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Dumb idea or Genius ?

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posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 10:26 AM
I have known of the existence of Aliens/UFo's since my early childhood. For me it is fact and there is no need for further proof or answers. Now here is the thing:

As a person who can say to anyone without a doubt that these things are real I am going to radically change my position and try to pursuade others to do so as well. Now listen why.

We are the only ones who know the truth. All of the other people have yet to experience anything. What if we all just started to deny it like everyone else and played along with the game. Yes aliens are real. Yes ufo's exist. But hey what can we do about it?

You have to admit this is an interesting idea. If we start denying it maybe something will change. Maybe just maybe completely switching our opinions and useing "Reverse Psychology" so to speak will provoke some change.

Its just an idea. I would love to hear your opinions.

[edit on 31-8-2004 by IXRAZORXI321]

[edit on 31-8-2004 by IXRAZORXI321]

[edit on 2-9-2004 by John bull 1]

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 10:34 AM
I have not personaly had a close encounter, but I do believe. I do admit to doubts about them visiting our world with the frequency professed. There will always be those who entirely disbelieve. That is until a ship stays parked over D.C. or London long enough to erradicate all doubt. The formation of craft that buzzed D.C. in the late 50's or early 60's did nothing more than stir up the poop for a few days. it's going to take alot to sway the die hard skeptics.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 10:55 AM
I'm not trying to sway opinions. I was wondering what people thought about believers lieing and saying Aliens/ufo's are not real. May be it would throw off what ever plot the government has.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 11:05 AM
Okay. Sorry 'bout that....

I was wondering what people thought about believers lieing and saying Aliens/ufo's are not real.

They suck?

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 11:06 AM
Naw, the Goverment will try harder by letting more "x" craft fly closer to population centers so that those people on the "fence" will be swayed into believing "ufo's" are real. Thereby maintainting the goverments control over "secret" projects.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 12:30 PM
Not that it's a dumb idea (since that's the topic of the thread) but this would never work. The gov't who is hiding such things wouldn't care if we all the suddon lost interest, or stopped beleiving. It would just make their jobs that much easier. Basically the only way, IMO, that the truth will be brought out is for the aliens to take matters into their own hands. It's all on them (theoretically) to make themselves known. Otherwise, never count on it being disclosed by the powers that be.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 12:35 PM
Eventually, it will be impossible for even the most ardent skeptics to ignore...

I too, know that we are being visited by craft not of this world...but I can wait for others to find out for themselves, or until the moment the secrecy is lifted...even if not in my lifetime...

I had one, and only one encounter as a child, and it was undeniable that it was unearthly craft. Since then, I've researched and read just about every book, article, document on it, seen just about every picture, video, etc. no matter how outlandish. It's helped my make more sense of it all, and to recognize garbage when I see it, as well as connect the dots and find corroborating evidence.

As to your question, no, I don't think reverse psychology would apply here.

The following is what I'd claim as a result of research (note, this is opinion)

1. We are being visited by at least one type of "alien" or EBE, commonly called the "Grays". (simply corroborating the most common data, eyewitnesses, government documents, government insiders testimony, etc.)

2. They seem to hail from the 4th planet of a binary star system called Zeti-Reticuli. (various sources such as government documentation, The Hill abduction case and starmap, various government insiders revelations)

3. The Roswell crash was an alien craft/s. (see before, eyewitnesses, even describing debris, official release by the US Army press corps, statements by key ranking military personnel, the Ramey memo, the events to follow, the inept Air Force coverup)

4. The Roswell crash is the event that completely restructured the US intelligence community makeup, and was when the concerted effort of a coverup was put into place. (shortly after, the Security Act, creating the CIA, separation of the Air Force, MJ-12 or MAJIC references, government documentation, compartmentalization and funnelling of all intelligence data through one channel (the CIA)...again, the inept AF coverup)

5. Most craft are disc-like and use a nuclear-type reactor, and a method of electromagnetic wave propogation to bend space/time and travel. (Government documentation, some even describing the layout of the interior of crashed UFOs, and corroboration with various governmental insider accounts, as well as abductee accounts, also the connection of diamagnetic elements such as Bismuth, the eyewitness accounts of ozone smell, etc. corresponding to the charged air)

6. There is some kind of deal in place, in exchange for keeping the secret...(common sense, some documentation, some insider testimony, but much of it conflicts...still enough to show that something is going on here dealwise...)

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 01:05 PM
Yes but it seems to me that if we all just let the issue go and started denying everything then the people who are activley trying to coverup everything would be out of a job. So we win by default you could say. Once they are gone the TRUTH could come out.

I'm just analyzing it as a war of them verses us and trying to find a way to win. Obviously the current strategy is failing.

[edit on 31-8-2004 by IXRAZORXI321]

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 04:59 PM
I think it is an interesting idea. The one flaw that i see with it is even if we all pretended to not believe anymore, i doubt anyone would even find out. I mean admit it, if you want something to be spread, you do not leave it in the hands of UFO believers. I didn't even know about half of the stories there are about UFOs until i started researching and joined this forum. The media just rejects what we (the UFO believers) tell them, so it would be close to impossible for non-believers to find out that we "don't believe" anymore since UFO info is just not spread around like other stuff is.

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 05:13 PM
Seeing as it's about lies...what if what you believe to be real is a lie? What if you believe what some/one/thing wants you to believe? As for the government knowing anything...heh heh...thats prolly more credit than they deserve...or am I lying? They may be real to you...(now don't take this the wrong way, it's more directed at whatevers or whoevers)...but I could not give a rats a.s.s about them. So they have flying they do this or that...whoppdee frigging doo, not impressed, whatever they/it are...they are cowards...(makes the chicken noise) _____ off back where you came from.

[edit on 1-9-2004 by Zero Point]

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 05:16 PM
I do not believe in them. It is simply a cover story for the US to test out manmade aircraft.

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 05:20 PM

I do not believe in them. It is simply a cover story for the US to test out manmade aircraft.

Amazing idea... And how was the US testing aircraft back in the Renaissance, when it didn't even exist yet? (You'll see several such period art clearly depicting UFOs...)

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok

I do not believe in them. It is simply a cover story for the US to test out manmade aircraft.

Amazing idea... And how was the US testing aircraft back in the Renaissance, when it didn't even exist yet? (You'll see several such period art clearly depicting UFOs...)

Yea aliens have been sighted dating back to the times of caveman (cave-drawings on walls depict UFO type objects) and there wasnt even a government back then to create conspiracies. so saying that the whole idea of aliens is a government hoax/conspiracy is just not believable. although some individual UFO sightings could be made up by the government.

For example, this just got me thinking, a book i am reading talked about the Roswell crash and how it was really the U.S. government testing out sum new high tech aircraft. then when it crashed, the whole world new about it, and to prevent them from knowing that the U.S. has sum new developed aircraft, they point the finger away from them, and said "it mustve been an alien crash" then they tried covering that story up to make the public believe it more. I'm not saying i agree with this idea, just saying that government conspiracies might be true. But the whole idea of there being aliens is definetely not a gov. conspiracy.

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 05:41 PM
It means that the artists of the times were very imaginative. Leonardo Da Vinci had designs of flying machines. It is also possible that many others dreamt of flying.

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 07:21 PM

Amazing idea... And how was the US testing aircraft back in the Renaissance, when it didn't even exist yet? (You'll see several such period art clearly depicting UFOs...)

Ok lets assume that the mystery has always been here (not that I think cave art is by any means ET)...ever considered that it might be just a little more profound than Aliens from outer space? here's a passage from one of my favorite books that sort of says what I mean alot better...yeah it's fiction but it sums up what I mean:
"They were wedded to the straightforward assumption that the so called aliens had a scout ship and the larger body of aliens would be along soon. And yet Will's original intelligence estimate indicated that they had been here for at least sixty years prior to 1947. A search of folklore and legend would have turned up suggestions that their presence was much older.
So the Roswell crash might not have been a scout ship from another planet on an initial reconnaissance mission. For the same strange reason that Will wouldn't admit the strangeness of his own experience, none of them would address that possibility.
They prefferred to pretend that they knew what they were dealing with, and invasion was something they could understand"

Whitley Strieber

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by Zero Point
(not that I think cave art is by any means ET)

when i was talking about cave art depicting UFOs, i didnt mean that the actual cave paintings were ET, just that the cavemen that made them, obviously had UFO sightings, since they painted about them.

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by IXRAZORXI321
I have known of the existence of Aliens/UFo's since my early childhood. For me it is fact and there is no need for further proof or answers. Now here is the thing:

As a person who can say to anyone without a doubt that these things are real I am going to radically change my position and try to pursuade others to do so as well. Now listen why.

We are the only ones who know the truth. All of the other people have yet to experience anything. What if we all just started to deny it like everyone else and played along with the game. Yes aliens are real. Yes ufo's exist. But hey what can we do about it?

You have to admit this is an interesting idea. If we start denying it maybe something will change. Maybe just maybe completely switching our opinions and useing "Reverse Psychology" so to speak will provoke some change.

Its just an idea. I would love to hear your opinions.

I am not certain about Flying Saucers and Aliens, but I know I have witnessed for myself a highly advanced Aircraft/Spacecraft at very close quarters, not more than 100 feet distance. The clarity of my witnessing this is far beyond any published photographs which are mostly blurred hazy lights.

Think about it as approximately a 60 degree angle just above telephone wires in between two high rise buildings, with multi-colored lights on the bottom and basically black in appearence. It moves gently away, then it is gone.

You ask me how something can just "be there," then go behind a high rise building, then "not be there," in a matter of about 15 seconds. I cannot understand it fully, but I was not afraid, simply astonished knowing at that very time "these things are really real." This was about April of 1983 in Waikiki on Ohua Avenue from the right hand side of the street facing the twin Banyan towers. It was about 10 or 11 O'clock PM, and I continue to parse my journals of that time for a precise chronology. I only wish someone who was there and saw it would touch base.

'nuff said...

[edit on 2-9-2004 by SkipShipman]

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Josh Man
I think it is an interesting idea. . The media just rejects what we (the UFO believers) tell them, so it would be close to impossible for non-believers to find out that we "don't believe" anymore since UFO info is just not spread around like other stuff is.

Yes but My Idea is for us to switch sides in order to help get at the truth. Like you said they don't believe us. But if we become them then maybe just maybe.

Listen, if the whole community suddenly quit arguing and just said "your right" and let it go. Then whatever "AGENDA" they have planned may get messed up and bigger and better sightings will occur. I think most of us do this out in the real world anyway out of fear of redicule.

I guess I should point out that I belive the "AGENDA" is to deny and ridicule everything until the the world as a whole is mentally stable enough to forget their RELIGIONS and except the TRUTH. We still can't get along with people of a different color in this world. Let alone anything else.

As far as that religion statement goes. There are so many different religions if you just did the math and figure that only 1 religion was right then the other 80% of the population believe a lie.

[edit on 2-9-2004 by IXRAZORXI321]

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 01:37 PM

This sighting helps to show what I'm saying. He appears to be credible simply because he said he did not believe in such things. Had he said he was a lifetime UFO buff it would be dismissed much more easily.

[edit on 2-9-2004 by IXRAZORXI321]

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 08:14 PM

I guess I should point out that I belive the "AGENDA" is to deny and ridicule everything until the the world as a whole is mentally stable enough to forget their RELIGIONS and except the TRUTH. We still can't get along with people of a different color in this world. Let alone anything else.

But is it the truth? Many UFO groups sometimes appear to be nothing but Nu Religions anyway. Videos and photos may look the biz, but until you have an irrefutable physical artifact, or one of these TRUE ETs turn up on Letterman to inform us retarded non-believers of the TRUTH...I for one shall keep on questioning and hedging my bets. Could you be a little more specific with 'The Truth' as you see it?

[edit on 2-9-2004 by Zero Point]

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