posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 01:17 PM
I lived with three roomates for 10 months...and two of them would never clean a damn thing - we'd always have little house meetings and say "do this
this and this" and they'd say "yeah man, of course"....didn't do after the water in the kitchen sink turned black from god knows what
and everything in the kitchen was thoroughly dirty - meaning I didn't clean one damn things that wasn't mine for about 2 months...
I finally wrote it out - "You'll clean this mess up until it's spotless and you'll continue to do it every time you make a mess, and if you
don't, every day that sh*t sits there I'll charge you an extra $100 for rent" - and the fools signed it...didn't do anything for a day after that
- I charged them $100 each...they got the messege...I got a nice little discount on rent...and the problem never happened again
Living with other people made me become a friggin nut on getting things nice and crystal clear as far as how things will operate....and if you get the
sense they're no willing to cooperate, you write it out and make it official...