posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 11:20 AM
I like the message and how they're zeroing in on the ruling families and their weapons of fear and greed.
I'm glad they're adding text as well. It helps to clarify and adds emphasis to their statements.
The only thing I can suggest is that the group and those who are creating the videos need to brush up on their symbolism.
The mask is only shown as half/one sided. This is also a symbol of the "all seeing eye". Many movie posters that are designed with an
"illuminated" message will show a shadow over half of the actor's face. Anon needs to stay away from using any of the symbolism that the
Illuminated/Kabbalistic sects have been using.
Unless they're using it as a slap to their faces?
This is a question that I'm unable to answer though.
Maybe someone from Anon could explain?
Anyways, I would be more comfortable if they always depicted the mask with both eyes in the light.