posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 04:15 AM
This is my own 2 cents on the subject, but looking at how the world operates this is what I summise.
The New World Order (NWO): I don't think this relates to global governance but rather a global change in superpower hierarchy. You have the BRIC
(Brazil, Russia, China & India) economies threatening to dominate the world. These are what some people refer to as Tiger economies, they have had so
much austerity, sanctions, freed from tyranny (or still ruled by) that the only way is up for them when the rest of the world is being brought down to
there level.
Global Governance: Just take a look at your own country and it's government for a minute. I bet not a day goes by where some politician or other
types aren't in the news for all the worng decisions made about policy or there private lives. You really honestly think that we can have a
government headed my one so called supreme individual to run the lives of 7 Billion humans. Not to mention control all social issues, domestic issues
etc. To a race of people who have there own deeply ingrained social, cultural, political viewpoints. Stop thinking the Western way, that what works
for people in the USA or other western nations is good enough and will work for someone who lives in the Middle East. People in the Middle east have
different views on the sanctity of human life than people in the West do. It doesn't make them good or bad, there just not you. And what person of
what creed, colour, religion etc should be deemed worthy enough to run the world. A world they would seek to stamp there own impression of what
everyone else should be like on.
If anything global governance will be shadow, where all nations on earth will have a general accord and agreement on certain primary issues. Where
nations will be allowed there own rule, taxation, crime and punishment etc but guidance will be saught from a set of primary modus operandi. Bit like
how Europe is constructed at the moment.
The way some people refer to the NWO or Global Rule is wrong, just remember every UFO you see in the sky isn't necessarily piloted by little Green
Men. They are just that Unidentified (by the observer) Flying Objects.
That's all folks!