posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 09:34 AM
A golden rule of relationships:
Relationships that begin with the last men around (like cheating, or its a fresh wound for the lady) will always end the same way. Saw this to often
in my life with other people:
If the girl cheated menX with you, you will be the next menX in line. Saw a (I dont want to call her friend but I know her) if mine rushing through 3
relationships. It went this way:
Man A + Girl
-> Girl cheats ManA with ManB
Man B + Girl in relationship
-> Girl cheats ManB with Man C
Man C + Girl in relationship
she did make sure that she always had it "better" with the next guy. upgrading so to say.
dont fool yourself. wait some weeks. If shes in a relationship then, pain could not be too hard for her. So I asume love was not strong either. RED
edit on 15-1-2012 by verschickter because: (no reason given)