posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 12:58 AM
Explanation: Hi-Ho!
Hermit The Blog here ...
I was watching a youtube vid on "The Five Basic Forms Of Government Explained"
[Note I havent embedded it as its just the inspiration for this thread and I am only focusing on a very small part of the vid]
.. and I came across a graph used in that vid [linked above] that basically showed Total Gov on the left and No Gov on the right and it occured to me
to use that graph to represent what I think would be a FAIR Tax Rate to pay for the level of nannying we would get in return.
[Note I have edited the screen grabbed picture to include the words "Tax Rate" ]
Under this proposed new recipe ... what tax level would my fellow members be willing to pay?
Personal Disclosure: I would also like to point out that I can also see that graph as a responsibility map in regards to who is ultimately legally
responsible (to the degree of control) if anything goes wrong!
So with 100% Tax and 100% Gov ... if I stub my toe for any reason... thats their fault!
P.S. I hope this threads issue is a tasty one!