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Do these manipulated Apollo images hide an unknown civilization?

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posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by 1967sander

I must admit that the white man in the visor indeed appears to be an astronaut....

This image has been exhaustively analyzed in other ATS threads. Did no one link you to those?

The Apollo A7L EVA suits are well documented, and the reflective properties of the visors as well. Being very large convex reflective surfaces, they can reflect back objects from a very wide field, or angle of view.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by Swills

Originally posted by ProudBird
reply to post by Swills

He used some bad ass software, AMS auto multi layer segmentation software, on these photos, and most of, if not all of us do not have access to such software. "convenient" for the OP.

Now then....who can tell us what kind of image manipulation software was available in 1969, 1970, 1971.....etc?

Surely, for any organization committed to *hiding evidence* from Apollo photos that date from the actual historical records and time-frame, they would have had to have very sophisticated computer processing abilities in the 1970s?? I seem to have miss that tidbit from the historical records of the era.

Imagine the immense *team* that wold need to be employed to do this, building a computer that didn't yet exist, writing software that was still a dream for Gates and Wozniak and al.

Wow! What skilled and genius professionals, hiding all those skills for so many decades.

Yes yes, you can pull the old "how convenient" argument, but that means you're calling this guy a liar, fraud, hoaxer, etc. Because he clearly states what type of software he uses, who uses it (micro biologists), and that you won't be buying from Best Buy. So by your logic this should be an easy case to solve because either the man is lying or telling the truth, and from watching that video and seeing the software being used in action, I believe him.

You have a nasty attitude, just so you know.

Has anyone done a search on this so called AMS auto multi layer segmentation software the top hits for it seem to be ATS and other Apollo hoax links STRANGE dont you think!

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by wmd_2008
Has anyone done a search on this so called AMS auto multi layer segmentation software the top hits for it seem to be ATS and other Apollo hoax links STRANGE dont you think!
I think the software exists. I seem to remember seeing an algorithm published for it somewhere so it will likely have been incorporated into a program somewhere in academia.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 09:57 PM
Does the government think we are this dumb?

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by Gridrebel
reply to post by 1967sander

Awesome example of technology proving fact over fiction. It is pretty sad that once again, all these years, we are still being played by our "government". You just have to wonder......have they EVER been honest and "for" the people. IMHO in the early 1950's, when the American government began covert drug testing on our soldiers, was when the beginning of the separation of the government representing it's people.
edit on 26-10-2011 by Gridrebel because:

I thought the way you do now but the more research you do the more lies you will uncover! I think there are way more lies today but our government has always lied and always has been more concerned with the preservation of the state then its people! That's just the way it is and always will be as long as we choose to be represented and It does'nt matter whom we choose until we decide to step up and run our country as a stateless democracy but this will never happen cause people don't like to make decisions! They need everything done for them and until the majority of people in the US have their belief system shattered this will be how it is!

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 10:36 PM
Hello all,

Just thought I'd follow up with what I'd read about AMS. Sander mentioned it was used on liver CT scans, which is correct. However, it's not a specific algorithm it's a process which is likely why myself and others don't recognise it at all.

AMS is Automatic Multilayer Segementation which is defined away from manual segementation by the fact it requires minimal input from the user.

It is a collection of techniques but is mostly ... (depending on your field)

If you're a colorist ... qualifying methods
If you're a VFX person ... matte pulling
If you're a photoshopper ... masking/pulling a mask/magic wanding that thing!
If you hate computers ... its the equivolent of cutting around something with scissors cos that's the bit you want! ...

I boldy some bits for reference. Sorry about the number of quotes, but it's better than having to read the whole thing if imaging doesn't interest you!

It involves preparing a 3D model of the organ under surgery

The 3D reconstruction of the organ model and its surrounding generally requires various segmentation/extraction algorithmns which are applied on pre-operative scans

Inputs to the algorithm are images of one abdominal CT scan volume and one manually identified mask of the liver from a middle slice of the volume in which the liver area is near to its largest size.

The output of the algorithm is a set of liver masks for all the remaining slices of the volume.

The second article I read (excuse my sloppy referencing but they are below!) basically confirms that there are multiple manual and automated or in between ways of pulling masks/mattes to identify the liver over various organs etc that can be scanned through patient movement or just in general.

Among the many various ways of doing this are aways that use edge finding/mapping techniques. It's pretty common to use tonal range techniques of varying complexity to try to pull a matte or mask from closely related objects. In regarding to liver scans you're aiming to pull information from an image that is primarily grey in the first place, so you're looking at small amounts of difference, and you're then using multiple different methods to qualify/tighten the matte that form part of process and exclude other organs.

Basically it's taking apart a multi slice volume of CT images, and aligning them and identifying the part that is wanted.

Regarding how advanced the techniques are ...

The average runtime for extracting one liver mask for this algorithm is 30 seconds using MATLAB environment on a PC with an Intel Core 2 Duo (2 GHz) processor.

The thing is ... moon photos aren't volumes with many slices of a liver. They're a single jpeg image not a volume. I'm just confused as to how this process involves 'layers of contrast' and how it relates to the subject matter. Also it seems really simple to explain, but perhaps people read this thing and say Pinke what the hell! Make more sense Pinke!

Sander can clear this up maybe, but anyway just sharing my learning!

Articles: Liver Segmentation Based on Deformable Registration and Multi-layer Segmentation Proceedings of 2010 IEEE 17th International Conference on Image Processing September 26-29, 2010, Hong Kong

Survey on liver CT image segmentation methods Ahmed M. Mharib · Abdul Rahman Ramli Syamsiah Mashohor · Rozi Binti Mahmood

And yes, please ask if anything is particularly unclear. I just don't have time to make this post as academic as I feel it needs to be in some ways. >.<
edit on 30-10-2011 by Pinke because: Last bit/typo

edit on 30-10-2011 by Pinke because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 11:37 PM
truly an amazing video! S&F! Keep up the good work. I'll be sure to subscribe to your channel.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by gambon
What I do find interesting is that so many star and flaggers have registered in the last 10 months , and seem to leave either one liners , or 2 liners , along lines of

" wow buddy , you found some amazing shizzle the , never thought would see something so amazing".............................

not actually adding anything to the thread

I can smell fishy wishy
excellent point

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by Frontkjemper

heres a few more you might like, you're right.. they have been doing this for a long time

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by Pinke
Very good post Pinke.

So in plain fool terms, the software thinks it is processing 3-dimensional information (like a CT Scan of a human) when it is actually processing the information from jpegs.

This would make AMS very good at identifying organs in a human body and not so good at finding organs in a photo of a human body.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by 1967sander
reply to post by gambon

I am not longer paying attention to you sir. Unpolite, rude and only provoking. To me you are air.
edit on 29-10-2011 by 1967sander because: txt

you doth protest to much ,YOU are the only person in this thread to have had posts removed and editted by forum admin for personal attacks,

And yes I hope I am provoking....a discussion on this a discussions board, if you cannot take critisism then you are posting on the wrong forum , take the advice of one of your followers on utube and stop posting here if you just want to hear folks agreeing with you to inflate your EGO.......
edit on 31-10-2011 by gambon because: (no reason given)

"tehbible (1 day ago)
ATS is disinfo. They attacked John Lenard Walson as well. ATS is a cesspool for debunkers. Do NOT rely on that site. Search elsewhere. Good luck with your research everyone." youtube....

"1967sander (2 days ago)
Hello People, I feel sad. I have had it with ATS completely. The only aim these people have is to make you look bad.
No matter what you try to show them, you literally are being attacked and displayed as some idiot. So goodbye ATS!"

so if ats is so bad why do you insist on posting here?

edit on 31-10-2011 by gambon because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-10-2011 by gambon because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-10-2011 by gambon because: spelling

"give this post a star
posted on 31-10-2011 @ 05:37 AM this post
truly an amazing video! S&F! Keep up the good work. I'll be sure to subscribe to your channel."

this person has only posted two replies in 2years ....fishy wishy, no contribution to the thread like many others

edit on 31-10-2011 by gambon because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-10-2011 by gambon because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by 1967sander
Hi there,

I discovered a few hundred odd manipulations on the Apollo moonlanding imagery. I do not refer to the position of the sun, strange reflections or shadows on the moon surface but genuine image manipulation. Objects edited out, a piece of film covered with sticky tape used to hide "something" and very sloppy paintbrush / photoshop.

For those interested, you can see the photo / frame number in the left corner and Google for it. They can be found everywhere on the internet and of course on all official NASA websites.

This is only a small selection and more videos will follow.

I hope you enjoy the video.



Pretty nice, not bad at all. Something is being obfuscated and covered up on the moon and it's big.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 12:01 PM
Did any of you bother reading the guys youtube page? he lists the software he uses, I looked lucis pro 6 up and it is over 500 dollars and only shipped on a dongle (I think) due to piracy concerns. Here is a snippet from his page,

" I use Lucis Scientific Image Processing Software for Differential Hysteresis (DH) image processing and AMS (auto multi-layer segmentation) which also is capable of shifting between contrast layers on pixel level."

Why dont you go try and debunk him now? I will look forward to your response, PS watch his other videos too if you havent already.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by trustnothing
Did any of you bother reading the guys youtube page? he lists the software he uses, I looked lucis pro 6 up and it is over 500 dollars and only shipped on a dongle (I think) due to piracy concerns. Here is a snippet from his page,

" I use Lucis Scientific Image Processing Software for Differential Hysteresis (DH) image processing and AMS (auto multi-layer segmentation) which also is capable of shifting between contrast layers on pixel level."

Why dont you go try and debunk him now? I will look forward to your response, PS watch his other videos too if you havent already.

Well if you find anything on AMS with regards to photography post a link becuase I cant seem to find much!

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 12:39 PM

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by trustnothing

"AMS" photo - into google gets Anyways, hope someone can prove or disprove this as its one of the most interesting things ive seen on here. Plenty more pictures to be checked if so...

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by Pinke

Are you female? Either way you are good.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by 1967sander

S&F 1967sander, great stuff mate.

Look forwards to your next video (or set of videos!).

I think the black 'object' on the first image, near the top of what's being called a pyramid, actually looks more like an entrance archway, sloping backwards.

Great work mate.


posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by gambon

Since we're posting our observations and criticisms, where's your contribution to the thread then?

Where's your critique of the techniques the OP used, or the reveals on the images?

You seem to have plenty to say about the OP (straw man arguments), ATS etiquette, Youtube accounts and posters, and absolutely NOTHING to say about the topic of the thread or indeed about anything related to the enhanced images...why is that exactly?

Seriously, i'm curious. Apart from simply bashing the OP for our benefit, why not have a bash at his results being posted here...if you can of course?

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by spikey

Your criticisms weren't addressed to me, but as I read them....I have followed along with this thread. I have seen many, many good contributions that explain the fallacies of the OP and his methods.

The recent one, some posts up, describe the fact that he used a medical imaging software that is designed to analyze 3D types of photos, and look at internal Human body structures and organs.

Does that revelation not seem as if it's a bit of "overkill" to apply to simple photos (photos that, by the way, have been altered, yes...but only well after the fact?) These are images that are not original, but are in fact digital reproductions.

The artifacts as a result are there, because they are already altered.

See? The entire premise of the OP is skewed and incorrect, from the very start. A *tempest in a teapot*, in other words......

edit on Tue 1 November 2011 by ProudBird because: (no reason given)

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