While there are some messages put in animes, about the world and cosmos, bear in mind its related to 4D, and duality, and warfare still.
We're here for the next level indeed, past the duality,and that takes alot of kindness, and the Spirit of Peace and Love, it takes really viewing the
opposite side, or those harming, as children, kiddies still. Because the Higher Ups watch over the kindergarden, and they do forgive, and would wish
no one to harm or consquently harm themselves by harming, and want us all to grow up. But they are Unconditional Love and patiently wait for the
moment(s) when the younger ones, immature ones, will grow up as well. That takes service to others.
In meditation, with the energies that have been impouring for some time, years, we can become overwhelmed by them. Headaches are not uncommon. You
may need to sleep more, or take naps. If you are feeling very high, buzzed, taking a bath, or doing dishes, connected to WATER, the grid, and asking
questions over and over then releasing and going zen mind, can bring some real experiences and insights.
Also if you're really seeking to connect to Love and Goodness and asking for help overcoming self to help others, regularly, these energies can make
your frequency skyrocket at times, and connect to more of self, more memories leak through. Or even if someone around you, or online/video, is being
kind. This can open windows, it seems to be the love channel that does it, to actually sensing them, who they are and that you knew them.
The Journey Over The Rainbow, Draw Forth Your Light
edit on 22-10-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)