posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 08:55 PM
Many have heard of the ABC type personalities and their assocoation to certain diseases. However , reading a text book tonight revealed that studies
have linked high concordance rates between specific moods, attitudes and personality types to very specific health problems. As one who has always
been geared towards the holistic approach to medicine , and my favorite saying " That science will more and more align with spirituality" , I found
it interesting. I did a search and didn't see anything as specific as this . So sorry if it's all been said and done before .
I'm curious if any of this rings true to you ???
Source : Carol Ren Kneisl , Eileen Trigoboff " Contemporary Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing".
"Self sacrificing , masochistic, inhibited, perfectionist, and retiring. "
" Extreme Inhibition , covert aggression, marked dependent needs, a high need for affection and those prone to depression, anxiety and
disturbances of self- esteem ."
Peptic Ulcer
"hostility, irritability, hypersensitivity , and impaired coping ability"
Inflammatory Bowel Disorders
"compulsive personality lifestyle with the following features: neatness, orderliness, puncuality, indecisiveness, emotional guardedness,
humorlessness, conscientiousness, obstinacy, conformity, moral rigidness"
Cardiovascular Disease
" Persons who perceive lack of control over work situation, and experience high demands at the same time .lack of both job resilience and personal
Coronary Artery Disease
" anxiety and depression , a behavior pattern involving feelings of hostility and anger, work overload , life stress , and lack of social
Hypertension, cardiac dysrhythmias,cardiac neurosis
"people who have conflict between their dependent and aggressive inclinations which causes repression of all displays of anger or resentment. "
Skin Disorders
" Flare ups associated with :
generalized pruritus: aggression
genital and anal pruitus: sexuality
hyperhidrosis : anxiety
urticaria: anger
atopic dermatitis : longing for love
Does any of this ring true for anyone, or is it bunk science ? One can find a correlation between ice cream sales and violence but it doesn't
make ice cream the cause of violence. I'm just curious to hear what you all have to say!