1:26–32 26 For this cause xGod gave them up unto cvile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also dthe men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their elust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not flike * to retain God in their knowledge, xGod gave them over to * a reprobate mind, to do those things gwhich are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, hiwickedness, hcovetousness, ijkmaliciousness; full of kenvy, murder, debate, deceit, lmalignity; mwhisperers, 30 mBackbiters, nhaters of God, odespiteful, hpproud, pboasters, qinventors of evil things, pdisobedient to parents, 31 rWithout understanding, covenantbreakers, * swithout natural affection, simplacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing tthe judgment of God, that they which commit such things uare worthy of death, not only do the same, but * xhave pleasure in them that do them.
1 Corinthians 6:9–10 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous kshall not inherit the kingdom of God? lBe not deceived: kneither mnofornicators, nor oidolaters, nor nadulterers, nor effeminate, nor mpabusers of themselves with mankind, 10 kNor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
Originally posted by Shaiker
So how much of this are you willing to talk about, in terms of your story and how you came to be the sexual being that you are and how it led to this place that you want to escape from?
Well in my youth i turned down numerous oppurtunities to have sex with girls and told myself and them i wanted to wait till marriage. Not sure if it was the true reason. I blocked most of my childhood out so i dont remember my thoughts, but remember it more as if it were a movie if that makes since.
My first wife decided "from my behaviors" to experiment, and came to the conclusion i should be with me. I was perfectly fine living with her and not trying a man. After my first wife and i called it quits i acted on my curiosity numerous times. I then began dating another girl who then also decided i was gay. I bought toys and and used them while i was with her to keep from cheating on her with a man.My current wife and I have had numerous spats and our relationship was good and bad at times. She kept asking me over and over again if something is wrong she could since that something was different about me. So then i chose honesty and told her about my past. At this point i started craving my toys again and played once then decided to throw them away.
My wife and i talked through this and any time she would mention my being with men or my toys i would become sexually excited and yet if we were talking about female parts it would not excite me without her physical stimulation. Finally, I have purchased another toy and am craving it and she knows. She says that theirs nothing she can do about it, but she would remain with me as long as i wanted her with me.
We do have a child together and i love my family very much.
The religious experts commenting on what they think God allows and does not allow should understand that i do believe in the power of prayer and i am a christian that accepted Jesus as my personal saviour. Unfortunately thus far my sexual attraction is still for men.
I do perform well in the bedroom for my wife so their is not tension in about my performance.
Originally posted by Shaiker
I have been running from this for quite sometime and push it away. In the past I acted on my desire to be with men, but I found the woman i thought i could supress my desires and live a happy normal life. I am now in the situation she has figured me out. Did i subconciously want to her to know? My actions and my sloppiness with burying my past has all but destroyed our marriage.
What should i do?
Is their a cure?
I hate my life going through relationship after relationship and now hurting the woman I love very much.Maybe prayer from others would help?
Sexual fetishism, or erotic fetishism, is the sexual arousal a person receives from a physical object, or from a specific situation. The object or situation of interest is called the fetish, the person a fetishist who has a fetish for that object/situation.
Many people embrace their fetish rather than attempting treatment to rid themselves of it.
In most cases, fetishists enjoy their fetish and see it as their natural orientation, with no intention of changing it.