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China uses new Defining

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posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 03:01 AM
I just read this and to me the USA could be under their definition of terrorism, a terrorist nation from the link

China considers better defining terrorism
BEIJING (AP) — China says it is considering new legislation better defining terrorism in order to strengthen domestic and international efforts against such acts and those who would commit them.
wow this is big HRC could be charged with a terrorist act

A proposal before the national legislature would provide more specific legal definitions for terrorists and terrorist acts based on Chinese and international precedents, making it easier to bring terrorism charges, the official Xinhua News Agency said Tuesday.
will try to find out more on this one is not reliable

The proposal targets those using violence, sabotage or threats in hopes of intimidating or coercing governments or international organizations. Incitement, funding or providing other support would also be considered terrorism.
see what this could lead too HRC threatens to withhold aid or bring in the pacific fleet

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 03:35 AM
Yep, that's exactly what I'm thinking of, too. They're changing their definition, and it won't be long until they define the U.S. as a terrorist nation.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 03:38 AM
they'll probably start a war here pretty soon the time is almost up

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 04:36 AM
When is this WW3 supposed to begin? This psychological warfare has been goin on long enough.

Sad part is, I can think of WAYYYY more reasons why a great war will happen over why a great war wont happen.

Its comming; when, is anyones guess.
They wouldnt be setting up their pieces if they werent playing chess.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by Common Good
ww3 began on 9/11/01 it is a war of terror a war on freedoms ,a war on one rights views and beliefs what will happen if China says we the USA are a terrorist Nation? will it nuke us? would we nuke them the key word is terrorist, China is getting the hint it is no longer a Soc /Cap war that drove the cold war for years but one that any one any face any color creed could be the enemy, how do you fight a war like that?
You start by doing what TSA DHS are doing, I read a post earlier "Taking a pic is not against the law" true but what are you taking a pic of power plant a dam a secured area? it all depends on some one see you and makes a call we have become our worst enemy to spy one one an other, what next the right to detain and shoot if need be? ok the last wont be for the gun laws are doing a way with that could that be why?

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