posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 02:06 PM
Source article
Seems NASA wants to be NOAA these days. Why? Because NASA are a bunch of militant man made global warming alarmists. Man made global warming is a
known scam! More of a political concept than a scientific one. A political concept which is nothing more than a hypothetical idea based on abstract
assessments derived from scant loosely connected bits and pieces of so called evidence.
Do any of you think NASA will share 100% of the raw data collected from this satellite immediately with lets say the API and their
scientist? (some of the best in the world I might add) ^&*(*(@#&*@#! NO THEY WONT... Because NASA has a carbon credit agenda where they think
somehow they will derive more and more funding if they become the premier agency acting as the carbon credit global police. That's why they want to be
NOAA these days.
Where does NASA think most of their funding originates anyway? It originates from oil, gas and coal being extracted from the ground. It's what our
entire global civilization is built on. How about that bit of economic science to chew on?..... Some food for thought, reality food part of a well
balanced diet to keep the mind sane.
edit on 28-10-2011 by LilDudeissocool because: Added some venting. This subject really gets to me!