posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 12:14 PM
Originally posted by ApplesOnFire
i want your opinion, do you think they can make an aircraft invisible now or is he telling the truth that it will take decades?
Oh, you mean like giant drone / airship / hovering craft passing right over our heads and across our skys that are never seen, but only heard and felt
occasionally? Something along those lines? Naww.. I'm sure they can't do such a thing. It's impossible....right?
Seriously... I've watched videos and promotional demonstrations for 3 different systems of invisibility since we lost the Helicopter at the Bin Laden
compound (perhaps..that used it and releasing the tech doesn't matter anymore) and I can't help but think..these toy displays are the prototypes
they had 20 years ago before the defense industry actually made it work in a real world application. Why wouldn't we be seeing the full scale
technology? I'd think before we may have lost one in Pakistan, things using it would have been reserved for only the MOST critical and MOST vital of
missions where the loss of the technology could actually be argued as worth it to whatever was being gained in the mission.
Just my thoughts. When people hear that rumbling, jets or deep vibration bass coming from the sky, look VERY VERY close to the sky above. If that is
what I've come to believe it is, there might be a shimmer...or a momentary outline between cloak and regular sky. Nothing major and nothing for
long...but sometimes, there HAS to be a fleeting slip. Nothing man made is perfect and the prototypes the public are seeing now don't suggest a
system that would be free from flaws like that.
Thanks for the thread... it makes for some very solid food for thought. S/F!