posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 10:52 AM
Hey guys,
A few weeks ago, two friends and I were sitting on a bench, overlooking the sea outside my house having a ciggie. It was a clear night, but the moon
was kind of dull; but anyway.
A friend of mine noticed a light in the sky toward the west, from a distance it looked like a helicopter with a spot light, so we carried on watching
it anyway as it was interesting. After a while, this thing kind of like swooped down from its altitude, and flew toward us, as it got closer, we
noticed there was little to no sound, and the spot lights where in fact two massive "head lights" much like a car would have. So it got closer and
closer, and flew straight over our heads..
This thing was massive and almost silent, I couldn't tell you an accurate estimation of its altitude, but it was fairly low. It was definitely man
made, it had what looked to be port and starboard navigational lights, but it was unlike anything I've ever seen.... well that isn't strictly true.
I've seen this thing, with the same flight path 3 times in around 6 years of living here, it didn't have navigational lights before though.
I could make out a clear triangle shape, and l looked for the tail characteristics of a stealth bomber, but it was pretty much a perfect triangle.
It was heading out over the North Sea, travelling to the North East over Hopton.
Any ideas?