People, with recent outbreaks and so on. A call for global occupation of the people has started.
With that, I am beggining to
boycott all useless
materials and food services. Such as name brands, industries, corporations,
franchaises, unneccesary bank transactions resulting in fees, and all false nessecities we've been driven to love that empowers these men. The list
can continue, but we know what we need and don't need.
Boycott; an act of voluntarily abstaining from using, buying, or dealing with a person, organization, or country as an expression of
Basically, don't buy their $#!^.
- I would encourage posters to leave what they would like to boycott, as well as other reasoning.-
Please help me in this attempt to boycott out all of these greedy corporations goods. What will they do when they notice a 20% sales
decrease? What will they do when they dont have the money to operate... They will listen. Because I didn't chose to have these things at the cost
of others, and I for one see a new unison happening accross the globe. With that we must take every oppurtunity we can to help the efforts.
With me I have an ever increasing number of boycotters.
Please read on for some interesting insight.
This is what we DON'T want.
The protests have been doing very well.. Unfortunately there has been a lot of misdemeanors amongst the protestors giving these police officers and
riot control groups the green light to start clubbing civies. Recently I witnessed a man standing firm infront of his people in protest only to be
hit in the face by a tear gas canister. other bystanders went to his aid. Then an officer behind his men and barricade lobbed a flashbang into the
midst of them. The victim had to be carried away by fellow protestors for care, and couldn't recite his name. Last I heard he was in an induced
coma. This took place in oakland and I would encourage others to research into it.
This is why we don't want it
People, if we keep giving these civil unrest respondent's a reason to come into the protests and scare people away, that's just it, they will
scare people away. And eventually we'll see fields semi-full of the smart ones, and people asking " why haven't they gotten a job yet? "
Majority rules, and we cannot afford to lose a single one of you. I can't stress that enough. Sure it's hard to protest peacefully when you're
being told to go home and suck it up. But let's be civil about it always, people on the outside will take notice.
It's been pretty blatent though that both the offensive side and defensive side have been spewing propoganda left and right looking for support from
the people unaffected by all of this. The ones who either, don't know what's going on, or are desperately hoping it all blows over while they
grip their financial security blankets.. Which could very well dissapear or deteriorate if these people aren't recognized and supported. Unless
you're that man sitting on the 27th floor of his enterprise, this should very well benefit you as it will everyone else.
A little history lesson
Back during our previous world wars. Both I and II. There was a race, to colonize and to increase arms. Countries who didn't do so were left
to the side, thus they became third world countries, considered harmless. Or more along the lines of defenceless... Essentially anyone who didn't
industrialize then is in this category.
Now see, it didn't stop there. Our countries reep these countries of their resources. Mining and extracting every bit of their wealth because
they didn't make the efforts to themselves. Not only that, our corporations send factories, as well as sweatshops over seas. To allow cheap
labour and child labour to take place. In crowded, small, dangerous work environments. Where insults are used as whips to keep these workers at
top performance... Because we're all in our cozy homes trying to purchase 1st world goods at a 3rd worlds expense. And lets face it, no one in
our country would wan't to tailor shirts, shoes, hats, etc. And lets face it again, no corporation wants to pay over minimum wage, and these
workers are cheaper than paying maintenance crews here to watch over the machines that could. Disgusting.. yes. On top of that, these big
buisness men save a ton on their taxes, that could go to the government, and back to the people mainly because their product exports from wherever
they are situated. And taxes apply to the country you're in, and it being a third world country, has lower taxes. See the trend? This is why we
fail in exports as a country. And with 34% of the worlds wealth... and 6% of the worlds population. Seeing people struggle in poverty and living on
the streets makes no sense.
And with this increasing debt (that I knew nothing of until it was thrown in my face that we passed our deficit) it is predicted this halloween
weekend, our GDP will be surpassed by the increasing debt. Meaning, we need to take some steps in order to back track. Otherwise living
standards WILL decrease. Our GDP is basically our worth, what we make and can afford to pay out. A chart and some info on this can be found
Here. I know some
of you may think of prison planet news to be extremist, but this is too real.
Now heres a bit more insight.. When the banks are being bailed out, we are giving them money, government and tax money. When we bailout major
corporations, ex GM. We are giving them government and tax money.. When we give these people money, we're losing a lot money. And the cost of
war, is ever so costly. The only way this is going to be paid back, is through inflation and taxation. I'm talking minimum wage being $20,
yet a loaf of bread (sorry cliche, but just an example) being $15, because our currency will go kurplunk. Great Britain used to be the top world
power... what happened to them? It's up to you to do your research. But why does our government continue to sell us out? Beats me, you
occupiers have the right idea in a good sense, just keep it peaceful and I'm right there with you. None of us want to send our wages away to
someone elses screw ups. We may as well be slaves. I for one didn't chose to be born into this.
Please help me in this attempt to boycott out all of these greedy corporations goods. What will they do when they notice a 20% sales decrease?
What will they do when they dont have the money to operate... They will listen, and they will ultimately crash. Because I didn't chose to have
these things at the cost of others, and I for one see a new unison happening accross the globe. With that we must take every oppurtunity we can to
help the efforts.
Ron Paul 2012. A man who can shape this new path for us, once in a lifetime.