posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 08:22 AM
These are recognized symptoms of being a womb twin survivor:
1. Most probably left-handed. If you are right-handed you may not belong here.
2. Dixlesyc and/ or scoliotic, dermoid cystsm, organs with anomalies
3. Possible obesity or mild eating disorders
4. Has suffered from depression
5. Likes looking at mirrors, or they are afraid of their own image
6. They are narcisists and tend to think for themselves, they are needy and they like to be helped, they depend from others
7. Less mature than actual age
8. Homosexuality more possible here
9. Fear of abandonment, letting go, death
10. They search for one relationship at a time, only, but they also tend to be absent for some time
11. They can have a very active and busy life, trying to live for two
FRATERNAL/MULTIPLE TWIN SURVIVORS: ( Orders triplets and quadruplets )
1. Most probably left-handed, but also right-handed
2. Dixlesyc and /or scoliotic, dermoid cysts or organ anomalies
3. Most probably has had a eating disorder
4. May feel guilty for no apparent reason
5. They search for groups relationships, they want to be around lots of people
6. They are secretive, not easy to know, they want independence and privacy
7. They hide their identity behind false attitudes
8. Strong feminine side or for girls, they can have a " boy " side
9. Fear of abandonment, death and letting go
10. They have strong habits
11. Less mature than actual age
12. They feel a almost compulsive need to help people, they are very altruistic and can make sacrifices for other people
13. Most of their infancy they had immaginary friends
14. They get along with twins, easily, they find them cool, and they tend to have friendships with other womb twin survivors