posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 08:35 AM
95% of the work I do on my home pc is video/audio based. I do not use a laptop for that type of work. I built my own PC adding a good high memory
video card and also a good sound card with a breakout box so i have direct connection to the sound card on the front of the pc..
that said, you do not need an expensive program to do your video. I have used windows movie maker and I do get a good video and enough control for
most purposes, especially with slide shows but video files can also be added. Movie maker will render files which are burnable on standard dvd/cd
burners into normal DVD formats. There are several free programs that will also convert formats such as avi files to say a flash file.
You do need a decoder for DVD burning. that is my decoder came with my burning software. I use Nero. But I have used free programs in the past I
downloaded that also worked fine.
I own and operate a Christian web site that has a new flash movie imbedded that was made in windows movie maker, then converted to flash. It
actually had to be downsized to render it into flash for website viewing.
so for me windows movie maker did work fine.
but I do intend to download Avidemux as suggested by WorstCaseScenerio (thanx WCS] and give it a go.
I have never tried AVID but i do own ADOBE Premeire Which is very powerful. It will do most of what you want, but it is like many other programs
and requires a lot of time and effor to learn..somewhat pricey. so for simple projects I still go back to windows movie maker. For intricate projects
I use Adobe.
. .
Try that Avidemux as WCS suggested...its free and what do you have to loose?