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My Thoughts on Life the Universe and Everything. (Not 42)

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posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 01:26 AM
Remember these are just theory's and my beliefs don't go nam on me. And second before people start saying
"WELL ARNT U ATHEIST?!" I want to explain that being an atheist stands for the lack of belief in
all powerful beings or deities. The term atheism originated from the Greek word ἄθεος (atheos), meaning "without god". So being an atheist has nothing to do with believing in an afterlife.

The reason i call myself one is because that's honestly what best fits what i believe.
I don't believe in a god i simply believe we are, are own god and what we do effects the outcome of
our fate. I believe in love being a never ending power that will always exist i believe it's a universal
language that runs through everyone.

Now to my thoughts on reincarnation.

Okay, so say you fell asleep. Your going into dream mode. You experience every second of it on a level on which you know its happening. Then you wake up. And it leaves your mind like gold dust running through fingers of a firmly closed hand. You completely forget about the dream its just gone, blackness you cant recall it.

BUT. You did experience it correct?

So that means it must of happened, but our physical bodies disallows us to take in and capture
all that streaming information and remember it.

NOW imagine you died, you went into an after life. Then you reincarnate (explanation later) wake up and you have no recollection of ever living another life, dieing, then proceeding to the afterlife. JUST LIKE THE DREAM! Your new vessel dissalows your soul to remember all the works of the universe through the law of time. Time only exists in the physical realm.
Souly for that purpose.

Thoughts on evolution and the universe.

Now look at the universe. We have this expanding bubble of space that is near to never ending.
WE have galaxy's for the purpose of holding solar systems in a stable condition. We have a solar system that PERFECTLY holds planets in place along with giving a life filled planet perfect warmth. We have planets that hold the perfect conditions to create LIFE. We have life to adapt and evolve, and possibly become intelligent. We have intelligent life to harbor complex souls, we have souls to give us purpose and identity. We have purpose and identity for many things, i cant get to details on that one it gets deep.

Why do species evolve? Did you ever ask that question?
First a species is a robot of some sort mainly evolving to adapt, but what happens when we adapt perfectly enough to have a continuous thrive? We start to evolve not for the purpose of survival anymore we eventually move on. We have mastered that so we stepped up to another stage of evolution for the reason of language and knowledge, then after connection and love. What could be next? Maybe 10/28/11 could be the next stage?

My point on this one it seems as if this universe was created perfectly for life.
And without life who would be there to witness it?

Thoughts on the soul.

I believe the soul is infinite. It never began or will never end, time has nothing to do with the complexity of the soul. Now, I believe that our soul also evolves, not through one life time. But through many.
We have the choice to evolve our soul by going to the physical world and living and learning lessons
there. The only problem is, that you have to learn everything from scratch. And will have no memory
of how the universe works and the true nature and knowledge of your soul, because it's a law that can't be broken. Or evolution in the physical world would be pointless.


When our true self reaches the afterlife, we go through a process of our soul transcending into the nature
of one eternal wave length. In which everything you have known or learned is stored on to that stream.
But you have the options to start over and add more and more to your soul by living other lives.

But yeah that's honestly all i could really say about the afterlife. For it is nearly impossible to know what holds
in the afterlife. I think it's something non comprehend-able to a species even of greater intelligence then ours.
I think what is in store for us is so crazy and un-imaginable that we could never truly predict what actually happens when we die.

This is all I got for now, when it comes to the biggest picture in what i believe it's really hard to organize
in a fashionable matter. I will eventually come out with an essay that explains everything in detail.

So what do you guys think? Any questions or misunderstandings i need to clear up?
Oh and Christians.. hold your tongue if its soaked in negativity or disregard, no quote from the bible will change how I feel neither will it change the outcome of my theory's. But i am open for assertive and respectful debate.

edit on 26-10-2011 by BruceEFury because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-10-2011 by BruceEFury because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by BruceEFury

I couldn't argue with any of that BruceE.
Where we differ I do not believe to be important.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 01:59 AM
Well articulated, I just don't know if you can call yourself an atheist. You obviously believe in a higher power, just not the old man sitting on a cloud like christians believe.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 02:01 AM
Great post! That's how I try and explain it you worded it perfectly, the only thing is each of those
Points go way deeper and there is much more meaning to our spirit and this universe.
S&F !

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 02:14 AM
I like your view on this. Even if I don't believe in life after death this is certainly a possibility. From my perspective the idea of an afterlife is simply derivated from the fear every living things has: to lose life, forever. In a sense I only see the afterlife as a reassuring thought about our own life, even if it is a simple fabrication of your conscious / subconscious process.

What really doesnt seems to hold the road in your view is this: We all know how babies are created. So this beg the question: Who is choosing which "soul" go into each new babies? I mean it is the parents who decide to give life, or is it your "soul" that decide to take place in that new bodies? Personally I don't see how life can be transcended into a new body after death, I don't see any logic there appart from the fear of living creature to lose life and "invent" a way they will not die. To me each new creature born is a new instance of life form, not some kind of an ancient "soul" reincarning into it.

There's also the fact of the growing population, at the early stage of humanity there were not billions of human on earth, are you assuming that at one point there were no "soul", but somehow someday a soul decided to exist, and every year new souls are born? it just doesnt makes sense to me, you says time doesn't exist in the after-life plan, so how can souls existence have a obvious start?

That's just my thought on this but this is a good post to fuel that never-endind debate

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 02:52 AM
Deep. I agree with a lot of what you say. I would post a long winded response if it wasn't for the fact my gilfriend decides to interrupt me every 15 seconds with an SMS haha. I'll read this again later on and be more of a help.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by SkyFighta
I like your view on this. Even if I don't believe in life after death this is certainly a possibility. From my perspective the idea of an afterlife is simply derivated from the fear every living things has: to lose life, forever. In a sense I only see the afterlife as a reassuring thought about our own life, even if it is a simple fabrication of your conscious / subconscious process.

What really doesnt seems to hold the road in your view is this: We all know how babies are created. So this beg the question: Who is choosing which "soul" go into each new babies? I mean it is the parents who decide to give life, or is it your "soul" that decide to take place in that new bodies? Personally I don't see how life can be transcended into a new body after death, I don't see any logic there appart from the fear of living creature to lose life and "invent" a way they will not die. To me each new creature born is a new instance of life form, not some kind of an ancient "soul" reincarning into it.

There's also the fact of the growing population, at the early stage of humanity there were not billions of human on earth, are you assuming that at one point there were no "soul", but somehow someday a soul decided to exist, and every year new souls are born? it just doesnt makes sense to me, you says time doesn't exist in the after-life plan, so how can souls existence have a obvious start?

That's just my thought on this but this is a good post to fuel that never-endind debate

Well since i didn't go to deep into my theory, i'm glad you brought this up. I mention time being a thing only in this universe. I don't believe the afterlife is expanding or contracting with a perpetual forward time line. which is why i think time doesn't exist in the afterlife. SO that being said i think that in the other world, everything that has or ever will happen in this physical world, has already happened. Your just choosing (or not) to improve your soul and karma. I am not sure on how exactly the reincarnation process would work, but i would imagine it would have to do with the hardships or lessons you need to improve your being. If that makes sense.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 04:20 AM
well yes it makes sense. you might find this blog interesting:

This is Rob Bryanton's blog where he's talking about time and anti-time, this to say that time isn't straight forward. he's also talking about the tenth dimension, a very nice collection of alternatives theories. Even if I do not believe in afterlife doesnt mean I'm not open minded to those ideas.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 07:52 AM
I find it interesting that so many believe a Soul has to individually learn lessons?

Just because humans can't seem to learn from other's, why can't Souls learn as One?

As to the Universe being perfect for Life, what makes you think the Universe itself isn't Life?

As for the purpose of lifeforms on this planet, what makes you think they weren't created to use as "avatars" for the Souls to play out scenarios in to learn about such things as Chaos?

One more thing, you didn't address how a Soul is born and how often a Soul is born?

Lastly, what makes you think science got it right about the so called bubble We live in? What if that bubble is an illusion and the Universe is actually infinite in all directions, We just can't see past that bubble?


posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by BruceEFury

before i read you post/thread which iwill get back to doing
the universe is god we live a life so the unverse can learn about its self
like one big brain using all us little brains

but i will read your op later

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by maryhinge
reply to post by BruceEFury

before i read you post/thread which iwill get back to doing
the universe is god we live a life so the unverse can learn about its self
like one big brain using all us little brains

but i will read your op later

kNot bad Mary but what if the Universe is Perfect Order? Considering We have what could be considered Perfect Chaos here, is it possible the Universe is learning about what it isn't?


posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:23 PM

edit on 26-10-2011 by jaws1975 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad
I find it interesting that so many believe a Soul has to individually learn lessons?

Just because humans can't seem to learn from other's, why can't Souls learn as One?

As to the Universe being perfect for Life, what makes you think the Universe itself isn't Life?

As for the purpose of lifeforms on this planet, what makes you think they weren't created to use as "avatars" for the Souls to play out scenarios in to learn about such things as Chaos?

One more thing, you didn't address how a Soul is born and how often a Soul is born?

Lastly, what makes you think science got it right about the so called bubble We live in? What if that bubble is an illusion and the Universe is actually infinite in all directions, We just can't see past that bubble?


Well like I said before the the soul hasn't started or ended, because time is only a law of this world.
It;s a hard thought to grasp, and the reason i think we're a bubble is because the "big bang".
Everything came out of a circular point of density that expanded. And if the universe we're infinite then
it would be impossible to expand, which science proves that it is.

Oh and I love your thought on the universe being a life form. It's really interesting and i have never really thought about it before. Maybe like our minds, the universe is an expanding consciousnesses as well.

Why can't souls learn as one? That could be true, but we already can prove that love is a natural law that keeps
us wanting to be together. Thus we learn from each other and the oneness that we all hold.

edit on 26-10-2011 by BruceEFury because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by BruceEFury

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad
I find it interesting that so many believe a Soul has to individually learn lessons?

Just because humans can't seem to learn from other's, why can't Souls learn as One?

As to the Universe being perfect for Life, what makes you think the Universe itself isn't Life?

As for the purpose of lifeforms on this planet, what makes you think they weren't created to use as "avatars" for the Souls to play out scenarios in to learn about such things as Chaos?

One more thing, you didn't address how a Soul is born and how often a Soul is born?

Lastly, what makes you think science got it right about the so called bubble We live in? What if that bubble is an illusion and the Universe is actually infinite in all directions, We just can't see past that bubble?


Well like I said before the the soul hasn't started or ended, because time is only a law of this world.
It;s a hard thought to grasp, and the reason i think we're a bubble is because the "big bang".
Everything came out of a circular point of density that expanded. And if the universe we're infinite then
it would be impossible to expand, which science proves that it is.

Oh and I love your thought on the universe being a life form. It's really interesting and i have never really thought about it before. Maybe like our minds, the universe is an expanding consciousnesses as well.

Why can't souls learn as one? That could be true, but we already can prove that love is a natural law that keeps
us wanting to be together. Thus we learn from each other and the oneness that we all hold.

edit on 26-10-2011 by BruceEFury because: (no reason given)

The Big Bang never happened, the Little Bang did and there are 'somewhat" an Infinite number of Little Bangs that have occurred, that being, the Little Bang of each and every Galactic Birth. The bubble you are referring to is the bubble created by our galaxy's birth around 13 to 14 billion earth years ago and it is moving away from our galaxy at the speed of light because it IS light.

As to science proving the Universe is expanding, the only thing expanding with science is the girth of their bellies.
The Universe IS Infinite! The reason why they don't know that is because they cannot see past our Galactic Light Bubble because beyond it, are quintillions of galaxies and Infinite Space.

As to an expanding Consciousness, that's an interesting Thought I've never Thought but I can answer it. The Consciousness is expanding with the new additions of Souls being added to the Connection of that Collective Consciousness. Then, there is the Mind of that Collective Consciousness, which is ALL matter in the Universe, which while finite at any given finite moment, it is going to Infinite by having virgin matter introduced at all times. So it can be said that the Mind of the Universe is going to Infinite, as well as the Connections to the Consciousness that occupies that Mind.

I hope I didn't lose you?
If I did, ask away.


Ps: You are kNot moving in Time, you are moving in Thought. The Thought of the Consciousness of the Universe is the Source of Time and the Thought Process (thinking) is the Source of all that Electromagnetic Energy POURING out of those quintillions of galaxies and that Thought Process is the Source of all matter, including the virgin matter being introduced out of all those massive DUAL back-to-back black holes at the center of EVERY spiral galaxy.

Bi-dimensional Transdermal Energy Transfer is what explains how the matter transfers thru the SKIN of Space, into the spacial dimension below this one, converted, then because that dimension is flooded with that converted energy, when new Electromagnetic Energy is absorbed, it has to go out somewhere.

There are innie and outie black holes and the dual back-to-back ones at the center of every spiral galaxy are the birthing canals of that galaxy and the outie black holes that 'excrete' virgin matter.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by BruceEFury

now i have read you post im stuck for words

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

maryhinge is my fav thing and kNot my name i know i should check my spelling
h m

and it works both ways the what it is or what it is not

ps call me phil ware

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by maryhinge
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

maryhinge is my fav thing and kNot my name i know i should check my spelling
h m

and it works both ways the what it is or what it is not

ps call me phil ware

Fill where?

I had to go edumacate myself on that!

I can say We have similar tastes, just don't go tasting my tastebuds.


posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

cool someone on my wave length

edumacate lmfao
edit on 28/10/2011 by maryhinge because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by maryhinge
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

edumacate lmfao

I'm a hillbilly toad.


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