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The price of WAR!!!!

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posted on Apr, 8 2003 @ 09:45 PM
This kid was just sleeping at home wehn a missle killed 10 of his family members and riped off both of his arms. Guess who droped the BOMB!!!!!!

posted on Apr, 8 2003 @ 09:58 PM
there is nothing you can tell this child now. he may never understand, and who can blame him ?

what i detest is how his suffering will become exploitation fodder for peacnik masses who spent many a year in absolute and blissful ignorance as thousands of iraqi 'ali ishmaeel abbas' were annihilated by saddam's security forces for decades. when the kurds
or shiites were being exterminated, not one of these
'no blood for oil' baboons spent so much as a second
thinking, caring, doing anything in degree comparable to their antics now. pure sanctimonious tripe.

[Edited on 9-4-2003 by syzygy]

posted on Apr, 8 2003 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by syzygy
there is nothing you can tell this child now. he may never understand, and who can blame him ?

what i detest is how his suffering will become exploitation fodder for peacnik masses who spent many a year in absolute and blissful ignorance as thousands of iraqi 'ali ishmaeel abbas' were annihilated by saddam's security forces for decades. when the kurds
or shiites were being exterminated, not one of these
'no blood for oil' baboons spent so much as a second
thinking, caring, doing anything in degree comparable to their antics now. pure sanctimonious tripe.

[Edited on 9-4-2003 by syzygy]

If the American government actually valued human life over in Iraq and really wanted to help them. They would have sent over a convoy to gather Iraqi's that felt they were being mistreated or repressed and brought them over to America.

After all, it has been said everyone in America can live in Texas with 1 acre of land.

America has the resources to do such a thing but didn't, do to the fact this war has nothing to do about liberation.

posted on Apr, 8 2003 @ 10:34 PM
The kid doesn't seem to dislike America. In fact, he hopes they'll be the ones to help him.

For all we know the attack could have been returning amunition from Baghdad Air Defenses, or it could have been a purposeful attack by Saddam's troops to make the US look bad.

It simply provides no information.

And Lie, you just simply can't move 20million people, and Saddam wouldn't let them go anyway.

Besides do you know how much quicker things would have gone for Saddam's WMD research, if he didn't need to supply his people anymore, because we took them off his hands?

I guess you haven't heard, all that Food for Oil, went to the Republican Gaurd...ALL OF IT.

[Edited on 9-4-2003 by 5POF]

posted on Apr, 8 2003 @ 10:46 PM
Iraq and the Use of Chemical Weapons
By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Jan. 23, 2003 -- Iraq's chemical weapons arsenal is not some hypothetical problem, but a danger and a weapon Saddam Hussein has used in the past.

Hussein had been in power only a year when he declared war on neighboring Iran in 1980. He flexed his muscles against the Persian Gulf region's largest military power, but one weakened by post-shah disarray. Iraq had a more modern military and banked on a fast, easy victory.

Iranian leaders, with a population of 55 million at their disposal, had no compunctions about launching low-tech "human wave" attacks against the Iraqis. Hussein's blitzkrieg devolved into a trench war of attrition, but one he couldn't afford with a population of only about 20 million.

The war was clearly going against Iraq by 1983, when Hussein ordered the use of chemical weapons against Iran. The first of 10 documented chemical attacks in the war was in August 1983 and caused hundreds of casualties, according to CIA sources. The largest documented attack was a February 1986 strike against al-Faw, where mustard gas and tabun may have affected up to 10,000 Iranians.

To this day, no one really knows how many other Iraqi chemical attacks went undocumented or how many Iranians died in them. Iranians call the survivors of the attacks "living martyrs," and the government in Tehran estimates that more than 60,000 soldiers were exposed to mustard gas and the nerve agents sarin and tabun.

One survivor described a rolling cloud of gas enveloping his position in 1985. When the cloud of death rolled away, he was one of 3,000 casualties of the Iraqi attack.

Iran and Iraq ended the war in 1988 with their boundaries about where they'd been when the war started. But Hussein was not through: If the weapons worked against the Iranians, they would also work against internal enemies of his regime.

In August 1988, Hussein launched chemical attacks against defenseless men, women and children in Kurdish villages in northern Iraq. International groups ascertained he used mustard gas and sarin.

Again, no one knows how many Kurds died as a result of these attacks. Some estimates place the dead at 8,000 while others say up to 24,000. The key, CIA officials said, is to remember the attacks weren't against military foes, but used specifically to kill and to terrorize noncombatants. The Kurdish civilians had not had even the basic and inadequate protections carried by some Iranian soldiers.

During the Persian Gulf War, Hussein threatened to use his chemical arsenal against the coalition arrayed against him. The United States said if he did he should expect an instant, overwhelming allied response. Hussein apparently backed down -- while some people may suspect he loosed chemicals on coalition forces, no proof has been found.

Following the war, U.N. inspectors went into Iraq and found stockpiles of chemical weapons. The Iraqis had large caches of mustard gas, which causes casualties by blistering or burning exposed skin, eyes, lungs and mucus membranes within hours of exposure. It is a persistent agent that can remain a hazard for days.

Iraq also had large amounts of sarin and tabun. When absorbed through the skin or inhaled, these nerve agents cause convulsions and unconsciousness. Tabun is a persistent agent and can remain potent for days. While not persistent, sarin is more dangerous inhaled.

The inspectors also found large amounts of VX nerve agent, which is more toxic and persistent than sarin or tabun.

The Iraqis had the chemical agents in aerial bombs, 122 mm rockets, artillery shells and Scud ballistic missiles.

The Iraqi chemical attacks of the Iran-Iraq War were the largest since World War I. During the 1914-18 war, both sides packed artillery shells with gases or rolled generators up to the front lines.

Thousands on both sides died or were injured in the attacks. The world was so revolted by the carnage that countries outlawed chemical warfare in the Geneva Protocols of 1925. During World War II, even the Nazis -- not known for respecting treaties or humanity -- observed the chemical taboo.

Many countries in the world have chemical weapon stockpiles. While the situation is a concern, U.S. leaders don't consider these countries dangerous. They say Hussein's possession of these weapons is dangerous, though, because he has repeatedly and remorselessly demonstrated the willingness to use them for war, terror and genocide.

posted on Apr, 8 2003 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by Lie Detector

If the American government actually valued human life over in Iraq and really wanted to help them. They would have sent over a convoy to gather Iraqi's that felt they were being mistreated or repressed and brought them over to America.

After all, it has been said everyone in America can live in Texas with 1 acre of land.

America has the resources to do such a thing but didn't, do to the fact this war has nothing to do about liberation.

This has got to be one of the most naive comments I have ever read on this board. You want to take in half or more of the Iraqi population and move them to the US - RIDICULOUS.
Besides you've mssed the point of the war completely, the US wants regime change. People want to live in freedom in their own country and not have to go somewhere else and find it.

I could go on and on, but have to work.

posted on Apr, 8 2003 @ 10:47 PM
If the American government actually valued human life over in Iraq and really wanted to help them. They would have sent over a convoy to gather Iraqi's that felt they were being mistreated or repressed and brought them over to America. Posted by Lie Detector

Unfortunately, that is not a practical solution. For one thing, when the Fedayeen and other militia put on civilian clothes, how do you tell the good guy from the bad guy? We have already lost lives due to that mistake.

Also, the US doesnt have the resources to deal with an influx of refugees into the CONUS, not to mention the backlash of residents with NIMBY.

War is hell, that is a very true statement. There will always be attrocities, and there will always be innocents that die in war. However, due to the "embedded" media and the intense 24 TV scrutiny, this will likely go down in history as the war with the most restraint by US armed forces, and with the least amount of attrocities (at least by Americans) in history.

posted on Apr, 8 2003 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by 5POF
The kid doesn't seem to dislike America. In fact, he hopes they'll be the ones to help him.

For all we know the attack could have been returning amunition from Baghdad Air Defenses, or it could have been a purposeful attack by Saddam's troops to make the US look bad.

It simply provides no information.

And Lie, you just simply can't move 20million people, and Saddam wouldn't let them go anyway.

Besides do you know how much quicker things would have gone for Saddam's WMD research, if he didn't need to supply his people anymore, because we took them off his hands?

I guess you haven't heard, all that Food for Oil, went to the Republican Gaurd...ALL OF IT.

[Edited on 9-4-2003 by 5POF]

Yes, 20 million does sound like a whole lot of people. I don't think everyone would plan on coming with America. I know there are some people there who probably enjoy their lives. I didn't say it would be simple. But a move like that would bring the world closer together and no bloodshed.

I read and heard that the WMD Saddam had/has were provided by America when they were partners. That's how America knows they have or had WMD.

I have heard of the oil for food program. I don't know how the food was distributed.

posted on Apr, 8 2003 @ 10:53 PM
I have heard of the oil for food program. I don't know how the food was distributed. Posted by Lie Detector

It never was, at least not to the extent intended by the UN. Coalition forces have found numerous depots of weapons, ammunition, explosives, and UN FOOD, not given to the civilians, but hoarded for dispensation to the army.

posted on Apr, 8 2003 @ 10:57 PM
there is nothing new in this article.

what the article lacks is historical subtext to place some
of the events it mentions into better understanding.
while hussein did launch the first attack against iran in
1980, lets not overlook the not so small role played
by khomeini. he was far from virginal pure in the months
leading up to the outbreak of hostilities. he threatened
to topple hussein's 'godless' socialist regime of a
country and tried to incite the majority shiites in iraq
to revolt.

many of the gulf states did not hesitate to support iraq
against iran, a few years beforethe u.s. began to make
their own contributions to the iraqi war effort.

posted on Apr, 8 2003 @ 11:00 PM
Yes the food for oil program is a farce. All the food once it is delivered to Iraq is controlled by Saddam. He has been able to use this as a weapon against his own people. Don't do what I say and starve.
All the while blaming the lack of food amd medicine on the US.

posted on Apr, 8 2003 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by mad scientist

This has got to be one of the most naive comments I have ever read on this board. You want to take in half or more of the Iraqi population and move them to the US - RIDICULOUS.
Besides you've mssed the point of the war completely, the US wants regime change. People want to live in freedom in their own country and not have to go somewhere else and find it.

I could go on and on, but have to work.

Well, maybe I am a ridiculous kind of guy. But if it was up to me, this is what I would have done.

[Edited on 9-4-2003 by Lie Detector]

posted on Apr, 8 2003 @ 11:21 PM
It sounds good in theory but there are far too many obstacles which would have to be overcome.
Some of these would be language problems, economic problems etc. I mean these Iraqi's aren't going to get a job over night. So therefore the government would have to spend billions to support them, whilst they are contributing nothing to the US.

Also the logistics would rival those for the Gulf War. This assuming Saddam would just let them leave.


posted on Apr, 8 2003 @ 11:27 PM
While we are talking about kids, let's not forget about these ones too.

"The children had been imprisoned because they had not joined the youth branch of the Baath party," he alleged. "Some of these kids had been in there for five years."
Around 150 children spilled out of the jail after the gates were opened as a US military Humvee vehicle approached, Lieutenant Colonel Fred Padilla told an AFP correspondent travelling with the Marines 5th Regiment.

Imprisoned Children click here

posted on Apr, 9 2003 @ 03:17 AM
Wait I have an idea...we can just simply move all the Iraqis from Iraq, to where ever, and give Saddam the "War Protestors" in return.

Then Saddam will have fun when torturing people, and the War Protestors would realize how wrong they were, all will be happy.

posted on Apr, 9 2003 @ 08:18 AM
to ever have his arms blown off...

We all knew going in, that in ANY war, there are innocents injured or killed. We are doing everything we can to minimize it, more in fact, than the enemy is for their own people...but it will never be eliminated... If we allow such scenes to suddenly make us lose the resolve to take the hard steps needed to combat our enemies in the world....then we might as well just roll over for them now.
This is exactly what the regime wants, and it looks like our own press is cooperating... Funny, how you don't see any pics of our soldiers with arms blown think there aren't any?

He wanted to grow up to be a soldier...yeah, no doubt it's more likely he was one of Saddam's "Lion Cubs". Kind of shows you the kind of brainwashing we're trying to save future Iraqis from. He only wants to be a doctor now, because he's seen how kind they are, and how they treat him. Before that, he wanted to be a soldier and fight for el presidente... In 20 years, he likely would have been lowering a Saddam dissident into an acid vat. He may have lost his arms....but saved his soul.


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